New Superman film by 2011?

Posted by Rodneyon 09. 07. 2009in News Chat

So a while back the heirs to half of the Superman Estate, sued both DC Comics and Warner Brothers because they felt they didn’t get their fair share of the money trucks that the Last Son of Krypton brings them.

But they lost. The judge decided that while they have the rights to a share of income from the DC properties, the film rights were sold at a fair value to the parent company, and they already received their agreed share of that amount. They got a slice of any profit DC makes off the character, not WB (despite WB owning DC, it is a separate company/subsidiary) However, a side effect of the trail might actually be in a decision that could force them to move on a new Superman film. says:

Warner Bros. head Alan Horn testified at the trial about the future of the SUPERMAN franchise at the studio saying that while they “hoped” to make another film, “the property wasn’t under development” and “no script had been written.” Perhaps even more interesting was the court’s ruling that if Warner Bros. did not begin production on a new SUPERMAN movie by 2011, “the Siegels will be able to sue to recover their damages.”

I’m no lawyer, and this might have something to do with that guy who smashed my car who didn’t have insurance that the judge determined would be my butler.

Apparently the rights revert to the Siegels in 2013 and nothing with Supes in it can be made without licensing it directly from the Siegel and Shuster estates (so I expect a new contract before then to ensure DC/WB retains the rights) but all I got out of all that was that the LAW is going to make sure we get a Superman movie soon!!

Brandon Routh’s contract to play Superman expired because a sequel to Superman Returns (or the proposed reboot that potentially could have starred him anyways) never happened in the time frame.

Routh proved that the task of replacing Reeve’s Superman was doable (even if unlikely) but I fear that lightning couldnt strike that lucky twice, but thankfully Routh has said that even though he is not officially the Blue Boyscout on paper, if they call he would be more than eager.

I vote Routh, and I vote Reboot (or hire me to write the sequel as my idea is awesome)

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Rodney who has written 8280 posts on The Movie Blog

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70 Responses to “New Superman film by 2011?”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    I’d hire you John.

    I loved Superman Returns, and I personally think they should continue where Superman Returns left off. But that’s just me.

    • Matt Keith says:

      Same here…I also heard that Routh’s contract is over and he can’t be Superman anymore…unless he renews it.

    • Rodney says:

      Its not an issue of “cant” it is an issue that his contract that makes it so WB MUST use him has run out.

      Thankfully he is more than willing to start a new contract.

      And Dragonslayer, My name is Rodney. Not John. Just sayin.

    • Dragonslayer says:

      Can’t I call you John on this one?

    • Rodney says:

      Uh… no.

    • Dragonslayer says:

      Darn. Well I tried

    • HAZMAT says:

      Id be so pissed if people confused me for someone else as much as you guys do to Rodney.


      “FUCK! IM not John!”

      Rodney has some patience, i would have popped a long time ago^^^, i salute your coolness

    • ThePeter says:

      Agreed. They should continue where they left off after Superman Returns.

      However,… i’m willing to hear more about this awesome idea for a script.

  2. Fico says:

    Rodney…what was ur idea for the sequel? plot details…sorry if i missed it earlier…

    opinion - get Routh back on, Spacey as a background villain and get a bad-ass villain a la ZOD u can woop supermans ass…and have a sequel full of insane epic action - battles and shit flying everywhere…being the battle in space where superman tries to stop the villain from coming to earth…but supes fail…thatd be a great epic fight in space (almost never done)…then go to earth…

    id like to see a 2nd one where supes wins against the villain…but then at the end a chain reaction to him winning (lex luthor involved) cracks open wide the coming of DOOMSDAY…
    and leave that for a 3rd 4th film…get some superheros for thenext film…do the DOOMSDAY ARC on 3rd and 4th…

    thats my 2 bucks

    • Fico says:

      also. very important…u want to see ROUTH pissed off…very vulnerable superman having a point besides saving earth - to fight this big ass villain…that reason:

      when the villain gets to earth…he kills supermans SON at the beginning…BOOOM then he has both reasons…
      get the theme of being a hero and wanting revenge…
      that would be awesome…
      watch think guys?

      • dlobato35 says:

        I disagree with your idea about killing supermans son right off. In my opinion the second film should show supermans raising of his son, traing him how to use all his gifts for the cause of good. As he turn teenager, along with all other teenagers in this world, starts to rebel which pits superman against his own son. For the conclusion of my idea, let me know. I believe that the second film should just envelop the super father and son relationship and their ability to work together as the son grows.

      • Rodney says:

        That would be a bad storyline. Superman fails as a father? He has to fight his own son? Weak.

        Its all irrelevant. They are not sequeling Superman Returns, so it doesn’t matter anyways.

    • Derek 8-Track says:

      youre not the first to come up with the “kill the kid” plot. thats something we’ve all wanted for a long time… even in the Doug Nagy days.

    • Rodney says:

      Fico, in a nutshell my script that will never happen basically had a villian like Darkseid or someone inadvertantly kill Superkid and have Clark just lose his shit.

      Its easy for the most powerful man on the planet to just keep being nice and unbeatable, but can he beat his own instincts?

      Its a stronger judge of character to have him rise above his own rage and prove himself worthy of his character.

      Then have him kick the piss out of Darkseid anyways.

  3. cloud720 says:

    what about a smallville movie. the show has become godawful but i was more upset with superman returns than i am with that show.

  4. Rod says:

    I like Smallville too, but a theatrical launch just won’t happen…too many people dislike how they’ve screwed with Canon. Admittedly, I think it has potential, but you need a decent writing team and most importantly, a decent budget.

    This year started as VERY PROMISING, set up the finale last year with snippets of Doomsday only to drop the ball in the last 1/2 of the year and CHOKE HORRIBLY on the finale due to the $2.47 they spent on the climax scene.

    Personally, if they do another movie, I’d really like to see the “death of superman” storyline.

  5. alonewolf1 says:

    as much as i am a big fan of superman and the
    the superman movies for myself i think there
    has been enough solo superman movies good or bad
    5 total the same for batman 6 total

    i would like to see something different like justice league or have the big guy team up
    with other dc heros to fight the bad guys
    like the batman animated series the brave and
    the bold and i don’t mean making look like
    the animated series just the idea of different
    heros teaming up the way they did in the show

    these comic titles would be great to be made into movies and new to moviegoers i would like to see other dc heros get there chance in the spotlight green lantern movie is a great start maybe a flash movie to.

    marvel is letting all or most of there heros
    to get there chance to shine on the big
    screen dc should do it to.

  6. Fico says:

    Line breaks lol
    amyways thanx for ur plot recap.
    derek-8-track, i know i didnt invent the kill the kid plot, i just wanted remind people
    of it, as my opinion.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    Well, I would like someone to give me a call to write it too, Rodney. My idea ?

    no reboot/no restart

    I wouldn’t kill the kid. I’d turn him into a bad seed, and then Superman discovers that earth isn’t “exactly right”, as the planet is overseen by Mr. Mxyzptlk.

  8. Phil Gee says:

    In this rare instance, I would actually rather have a bad Superman film than no film at all for the next decade or however long it takes WB to make one.

    I’ve been saying for ages now that I don’t care who makes it or how, JUST BLOODY MAKE IT.

  9. JohnZDelorean says:

    DC is pure crap other than the new Batman and Robin series where Nightwing becomes Batman and Bruce Waynes son is the new Robin. DC is just very tights and cape heroism where Marvel is more street level and not as black or white with heroes and villains.

    • Alan says:

      The prob is DC sold most of there rights to diffrent companies lke Warner Bros. where Marvel didnt there movies are Marvel made. Stan Lee has says. But DC gave it all away. too many cook spoil the broth.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I think you’ve got it the wrong way around. All of DC’s prpoerties are owned by WB. Marvel is the one who sold their properties to other studios such as Fox, Sony etc. Only recently have they created their own studio to create their films themselves.

  10. bigsampson says:

    i agree totally

  11. HAZMAT says:

    Darkseid, Metalloh and Bizzarro vs Superman. Thats what this should be about.

    And: I never ever read about any superman kid…Ive read plenty superman comic books (not many, im not THAT into DC) and all my friends insist he wasnt in the comics…but…was he? I dont think Supes ever had a son.

    Oh and BTW!!!!!!!!
    They HAVE to go over how his glasses change his appearance in this movie.
    In the comics his lenses were crystals that made him look skinny and dorky, they were crystals from a meteor he came in and they were shaped like lenses so he put them on his glasses….they really have to explain that in the movie so my friends would shut the fuck up. Theyve asked me 10000000000 times why cant Louis recognize Superman when she sees Kent

    • HAZMAT says:

      Then of course in possible sequels have Doomsday.

    • methos says:


      Why Bizzaro? I thought you “personally hate him”?

      I like your picks, but three against one? Too many villains can be a bad thing. Any one of those heavyweights can cause Supes a headache by themselves, a three-way team-up might be pushing it. :-)

    • HAZMAT says:

      I do, but hes a main character.

      Its kinda lame you know? having a reverse hero…like Zoom


      People know Bizarro, peopel dont know who the fuck Metalloh and Doomsday are (i mean like…soccer moms and sciense teachers…normal people..the un-geeks) but Bizarro is pretty known…he was on the ESPN magazeene for christs sake!
      In the comic books he was lame, but in the movie i would really like to see a cool version of him…i mean he was on Smallville right? That might get him recognition from not-hard-core-fans

      (I never saw Smallville, my friend said Bizarro was in it, correct me if im wrong)

      Lol why 3 on 1?
      Because I dont like DC…theyre superpower heroes…i like Vigilantes..I like Nightwing, Rorschach, The Punisher…MOONKNIGHT!!! And Luther poses no threat to Supes in my opinion. (i know he does in the comics, but we all know that if WE were supes, Luther would never fuck with us)

      So what imn trying to say is that hes one of those characters that i hate…he cant be beat! Kryptonite? Really? Theres suspense with this guy, he could kill anyone in one second, so putting him up against 3 awesome villains would make it a better movie.

      I dont care how smart Lex is, if superman can fly around the world in 1 second then he can just fky around the world, fly through lkex luther, and lex luthers body would explode…and hell never even feel a thing. Not with Metalloh =]

    • methos says:

      Well, the beauty about Luther is his ruthlessness and intelligence (which hasn’t been fully tapped on film). It’s the classic brain vs. brawn scenario and that’s always fun to watch. But you don’t like him, that’s fine. Plus I am tried of seeing him on film, especially with such an interesting rogues gallery.

      Bizarro was on Smallville but beyond that I couldn’t tell you more. I stopped watching around season four.

      My fear with three villains is that there’s just too many characters and one, or more, of them will be under developed. Similar to Bane in “Batman & Robin” or Venom in “Spier-Man 3.” You may not care for DC but there people out there who do and don’t wanna see their favorite baddie handled poorly. Superman doesn’t need three heavyweights to battle. Hell, Darkseid and his Parademon troopers are enough to keep Supes busy for a two hour runtime. How about Mongul and Warworld? Brainiac’s got the intelligence and superhuman powers to stand toe-to-toe. There’s so many possibilities. lol

      I’m geeking out over Darkseid though, you can turn that premise into a trilogy! Darkseid attempting to invade Earth, Superman taking the fight to Apokolips, New Genesis! Good golly, it could be EPIC! ;-)

    • HAZMAT says:

      I like Luther if he were a Batman villain…but not Supes. Its just in the comics, everytime he beat superman at somehting it was something that made me say “Either superman is THAT dumb or Lex Luther is 1/1,000,000 lucky”

      Im 100% they can do it right, 3 villains is nothing. You only need a couple of minutes to introduce them, you dont even HAVE to. DTK had more villains then that.

      I do care for DC, its just that i like Marvel way better. I would hate it if they fuck up a Supes character, but just because i suggested 3 villains doesnt mean i want them thrown in there as a whatever factor and have them being ruined. They can make a great superman movie with 3 villains, i dont see why not. They already had a superman movie that had 4 villains, and it was fucking amazing.
      Sure 3 had the same origins but, my point with DTK stands. Hellboy (1 0r 2) also had a shitload of villains.

      But you do bring up a good point, youre sugesting they may not get into their origins that much and screw up the characters. What i suggest is that they say “Fuck the origins” and get right to it, we know where hes from, lets get to him fighting, and on the way show where theyre from. But thats just me. Im tired of hearing about Supes home planet or his past. Freaking fight someone already.

      Hm…ive never heard of Warworld, and i never liked Brainiac. But Brainiac would be awesome

      The apocolips idea is gold though. It would be pretty raw if they call it “Superman: New Genesis”

      As long as they dont have that huge King Kong gorilla dude that shoots green shit out of his eyes. I forgot his name…

    • HAZMAT says:

      “But brainiac would be awesome”

      I meant to say Mongul. Mongul is freaking beast. Brainiac is lame.

    • methos says:

      Never heard of Warworld? Mongul and Warworld are synonymous with each other. lol

      Are you referring to Superman II which features Luther, Zod, Ursa, and Non? If so then you can argue that Luther was already established in the franchise with Superman: The Movie and the three Kryptonian criminals are rarely without each other and share the same background. Bizarro, Darkseid, and Metallo have little to no relation with each other. I’d like to see them fleshed out rather than thrown in the mix for Supes to pound on. Like my previous examples: Bane and Venom. Fanboys had a conniption because of how poorly they were handled. Bane was reduced to a thug and Venom was wasted. I’m not saying it’s impossible to handle three villains but why risk it? TDK really had only one major villain: The Joker. Everybody else is small fish. Maybe if TDK boasted Riddler, Joker, and Penguin successfully then I’d agree with you. I guess what I’m trying to say is a Superman movie with three MAJOR well-established villains would only make the film bloated, i.e. Spider-Man 3. Aside from his job hunting ghouls and the ilk, in Hellboy 1, Ilsa and Rasputin are a duo, rarely separated. Kroenen’s role in the comics is VERY small, but in the movie they amped him up and he’s unrecognizable apart from the outfit. But again those three are like General Zod and his cronies in that they share similar origins. In the sequel you really only had Nuada. lol

      I do agree we don’t need another Superman origin. I think it’s safe to say EVERYBODY knows who Superman is. Lets get into some destruction, more along the lines of Superman II! Superman screams EPIC, and that’s what I’m craving! ;-)

    • HAZMAT says:

      Woah! Mr Tink and the Golden Army where villains also! lol

      Ive heard of warworld…the PLANET monguls from…but ive never heard of a dude named warworld…he sounds badass though lol

      Right, that was exactly what i was talking about, and i know they have no relationship but it could be tied together in a movie easily.


      Metallo (a journalist..i forgot his real name) gets into his car accident and professor Vale takes his brain and puts it in a robotic body powered by uranium, after seeing the uranium doesnt work, he uses Kryptonite and orders Metallo to kill superman, like in the comics, Metallo thanks him for saving his life by snaping his neck. Then he goes back to Loius (who was his love interest) and also seeks revenge because superman killed his brother.

      Darkseid wants to gain control of Apocalips so he kills his brother and becomes Darkseid with the Omega force, and goes to war with New Genesis. then he wants the whole universe to be shaped like he wants so he goes after Earth, being sure we hold the key to the Anti-Life Equation. And then he comes accross supes.

      Bizarro…his origins are fucking lame, i never liked him, i dont want his origins in the movie, i want them to change them a bit so hes not completely wack… im sure that they can do something for him in the movie, and make him evil, not stupid and retarded. I mean i can picture bizarro being badass…but in the comics he was so dumb it was emberrasing… his origins sounded like they were thought up by a 6 year old, im sure they could do better in the movie. I want a badass bizarro fighting superman in the next movie. lol.

      And all these people have one thing in common, they wanna kick Supermans ass. If you want we can even get Mongul in there, hes pretty badass. And then…in the next movie…have Doomsday….mmmwwaaaahahahaah…..MMWWAAAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    • methos says:

      holy shit dude, that’s a lot of story for a feature film! lol

      Oh, I did mean Warworld the planet. Hmmm, just like in Superman Returns: The Video Game, in the beginning Supes fights on Warworld. That would make a badass movie.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Well i like long movies. When it comes to shit i love (Transformers, Marvel, DC, Harry Potter) i like the movies to be LONG. Not like King Kong long…like..ROOTS long

      Not “TDK” long…”Hamlet” long

      Not “LOTR” long…”Gone With the Wind” long

      Not ‘The Godfather” long, “Once Upon a Time in America” long

      You get what i mean.

      BTW why cant cool movies be long? Like Hellboy or Fight Club? Why are boring ass documentaries have to be the long ones?

    • methos says:

      I believe the reason has something to do with moolah. The shorter the movie, the more showings in a day, means more tickets sold. Or so I read once long ago. Maybe it’s because some kiddies can’t sit through a long ass movie. Heck, I don’t know If I wanna sit through a movie in the theaters for three hours.

      Your explanation as to why no one recognizes Clark as Supes because of his eyeglasses making him appear dory and skinny is outdated and no longer valid. The more current reason is Clark altering his posture, wearing over sized clothing, and adopting regular horn-rimmed glasses that diffuse his unnaturally blue eyes. Sucks, now your friends will be really confused. lol My DC Encyclopedia didn’t bring up the Kryptonian lens theory from the 70s, so I had to go online to find that article. (Though I do VAGUELY recall such suggestion). Apparently the theory was abandoned soon after implementation because of flaws. Bummer.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Lol whaaaaat?

      The lens thing was gold! It explains everything! If you were banging a superhero and he/she wore no mask…but in order to hide him/herself from being known he wore glasses…im sure youd notice…

      “Superman? wtf are you doing here? why are you wearing glasses dude?”

      The lenses thing i think was cool

      the only thing thta made me think it was stupid was that the krystals HAPPENED to be shapped like lenses…i would have liked it if supes made them out of that stuff…

      Fuck the kids…they dont know who Bucky, Odin or Rorshach are

    • methos says:

      eh, wait ten more years then maybe the kryptonian lens will make a comeback. lol

  12. 3R!C says:

    They should get Brainiac. But are they going to bring Kate Bosworth back as Lois? Or are they going to pull a Dark Knight and replace her with another actress?

    • Matt Keith says:

      I hope they replace her.

    • HAZMAT says:

      They should keep alive the tradition of making Louis younger every time a new movie comes out every 10 years.

      I say they get the chick from Juno to play Louis this time.

  13. Ifaz says:

    I did not like ‘superman returns’ that much but I want a sequel. I think they should ask Brandon Routh to do this one[he is not a star but I like him]. And Kate Bosworth should be there as well. I know Kevin Spacey is a great actor but I personally think they should not bring him in this superman movie.

  14. aaronite_1 says:

    I think they should keep Routh and ditch everyone else. I did like Returns, but I think it’s time for a “Superman Begins”.

    Sure, it might confuse people for two seconds, but so what? I’m sure that some people scratched their heads about Judy Dench playing “M” again in the Bond reboot.

    Hell, why not use Erica Durance as Lois?? She’s a superior Lois without a doubt!

    They could probably make a great movie by rewriting JJ Abram’s script (ie: eliminating the bad stuff, keeping the good) now that he’s flavour of the month.

    • Rodney says:

      Bond wasn’t a REBOOT. This is just an earlier Bond story, and does not start a new franchise. This is not a different Bond, just a different actor telling his origin story. Its a prequel.

      And you cannot use any Smallville actors to play their roles in a Superman Reboot. You cant.

    • methos says:

      I see what aaronite_1 is saying, keeping Judi Dench as M doesn’t make sense continuity-wise, buy if it works then do it.

    • Rodney says:

      But Dench always WAS M so to replace her (without reason) in a franchise that is not a reboot makes no sense.

    • methos says:


      Dench wasn’t always M. In “Goldeneye” it was established she was the new M with new rules, and Bond (Brosnan) was already an established double-o with a reputation. It doesn’t make much sense becuase in “Casino Royale” she’s been M for a spell and the person who promotes Bond (Craig) to his double-o status. That’s what doesn’t make sense.

    • methos says:

      I apologize for the typos.

    • aaronite_1 says:

      @ Rodney: Casino Royale *is widely regarded as a reboot*, if you don’t believe me just google it. It certainly isn’t set in (or before) the 60′s (ie: Connery’s run).

      The intention was to jettison the continuity of all Bond films prior to it, and start afresh, hence - reboot.

      But seeing as the Bond series’ “continuity” was already abandoned long ago, I can see the argument to the contrary.

    • methos says:

      according to the director, Casino Royale is a restart of the franchise.

      • Rodney says:

        According to the director this is a movie that goes back to the start. He never says it replaces the current storyline, just that like all Bond films they tend to take place in the present regardless of continuity.

      • methos says:

        Campbell admits to a restart. isn’t restart another word for reboot? Doesn’t those two words mean the same thing in this industry? From an IGN article, Oct 19 2005, by Jeff Otto:

        Q: Does it restart the franchise?

        CAMPBELL: Yeah, I guess so.

      • Rodney says:

        And the Prequel Trilogy restarted Star Wars too.

        You are just splitting hairs. Its not a reboot. No history is ignored, its a prequel.

      • methos says:

        I’ll stop flogging this horse because we’ll still disagree in the end but lastly: I could argue the gender of M is alters Bond history. Though not clearly stated, one can infer from Valentin’s comments in Goldeneye that Dench is the first female M and recent successor. If that’s so then casting her as M in Royale ignores Bond continuity. Wouldn’t such change be qualified as a reboot? History is ignored. How about we find a middle ground? From Mi6-Home of James Bond, oct 2006:

        “Prequel, Reboot Or Retcon?
        So who is correct? Is “Casino Royale” a prequel, reboot, or retcon? The former may be the most commonly accepted term used by the media coverage to date, as the story harks back to the beginning of Bond’s career - but in modern times as opposed to the story’s 1950′s setting. Tabloids have latched on to the reboot concept due to the re-casting of 007 and the production’s apparent amnesia of the previous twenty films.

        The lesser known term “retcon” is perhaps the most apt description of what the film aims to achieve, though. Retcon - a fusion of two words “retroactive” and “continuity” is the adding of new information to “historical” material, or deliberately changing previously established facts in a work of serial fiction.

        Retcons are common in comic books, especially those of large publishing houses because of the lengthy history of many series and the number of independent authors contributing to their development; this is the context in which the term was coined, and aptly describes the Bond canon that has involved countless writers, directors and actors over the past 44 years.”

      • Matt Keith says:

        The fact that Dench play “M” is enough proof that its a reboot, b/c there isn’t a female “M” until “Goldeneye”, and even if there was Dench doesn’t play the role until “Goldeneye”.

      • methos says:

        Also, Bond doesn’t first meet Felix Leiter until Dr. No. Another bit of evidence to support the reboot.

    • aaronite_1 says:

      Reboot, restart, revamp, reinvigoration, yaddayaddayadda lol, that can be argued forever…

      In any case, what I mean to say is, just like it would have been foolish to ignore/replace Judi’s “new” (and superior) version of M in Casino Royale just because it could confuse that particular origin tale, it would IMO be equally unwise to hire a new Superman *if* they didn’t feel he worked *better* in the role than Routh.

      *Let* people be a little confused, they’ll get over it in two seconds - when they realise Clark is new to Metropolis, and is meeting (a different) Lois for the very first time.

      If they find someone *better* than Routh (possible), then that’s a different matter…

    • methos says:


      I agree with you that Casino Royale is a reboot. I wasn’t trying to argue the semantics of the word, I just like “restart.” lol

      Earlier I posted an excerpt from Wikipedia that states the movie is a reboot, but I see it was deleted. The wikipedia entry does provide a link to an interview with Martin Campbell who admits the film is a restart of the franchise. My intention was to inform people who are unsure as to whether or not Casino Royale is a reboot. It’s easy for one person to say “yes” and another to say “no,” sometimes validity is necessary. Like our man Rodney, he thinks Royale isn’t a reboot, so it would be nice to provide him with a link. You know what would really suck? If he replies with a link of his own that claims otherwise. lol

      In my opinion, Routh should be kept on board as Kent/Supes. He was pitch perfect and I honestly can’t think of a better actor out there who can pull off the role. Of course, there probably is a better thespian somewhere, I simply can’t think of one at the top of my head. :-)

    • aaronite_1 says:

      @Methos, I think you and I are in complete agreement on this matter :-)

      Let’s hope they cast the best possible people for the lead roles, and that they make a *great* Superman flick!

  15. Kristina says:

    He better pay Lois some child support.

    • HAZMAT says:

      All jokes aside I think Supes was a real douche in that movie. If youre planet is dead then…WHO CARES! Its destroyed! And then knocks her up, he leaves for 5 years and comes back…and he fucking stalks on her? I know you all are going to say “Oh but it was too hard for him to say goodbye…Louis is a bitch for going out with Richard”

      Hes Superman! Have the consiense of mind to put a freaking condom on!

      I think they nailed supermans human side and emotions in this movie…but he was still a bit of a prick. If people have to ask you “will you be around!?” 5 times and write articles about why they dont need you because you left, you know you did something wrong

    • FilmNerdJamie says:

      “Superman……YOU ARE THE FATHER!”

  16. methos says:

    Hey, I’m just going by what the director says. I still consider “Royale” a reboot along with “Sum of all Fears” and “Batman Begins.”

  17. HAZMAT says:

    They better not reboot it. In my book they havent tapped chapter 2/100 of Supes life and its been 5 movies.

    Rebooting it would be a step back IMHO

  18. Jeff says:

    Routh made an average Superman. But that was mostly due to the script and costume. There have been 5 Superman movies over the past 30 years. Superman II was the only interesting one and that was due to the villains from Krypton.

    Superman Returns had a great opportunity to reboot the whole story, just like Batman did, and they blew it big time. Anyone that likes it has never read some of the great storylines in the comics.

    Superman has been my favorite my entire life and it makes me sad that the idiots at DC can not figure out how to make him interesting.

  19. david green says:

    I have a great idea about the new superman movie Solomon Grundy would be a great choice of villian for the new superman movie his origin would make the movie believable and its not about special effects but a great story (case in point the batman)

  20. Kassiem Gibson says:

    Honestly….I think that if they just bring in DOOMSDAY! recreate the epic battle on the big screen, it could be the greatest movie of all time! I say……kill him! In front of MILLIONS! Let Doomsday have his day in the sun! I’m willin to bet…that after seeing that….people won’t even go to work the next day!

  21. Miss BrisLeeRoy says:

    I agree, that they should start where Superman Returns finished, plus allow Richard Donner to direct it. I finally got to see Superman II Richard Donner’s Director Cut, and I loved it better then the other. The story made a lot more sense, and we ladies never get enough of the romance.

  22. jagrut says:

    I want to hear more about this awesome idea of a “script”. Superman Returns was awesome and so I would also love to see a continuation of that. thats just me

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