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Kong: King of Skull Island Adaptation Coming

By Rodney - July 27, 2009 - 22:46 America/Montreal

There are a number of King Kong films out there, and there is soon to be another. No, not a sequel to Peter Jackson’s King Kong, but an adaptation of the novel Kong: King of Skull Island.

Filmofilia says:

Spirit Pictures picked up the rights to the book “Kong: King of Skull Island,” a prequel to the well-known tale of the big ape - King Kong.

Written by Joe DeVito and Brad Strickland, the book focuses on the backstory of Skull Island and how the giant gorilla got there, it also introduces other duper-sized simians and dinosaurs only hinted at in the previous films.

So clearly with a line like “dinosaurs only hinted at in previous films” would mean that this is a prequel of some other film that wasn’t Peter Jackson’s King Kong since the TRex played a pretty big part in the action scenes with Kong.

Jackson’s Kong was visually stunning, and the very basis of a prequel would remove pretty much every element of the film that I didn’t like (namely the people parts) so I would be willing to give it a chance, but I just don’t know what to expect.

They are calling it a prequel, but I wonder which version they are prequelling. Sounds more like they are just making another unrelated King Kong movie, but starting at the very beginning.


  1. DG Music says:

    meh…would work nicely as a prequel to Peter Jackson’s film…but thats me.

    I think audiences get used to seeing a particular face or a character be played a certain way and simply have a hard time dealing with ‘change’ so quickly (Punisher / Punisher: Warzone as an example)

  2. Valis says:

    prequel’s suck who cares.

  3. Machine says:

    Would be nice to see how all the other Kongs died out as there was a grave yard scene which left a big question mark.
    But still a giant ape’s fighting dinosaurs what else can anyone ask from a movie?

  4. JP says:

    Sounds exciting. If the story molds with what we have seen with Jackson’s version of Kong, I think it could do well.

  5. Matt Keith says:

    This sounds just retarded.

  6. Tim "Cloverfield" says:

    There have been many questions that the book answered. This could be great if done right!

    • DJHIPPIE says:

      What book…>?

    • Rodney says:

      Did you read the article?

    • DJHIPPIE says:

      No I scanned it, because for some reason this site and this site only always locks up ever since I got VIsta. “Compatablity Mode” somtimes fixes it. Anyone else have this problem.

      That said it seems the book is both “prequel and sequel” interesting might have to read it.

    • Rodney says:

      This site only? There is nothing different from this site than any other CSS site.

      It sounds like a setting or missing plugin on your computer. Lots of vista users come to this site daily and have no issues with it.

  7. JAMES (hazmat) says:

    Or they could have Godzilla be the king of skull island and he fights King Kong….who at the end becomes king of skull island by killing godzilla

    But naming it Godzilla vs King Kong is fucking stupid….so they named it Kong: King of Skull Island

    I dont know, im guessing, but its a good idea

    • Matt Keith says:

      I hope not, Hollywood fucked up Godzilla enought w/ their remake.

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:

      I love that movie!

    • Matt Keith says:

      Well its coming to Blu Ray on November 3. The only way I can like that film is if I don’t think of it as a Godzilla movie and if I don’t view that monster as “Godzilla”(b/c its not Godzilla).

    • JAMES (hazmat) says:

      Well, i dont want THAT godzilla in the king kong movie, i just want a bigger then usuall Trex to be named Godzilla so he can fight Kong in this movie, IF it ever gets made which i doubt

      I wasnt refering to that godzilla, that godzilla would rape king kong

  8. Darren J Seeley says:

    It does not have to be a 100% “prequel” to Jackson’s Kong film. The illustrated novel also has events that follow shortly after Kong’s capture, escape and death.

    BTW, wouldn’t Universal have any say in this? Or is this one of those grey areas regarding Kong and Skull Island? The studio would have to be involved in some fashion.

  9. ultra-magnus says:

    I KNOW i might be one of the only people, but i thought king kong was done well. sure the first hour sucked but where it was ghood it was GOOD

  10. Jeremy K. says:

    About the book this movie is to be based on as found on Amazon.com:

    “Authorized by the estate of King Kong’s creator, Merian C. Cooper, Kong: King of Skull Island is a lavishly illustrated novel that acts as both prequel and sequel to Cooper’s original novel. Created by acclaimed illustrator Joe DeVito, co-writer alongside top fantasy and science-fiction writer Brad Strickland (with John Michlig), Kong: King of Skull Island utilizes innovative layout and design to make for a unique, interactive storytelling experience, remaining true to the classic Kong legend while illuminating new discoveries that will deepen the original story.”

    This is a prequel based on the original works by King Kong’s creator.

  11. bjon86 says:

    I think they’re just saying it’s a prequel to the already well known Kong story.

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