First Look At Iron Man Mark IV Battle Armor

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 07. 2009in News Chat

The world is converged right now in San Diego at the annual Comic Con and one of the reveals has been Iron Man 2′s new armor. Vic from Screenrant was walking the floor and came across this display booth set up by Marvel showcasing the 3 versions of the Iron Man armor used in the first movie, and a brand new 4th outfit (clearly going to be used for Iron Man 2)

The cool thing about the display case is that the Mark III still has all the battle damage on it Tony suffered when fighting Iron Monger at the end of Iron Man 1.

I have a sneaking suspicion that Iron Man 2 just isn’t going to satisfy like Iron Man 1 did… but keep in mind I did originally think that the first Iron Man movie would be all that good and I was dead wrong about that.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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27 Responses to “First Look At Iron Man Mark IV Battle Armor”

  1. Adam says:

    Am I the only one not looking forward to this?
    And I am the only one who didn’t like the first Iron Man?

    • Matt Keith says:

      I love the first, but I’m sure there are others who don’t like it.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I liked Iron Man, but not nearly as much as most people did. Accordingly, I’m not as excited for Iron Man 2 as much as most people are, but I’m still fairly excited.

    • Gerlach says:

      Why, yes. Yes you are. :)

    • SlashBeast says:

      Kind of late.

    • Brandon says:

      It was a great movie…I never liked Iron Man untill I wsaw it…Yes, I know it’s late but I think I enjoyed it more the TDK

    • MandarinOrange says:

      I liked the first one but not as much as Batman Begins. This second one I am looking forward to but that is because I am typically and optimist and usually hope for the best in movies.

    • Governor says:

      I enjoyed it, but I thought it was kind of dull, had a very “been there done that” feel to it.

  2. Matt Keith says:

    Sweet!!!!! Is the second one to the left War Machine?

  3. ultra-magnus says:

    i cant really tell any difference but thats a good thing in my opinion

  4. HAZMAT says:

    What a shame, they had an arsenal of villains to pick from and they picked the weakest ones.

    Oh, but!

    Gwyneth Paltrow will be playing Rescue! Shell get a suit too…which is cool, now theres 3 awesome good guys and 3 half-ass fucking horrible class-C villains

    • HAZMAT says:

      It was at stalepopcorn

    • Matt Keith says:

      You know I’ve never found Paltrow to be very attractive and even that brief lesbo scene she was in didn’t turn me on, but oh man she looked sooo good in that pic.

    • Jim says:

      She has an amazing body…I like her yes I do.

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      Paltrow is not getting a suit, but hopefully war machine doesn’t just come out in the end for the last fight.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Well in the comic books she got her suit. It had no weaponry but she got a suit built for search and rescue.

      And yes Matt & Jim, she happens to be the most beautiful person to ever set foot on our planet.

  5. maxwell 900 says:

    this suit is amazing and the movie will be too

  6. Stormy says:

    Have faith, John. It is possible for a comic book sequel to surpass the original. Look at Spider-Man 2 vs. Spider-Man. (On the other hand, following that example means Iron Man 3 will probably contain a scene involving battle-armor breakdancing…)

  7. iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    I liked the first one, it wasn’t anything spectacular, but it was very entertaining, and I look foward to seeing the next one. I wonder if there will be any hint as to who the next villian (iron man 3/avengers) will be.

  8. Matt Keith says:

    Pictures from the Iron Man 2 footage:

  9. Alex says:

    Iron Man is way cooler than Spiderman.
    Mark VI is awsome.
    I hope that Iron Man franchise include a HALLOWEEN costume for each sizes.
    That will be awsome if they will do this, probably they will earn mor money with this thing.
    I’m dispose to pay 1000 Euro for this.
    They can use plastic materials for this.
    I’ll probably look like two meeters and a 70 cm back.
    This will be even cooler if the Suit is packed in a Suitcase like in the Animated Series.

  10. Crap says:

    I like the mark 3 costume better than the mark 4

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