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New Jonah Hex Poster Online

By Rodney - July 27, 2009 - 23:06 America/Montreal

In the first of a series of two posts I will do about “guys with scarred faces” I present the first poster for Jonah Hex that hit the net yesterday.

Ok, now I drool over Megan Fox as much as the next guy (and yes, I am convinced all you haters who troll the net looking for Megan Fox posts so you can point out her toe-thumbs secretly find her attractive despite your insistance she isn’t “all that”. Maybe she isn’t your cup of tea, but its hard to deny shes got the looks) but honestly it makes me worry about the movie when they cannot just make the poster about HEX.

Why is Fox so predominately featured here? Because they are hoping the drool factor will make you want to see this. Forget that there is a badass scarred up muthafucker with a pistol ready to bring us some awesome action western story with a twist. No, that’s not enough. In fact, sihloette that bastard in the foreground and make sure we got some of Fox’s boobies in the poster.

Hey I am all itching to see Fox as an old west saloon harlot, but honestly I was hoping they didnt have to go this way with the marketing.



  1. bigsampson says:

    love brolin but dont really like fox…yet this seems to be something that would best suit what little acting she can do….cant wait.

  2. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    damn i hate this poster…and the font seems off as well. i wouldve liked a more western themed poster, or even a WANTED poster with hexs mug on it. oh wells

    • chris.....the real one (also a black guy) says:

      it also gives me a league of extraordinary gentlemen feel…and thats not good

    • Robb Wo says:

      Has anyone seen any sort of script? Is the sharper, ‘futuristic’ font possibly a hint that we could see a ‘future’ storyline? Would that be a reach? That would explain the poster, maybe I’m just hoping they didn’t do a lousy poster, but instead giving us a little hint? Or is it all gonna be set in the Old West, and I’m giving them too much credit?

    • Jake says:

      Maybe the blue aura compliments Fox’s complexion.

  3. sal says:

    what??? she’s got toe-thumbs?? I’m ghoulishly intrigued, I’ll try not looking at her face next time and concentrate on getting a glimpse of those thumbs. Thanks :-)

    • Gerlach says:

      Yeah, her face…

    • chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

      thats her sexiest feature (face) her body is nothing to write home about

    • Jake says:

      Unless you like an hourglass waist, long and smooth arms, elegant legs, and large, firm, breasts.

      Did I just say that?

      Not to be inappropriate, but I’m just trying to make a point. If Fox doesn’t have a good body by any standards, then who does? That is, in the acting world?

  4. Thos says:

    I believe the proper term is “clubbed thumbs.” That doesn’t make up for her being a terrible actress. Yes, she’s hot, blah-blah, but it’s the “Fox factor” that makes me not want to see this film.

    • Rodney says:

      Fox gets hired because shes pretty. That’s it.

      If she is in roles where she isnt required to act much and is just there to look hot, I dont mind.

      But I do get worried when she is in a film like Jennifer’s Body where she is the headlining star and will be responsible for carrying the film.

      Jonah Hex needed a hot tart to play the saloon harlot, so I don’t mind. But I worry when they use her as the draw to the film. Hopefully she is just eyecandy and the film holds its own.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Isn’t Jennifer’s Body supposed to be a campy 80’s style horror movie? I think her acting will fit in perfectly with it and this is another one that I have read some positive reviews on for those that have seen some special screening of several scenes from the movie.

    • Matt Keith says:

      “I think her acting will fit in perfectly with it”

      She can act?!?!?!?!?!

    • Jeremy K. says:

      She may not be a very good actor, but to say she cannot act is kinda ignorant. For a good campy 80’s style horror flick you don’t want good acting, so I why hire a good actor to act poorly when you can just get a bad actor to act as they normally do?

      For a good example of a real campy 80’s horror movie watch Student Bodies. She would have fit in perfectly with the cast of that movie.

  5. leeloo says:

    who dreamed this poster up- david goyer?

  6. Jeremy K. says:

    Everything that I have read from the Comic Con says that the scenes they should from this were nothing but amazing. A poster is just a poster and rarely does a movie justice. I just hope the scenes that have been show are representative of the movie as a whole.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Damn my not proofreading what I type: should = showed and show = shown. Double fail on my part, sorry!

  7. Stormy says:

    I like porn stars too, but I don’t want to watch them act.

    • chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:


    • Jake says:

      Um, yes you do. That’s essentially what porn is. And though I know it’s a corrupt industry, I’m sure you have to be good at it.

    • Stormy says:

      OK Jake, thanks for the Semantics 101 lesson. Point being, nobody expects porn stars to be good actors, just hot, well-endowed, or willing to do things that the average person is too embarrassed or repressed to do themselves. They play to their strengths, and so should Megan Fox. If she wants to put her formidable “acting” skills to work in the next installment of DP Dynamite, I’d watch that.

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    Damn that corset is TIGHT! Is that Megan Fox or Jessica Rabbit???

    BTW, I agree it should have more of a wanted poster and/or western look, and that Brolin’s look in the tease poster is fine, Fox’s cleavage and size 0.1 waist is a distraction. Now Warners, if you really wanted folks to talk about this, then you should have told the graphic designer to point the Colt at least, say, 45º

    I’ll let the int’ friends ponder what I mean by that.

  9. Ray Flaherty says:

    I`m excited to see this movie because i`ve been impressed with Brolin as of late. HE was fantastic in No Country and also very underpraised as Bush in W.

    Fox is nothing special, there`s tons of women in holywood just as attractive who can actually act.

    • killface says:

      rachel mcadams, rachel weisz, amy adams, yep hes right. but fox plays her role, i dont think people take the movies shes in seriously. they’re usually stupid, fun, popcorn summer flicks, tho i dont know if this hex should fit into this category

  10. AARON says:

    Don’t be too concerned about why it isn’t just Hex on this poster Rodney. We all know why she’s on it…

  11. Robb Wo says:

    what’s she holding?

  12. nbakid2000 says:

    She’s holding a knife/dagger, it looks like.

  13. nbakid2000 says:

    Is anyone noticing her weird mouth on this poster? Her teeth look…not right. So do her lips. In fact I’d say she’s pretty unattractive in the face all over on this poster.

  14. Derbmeister says:

    whadya talkin about, Brolin takes up at least 2/3 of the poster… AND, you get to see his gun!

  15. bjon86 says:

    Dude, Rodney, of COURSE they went that way with the marketing. Any guy would have looked at this poster if it didnt have Meagan Fox and been like “that looks like it would be cool. maybe I’ll check it out” BUT with Fox on the poster as well, shit any guy is gonna look at this poster without having even SEEN a SINGLE TV spot or clip and be like “oh shit! I GOTTA see this!”

  16. EZELL says:

    Cant wait for a trailer

  17. louisgamers says:

    that’s the wired thing like a month ago i first herd they were thinking of makeing this project next thing you have a cast and poster?

  18. louisgamers says:

    that’s the wired thing like a month ago i first herd they were thinking of makeing this project next thing you have a cast and poster?

    • Jeremy K. says:

      It’s already filmed and in post production. There is an interview from Comic Con with Brolin talking about the 45 days of filming and how if you took all the time he sat getting make-up applied every day it came out to over five days total of make-up application. Plus some scenes were shown at the Con, so even though it all seems sudden it’s actually been in the making for longer than it appears.

  19. Ifaz says:

    People seem to think that Fox can’t act because of her look’s. Yeah, she is not such a good actor but it is annoying when people say she can’t act. The poster looks awesome. Brolin looks badass and at last Fox looks hot.

  20. Lily says:

    I don’t mean to derive Jonah Hex, but this poster reminds me of a series about a boy wizard and the characters who show up for a couple of minutes.

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