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Ghost Busters circa 1954

By Rodney - July 29, 2009 - 11:20 America/Montreal

This is a silly fun look at what Ghost Busters might have looked like if it was created in the 50s.

A lot of fun, and certainly would have worked.

I was actually fooled for a bit until I started noticing familiar scenes. I couldnt believe that Ghost Busters was a remake and that I didn’t know about it! Fortunately my faith in my moviegeek status is restored when I started to recognize it was a clever mashup. Quite convincing.


  1. Joey says:

    Nice mashup indeed.

  2. Kevin says:

    I loved it. That was some great editing.

  3. Vito says:

    That was pretty awesome.

  4. TMS says:

    Very clever and I reckon that if they had made Ghost Busters back then with those 3 they couldn’t have chosen better.

  5. Dryer says:

    that what was the best “fake” trailer possibly ever made-kudos to whoever took their time to entertain us, thanks !

  6. Indiana Jones' Brother says:

    That was really well done! Funny stuff.

  7. War-Journalist says:


  8. Derek 8-Track says:

    Uncle Joey from Full House also voiced Venkman for a while.

  9. mladen says:

    fantastic, thanks for sharing this

  10. Viglin says:

    I know the two Bob Hope movies, Cat and the Canary and Ghost Breakers[both great movies]…but what were the other ones in the mix?????

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