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New Nightmare on Elm Street Poster Online

By Rodney - July 27, 2009 - 22:54 America/Montreal

This past weekend a new Nightmare on Elm Street poster was released, and it shows everything we would expect.

Freddy and his claws. What more do you need?

I love the blood imagery, and the picture hints at a more gritty realistic fire scarred face of Freddy. Despite the iconic imagery, I had hoped we would get something that would keep this along the same lines but still defines the look as a reboot. A more grusome Freddy face would do the trick.



  1. Rare Addict says:

    Looks fantastic. Yep, the picture definitely hints at Freddy’s face being more “gritty.” I’m lookin’ forward to getting a better look at the villain’s face.

  2. Rare Addict says:

    Looks fantastic. Yep, the picture definitely hints at Freddy’s face being more “gritty.” I’m lookin’ forward to getting a better look at the villain’s face.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    What more do I need, you ask?
    How about something better than a high red contrast??
    Something less Texas Chainsaw?

  4. mikecan2 says:

    I want another Freddy Vs. Jason! But I’m probly sad and alone on that so…

    • Matt Keith says:

      I hope that they don’t make a sequel to “Freddy vs. Jason”, and if they I hope they make it entertaining instead of just a piece of shit like the first.

    • mikecan2 says:

      Hey, hey, the first one had some enjoyable moments. I don’t want a sequel persay (don’t know how to spell that but that’s how I say it) but I just want to see them on screen together again. Unless they do the Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash.

    • Matt Keith says:

      I read the synopsis of Freddy vs. Jason vs. Ash of of wikipedia and it sounded pretty good.

    • mikecan2 says:

      It sounds retarded but awesome just like all these types of movies. Glad you agree.

  5. Dragonslayer says:


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