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Little Better look at War Machine in Iron Man 2

By Rodney - July 29, 2009 - 07:53 America/Montreal

News broke over the weekend that we would indeed see War Machine in the upcoming Iron Man 2. Clearly hinted at when Rhodey says “maybe next time” to a prototype armour suit in the first film, the fans were waiting for it despite Favreau’s insistence that War Machine was not in the works just yet.

Oh the clever deception of directors!

Well fans at San Diego Comic Con got a sneak peek at some Iron Man 2 footage which included the ballistics heavy War Machine suit, presumably worn by Rhodey but as of yet, there hasn’t been a clear picture released online. Intrepid bootleg bandits that leaked the footage out captured the dark screenshot of War Machine, and I have taken the image and lightened it some to get a better look.

Its still not all that clear, and I am certain that we will get plenty of chances to look at the cast of Iron Man 2 in the coming months, but for now this is the best we get for War Machine.


  1. JimmyBoots says:


  2. AARON says:

    It is awesome

  3. Matt Keith says:

    Kick Ass

  4. BMTRN says:

    Are we certain that this is War Machine and not some other version of the Iron Man armor?

    I obviously wasn’t at SDCC, but the pic is pretty blurry.

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      The armor looks a little heavier(?) than the regular iron man armor, there is the arem gauntlet canon, though some other suits also utilize those, the shoulder and heavier arms/weapons/canons are still missing(?), but that does look like war machine.

    • bjon86 says:

      uuuuuuh also how bout the most obvious point???? He’s fuckin BLACK and SILVER!! UUUUH helLO!

  5. louisgamers says:


  6. War-Journalist says:

    Sweet! Thanx Rodney!

  7. ngraider81793 says:

    ya thts War Machine, they show Rhodey with the Mark II buying weapons from Hammer, then they show the suit.

    Excerpt from clip description:
    We see Justin Hammer, swaggering into a warehouse. He’s wearing a smart suit with shades, but has on white surgical gloves - evidently for handling weaponry - and has a heavy satchel bag draped over his shoulder. He gives off the impression of a man who tries very hard to be as cool and suave as Tony Stark, but doesn’t quite pull it off. We see that the man he has come here to meet is in fact James Rhodes, who has the Mark II armor sat on a bench in front of him. Hammer laughs when he sees it, pretends to kneel down and worship it.”My oh my, is that what I think it is?” he asks.”What have you got for me?” Rhodes curtly replies. Evidently he doesn’t like dealing with Hammer.If Hammer is aware of Rhodey’s dislike, he doesn’t show it. Grinning, he takes out a lollipop.”What haven’t I got?” he quips, putting the lollipop in his mouth and, rather than sucking on it, just

  8. ngraider81793 says:

    gets a hold of it with his back teeth and crunches it off in one bite.Hammer launches into a routine, cycling through a number of heavy-duty weapons, finishing with the biggest, an enormous gatling gun which, upon assembling it, he struggles to even hold upright. He tells Rhodey the gun has been given the nickname of “Uncle Gazpacho, or Puff the Magic Dragon.”"I’ll take it,” Rhodey says.”Take what?” asks Hammer.”All of it,” Rhodey replies.We then cut to a quick shot of War Machine flying through the night sky, unloading the gatling gun (which I THOUGHT was shoulder-mounted) at an unknown target. End of footage.

  9. Antonio says:

    I was in Hall H when they showed this (twice, per Cheadle’s request). It looked amazing and you can feel the energy in the room when they showed it.

  10. Matt Keith says:

    Hey Rodney,

    How come you didn’t post the pictures of Whiplash? I gave a link on the previous Iron Man 2 post that displayed a couple of Whiplash pictures as well as this one.

  11. Darren J Seeley says:

    Blurry picture, then lightened up.
    And I make out hints of red because of it.
    Thanks for jerking me around.

  12. ngraider81793 says:

    That IS War Machine. Rhodey uses the Mark II suit to make his suit. The suit is clearly firing off bullets. Iron Man uses repulsors.

  13. JAMES (hazmat) says:

    This is Ironman. War Machine isnt maroon and gold.

    • Rodney says:

      This is War Machine. It was even pointed out to the SDCC crowd as such.

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:

      Why is he red and yellow? He better be black and silver in the movie. This better be my eyes acting out or the picture being blurry and screwing up the colors.

    • bjon86 says:

      @JAMES(hasmat) Dawg are kiddin??? Its BLACK and SILVER!! WTF is wrong with people. Damn you people could find something to complain about in HEAVEN! STFU

    • riggs says:

      umm maybe because metal can reflect and its reflecting the sparks off the gatling gun?

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:


      bjom please tuck your skirt in, no need to get pissed off, so stop being such a child, were discussing a movie not insulting people.

      I was merely pointing out that its odd that if it IS war machine, hes red and yellow. And in my irrelevant opinion: i think its a pretty good observation.

      I also thought about that, but the theopry of the light is incorrect, gunfire would never reflect red against a silver surface, let alone black. maybe yellow, but not maroon.

      Perhaps its a prototype suit, i dont care if this one is red and yellow, that can always be a test suit or something similar, my beef is that i want to see the suit be black and silver at least once in the movie.

    • ngraider81793 says:

      look at the legs dude, the legs are flippin silver and look at the designs on the shoulders and legs, they match concept art for war machine

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:

      I understand.

      Once again, ill explain myself.

      War Machine is not RED!

    • ngraider81793 says:

      u must have an eye sight problem. the only red i see is from the flash his gatling gun is making. The suit is clearly black and silver. You’ve got to be incredibly stupid or color blind.

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:

      Again, theres no need to resort to insults. Youre being unreasonable and immature.

      So you see no red in this picture? The mask shows absolutely no gold?

      In your so righteous eye sight, there is NO maroon or gold in this image.

      You all see no maroon or gold.

      Okay, IM color blind. So be it.

      I could swear his torso is dark red and his mask is mustard yellow.

    • ngraider81793 says:

      naw i can see why u say its red and gold. but im saying he is black and silver. When u have silver and a flash it will reflect a gold color.

  14. ThinkHero says:

    Definitely was War Machine, and it got the biggest cheer out of everything shown in the trailer. People were going crazy.

    On a sidenote, Scarlett Johansson was super nervous when she was answering questions.


  15. Markus says:

    War Machine rocks! I defintely cant wait for this to finally hit the screens. Hope it doesnt get leaked like the Wolverine movie. But seriously! Even if it does, this will still earn lots!

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