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How Much Will Bruno Make This Weekend?

By John - July 10, 2009 - 10:41 America/Montreal

I’ve mentioned before that despite the fact that I’m a HUGE Sacha Baron Cohen fan (Borat is one of only 4 or 5 films I’ve given a perfect 10 out of 10 to, and I think he was the absolute best and funniest things about Talladega Nights) I’m just not looking forward to Bruno at all. To me the novelty of this style died with Borat, and this just looks like another Borat with a different accent doing the exact same things that he did before.

But with the popularity and success of Borat… and with a pretty funny trailer… you know Bruno is going to do some pretty good business. The question is: How good?

Nikki Finke raises that question over at Deadline Hollywood:

Based on $1.6 million in post-midnight shows in nearly 700 theaters this morning, and pre-sales for its weekend release into 2,757 North American theaters, Brüno looks like a big low-cost hit for Universal. “If it holds up, we’ll do $50 million,” one insider tells me. “Yet this is a movie that people may or may not attend spontaneously.”

So my question for you guys is this… how much do you think Bruno will make this weekend? Will people flock out in big numbers to see it? Will it disappoint? Think $50 million sounds about right? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.


  1. The Pope says:

    I am going to go see it. The guy did great things with Borat and though this seems to be the same thing; that wouldn’t exactly be a bad thing with all the crap out now (Transformers).

  2. Rodney says:

    If I recall, Borat was one of the very few movies in history to actually sell MORE on its second weekend.

    Could there be the same hesitation here? People assuming it will just be recycled Borat material and not bother but then hear good things and go next weekend?

    Or would SBC fans make the effort to actually hit it out right away and let the chips fall where they may?

    • Ralph Eggleston says:

      But keep in mind Rodney that Borat had a platform release. Fox was still hesitant in releasing such a controversial film. It was released in its first week with 837 theatres, only to be released around 2,566 theatres its second week.

  3. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    I think this is going to hit right below 50 million the first weekend and then right under 40 million the second weekend.

  4. AARON says:

    I just have a feeling it’ll pull 40 M or close to that

  5. AndyS says:

    I’m seeing it in 30minutes and again tonight after work. I’m going to guess at 70 million.

  6. robertwolf says:


  7. tj says:

    I don’t think it will be as huge as people think it will. 26-32 is what im gonna say.

  8. Gutpunch says:

    I wonder how much walk outs and demands of refunds will affect the box office since I’m sure there will be loads of those. This film crosses the line so many times in terms of sex, gay sex and sheer uncomfortableness.
    Expect walk outs by the droves.

  9. Mykrantz says:

    I liked Borat, but I also have no urge to go see this film. I would guess it will open in the $30M-$35M range, because there really wasn’t a huge outcry for a Borat sequel, which is loosely what Bruno is.

  10. HAZMAT says:


  11. Angie says:

    This is something that you can watch at home with as much excitement. People also know what his schikt is and may wait. It’s not like it has special effects or great sound… I’m thinking 45 million.

  12. Ross Miller says:

    I saw Bruno today. I know I’m going to be in the minority but I didn’t like it. Not because I was offended by the content (Oh my will this thing shock and offend a boat load of people - there’s a scene near the beginning that will serve as tolerance test for the viewer), but I just didn’t find it that funny. A few of the most shocking scenes were really funny just because of the, “How the hell did Cohen get away with this stuff?!” factor but for the most part I wasn’t really laughing.

    But, again, I know I’ll be in the minority. People in the cinema were laughing throughout, and there was me ALL ALONE amongst them, wondering what was so funny…

    4.5/10 for Bruno from me.

    Oh, and as far as opening weekend goes, I’m going to say a decent $25-30 million. Not a flop, but I don’t see it smashing the box office, either.

  13. Dragonslayer says:

    It’ll probably make a good bit. I just won’t be one of those people who’ll go see it.

    I haven’t seen Borat yet, but I plan to.

    • AARON says:

      Borat is hilarious, lol the Running Of The Jews, where does Cohen come up with his??

    • Dragonslayer says:

      I heard the nude fight scene was funny.

    • HAZMAT says:


      Youve never seen Borat!?? CMON!

      Thats like saying youve never seen Fight Club, broh you gotta see it man

    • Dragonslayer says:

      I haven’t seen Fight Club either (great, I’m gonna regret telling you that)

  14. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    This was sick Hilarious. The Movie is bloody hilarisch.

  15. melbye says:

    It’s a R-rated movie about a gay austrian guy, i don’t think this will be a hit among mainstream americans

  16. Alfie says:

    I thought it was pretty average. There are some seriously hilarious parts. More funny then not funny but when a joke fails it falls really
    badly. Some of the film is incredibly unfunny that I am surprised it made the final cut.

    Mainly in the first section. There is some really unfunny parts although the scene with his boyfriend at home is awesome. The second half gets better espcially straight daves man slamming max out.

    It’s not terrible but it’s not great either. Nowhere near the same league as borat.
    My guess is they didn’t get as good reactions from people this time round because there is a faint whiff of desperation at times.

  17. Darren J Seeley says:

    It won’t make as much as Borat, it will , I predict, make around 40 million though over the weekend. That said, it is not a big budget picture; it will make some change back. It will be profitable even if it doesn’t hit #1.

    And that’s the bottom line, class or no class.

  18. Kiddo says:

    on the low end I’d predict 29 mill
    on the high end I’d predict around 44 mill

  19. leeloo says:


  20. bigsampson says:

    I live near frisco and seen it with a bunch of homosexuals around…they where laughing throughout the hole movie (some parts i thought where seriously just retardly not funny ) but at the end of the movie when they where coming out of it they where all hating on it….so funny that it makes them laugh out loud so hard so many times yet they all sat around at the starbucks next door talking about how it was so wrong….hypocrites imo.

  21. Adam says:

    I saw Bruno last night at the midnight showing. I thought it was hilarious. Certainly more shocking than Borat. However, I do think we will hear people say that Borat was funnier but I think that is only because we didn’t know what to expect with Borat whereas we all knew Bruno was going to be even more shocking. I think if Bruno would have been released first, it would have been the other way around. Regardless, I think $50M is about right. If it would have had a chance to be released on more than 2800 theatres and more like 4000 I would have predicted a $70M weekend for sure.

  22. Rich James says:


  23. Double D says:

    I hope it friggin’ BOMBS…Borat sucked, as does this Sasha Baron Cohen…I do NOT like him as an actor, loved Talladega Nights but he was the wrong person for that role…he sucks…his movies should not even be considered for a razzie award…I would rather eat glass while walking on hot coals while a 30 foot croc is waiting for me at the end so I can be eaten and passed out through their ass and then be covered in hot volcanic lava before I would EVER see one of his movies…he is NOT funny at all and it is a waste of film and money that they put his crap in theaters

  24. Antwon says:

    i went and saw Bruno the first time i could i loved borat and was expecting wonders from bruno. to my surprise the movie was horrible one of the worst ive seen i beleive it may make alot because people will think the same way i did with borat and all but second week sales will drop to an all time low

  25. The Jim Walker says:

    Maybe I’ll be way off, but i would guess it would come in at around 20-25 Mil. I dont see it at 50 mil or 70-80 as some have suggested.

    I dunno. We’ll see.

    • The Jim Walker says:

      30 Mil it is. Not too far off… And a few peeps here i think did say 30 mil.

  26. AARON says:

    Early estimate has it at 37 M

  27. Ken says:

    I think (hope) that people have gotten tired of on Cohen’s characters, and since Bruno does not add anything new to his franchise, my best guess is that he will bring in $30M, tops.

  28. Bergur says:

    I saw Bruno today and it was a huge dissapointment, I have to say. Borat was much better.

    It has some good moments though, but not enough, so in the end I was waiting for it to end.


  29. cloud720 says:


  30. Kristina says:

    I just saw it and when the penis starts talking to the screen, my sister ran out of the theater and did not come back for a while. It had some funny bits, but for the most part I was just uncomfortable.

    I also completely understand why GLAAD is so pissed off about this movie. If I were a gay guy, I’d be pretty offended. That cage fight scene was BRUTAL and really tough to watch.

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