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Inspector Gadget: Book of Shadows Trailer

By Rodney - July 28, 2009 - 16:44 America/Montreal

ComicCon offered a number of great moments and announcements that every site is currently blogging their asses off with, so while we liked to share some of that too, we wanted to also share something that ISN’T happening.

But I wish it was.

Video Games - E3 2009 - Attack of the Show

This fake trailer is genius, and with a little polish, I would LOVE to see that movie come to pass.


  1. Matt Keith says:

    I saw this when I watching the coverage on G4, and freakin loved it.

    “Go Go Gadget…dead” pretty funny.

  2. Jamal says:


  3. Darek-T says:

    Wow that seemed like really good production for AOTS

  4. live2question says:

    meh, it’s from the movie “Taken” though

  5. slumdog94 says:

    Why does mostly every movie coming out now has to have an expanded title, Transformers Revenge of the Fallen, GI JOE Rise of Cobra, Night at Museum Battle of Smithsonian, Ice Age Dawn of Dinosaurs, and they have nothing to do with the plot 5/10 times,the Fallen had about ten minutes of screen time, why can’t we just go back to the good old days when movies were entitled just as they were and sequels only had numbers in them.

    • Rodney says:

      This naming convention is nothing new. They have been doing it for decades.

    • slumdog94 says:

      I know but they used to also include the numbers(Terminator 2 Judgement Day) now they’ve just eliminated the numbers.

    • EZELL says:

      Conan: The Barbarian, Conan: The Distroyer.

    • slumdog94 says:

      I guess I’m wrong, actually now that i think about it a lot of sequels didn’t have numbers, Indiana Jones, Aliens.

    • slumdog94 says:

      batdan i watched the video and i agree, i don’t hate elongated titles but i would prefer them to have numbers in them, but as soon as he started ranting about the zombie movies i got lost

    • slumdog94 says:

      I watched it before the video got pulled and i havent been online all day, dont know what happened to it

    • slumdog94 says:

      “I watched it before the video got pulled” I meant to say “link” instead of “video”

    • Rodney says:

      Links get caught in the spam filter.

      You are not “underclass slum”.

      Sometimes if we catch it before the spamfilters do we approve it, otherwise it gets turfed.

      Just better not to post links

    • slumdog94 says:

      Cool thanx for the advice

  6. BeautifulMess says:

    Olivia and Kevin make my life whole.

  7. batdan says:

    anyone else find kevin absolutely annoying?

  8. mikecan2 says:

    I liked the cat noise at the end.

  9. travis says:

    THAT WAS FUCKING AWESOME! nice way todo a taken parody

  10. aaron says:

    Hey, is there any chance you could create two lists of movies for us,

    1. The most under-rated movies since 1990.

    2. Films you must see (Since 1990)

    That would be great!

  11. Dragonslayer says:


  12. Geno says:

    I loved it! Kevin’s hardcore voice was great! It would be even better if the real Dr. Klaw (Frank Welker) did the voice for the spot it would be uber great! AOTS does have their moments.

  13. ThePeter says:

    Nice video! Well done.

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