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Eli Roth Not Involved With Hostel 3

By John - July 10, 2009 - 11:01 America/Montreal

I was a fan of the original Hostel. That movie, to me, was more than just torture porn. The graphic violence was used as a tool to create tension and fear and “holy crap, how will they get out of this” kind of moments for the audience. It wasn’t the greatest horror film of the decade or anything like that, but it worked for me.

I can’t say the same thing about the steaming pile of shit that was Hostel 2. Damn that movie sucked. The main problem was that torture violence went from being a tool to take us where the director wanted to go… to being the point in and of itself. It was just up on screen to gross us out and nothing more. As a result it was a hollow empty viewing experience that left me wishing I had just stayed home and not wasted my time.

Eli Roth was the man behind the camera for both of those films (you can see him acting in the upcoming Inglourious Basterds) and when asked about Hostel 3, he’s flat out stated he’s not going to be involved with it. Screen Crave gives us this:

“The studio had made a lot of money with it so they want to keep going, and the fans, there’s demand for it, and great. If I started something and other people want to continue it, go for it. I’m just not involved in anyway. There’s no negativity about it. I just said, ‘I put everything in my life for three years into these movies. I’ve said everything I have to say with it. I feel very lucky I got to make them and the fans responded the way they did, and if you guys want to continue it, great, go ahead.’”

There’s a demand for a Hostel 3??? Ummm… sure Eli… whatever.

So two things we know. 1) There is going to be a Hostel 3 and 2) It won’t have Eli Roth involved.

Are you interested in the Hostel fronchise anymore? Does Roth’s departure from the franchise increase or decrease your interest in seeing a new film?

As a side note… I can’t wait to see his full length version of “Thanksgiving”!


  1. AARON says:

    Hostel 2 sucked. I’m not interested anymore. Thanksgiving should be good yes

  2. Jeremy K. says:

    Ya, I think the only way Hostel 3 would be any good is if Hostel was not involved!

  3. Chris Bunker says:

    They came out with a ad campaign for it already;


  4. david says:

    i didnt even think hostel 1 was all it was cracked up to be…mediocre slasher (NOT horror) movie at best. Eli Roth in general i just think is pretty overrated.

  5. Gabriel says:

    The first was mediocre. I don’t hate it or love it. The second however was just complete nonsense and stupidity. I’ll stick to the Saw series, I think it’s more creative plot wise.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    The first Hostel, I was rooting for the guy to get out, found it nice that he was confused with “a hunter” and then how he chooses to rescue someone, she gives her life to save his, then he crosses paths with the fella who butchered his buddy and gives him a swirly, among other things.

    But then Roth had to homage Friday The 13th part two in Part II and kill off that survivor. Horror tradition, perhaps, but it cheapened the film.

    To me, everything is said and done, unless:

    * Hostel 3 concerns the origins of The Children (although I can already take a wild, sinister guess- I betcha the daddys are dead and creamated…)

    * The Hunting Club snatches the wrong person, pisses someone off, and the operation is shut down by a dude who blows shit up or takes no shit. Kind of like Terence Stamp The Limey or Liam Neeson in Taken. Freakin’ bad ass. Y’know. Piss the wrong guy off.

    But that’s IT. There’s nowhere else to go, nothing more to say.
    Roth is wise. He needs to move on.

  7. Gutpunch says:

    Hostel 2 is a much better film than Hostel 1. Much more interesting story and a fresh perspective.

  8. JohnZDelorean says:

    White meat, dark meat all will be served. Thanksgiving. Hostel 2 is pure trash and Cabin Fever is not much better. I loved the first Hostel but this guy better come thru with something good quick because his acting might be worse than his directing.

  9. DG Music says:

    sounds like they’re pulling a ’saw-franchise’ out of their ass…

    In other words no.

  10. Chris says:

    Hostel I and II make a perfect story together, so there’s no need for a third. The first movie explored the story from the victims’ POV, while the second flipped it over and looked at how the business was run. (It even went so far as to have the heroine save herself via business transaction at the end.) The two together are a nice little package of human exploitation and a gory, fictionalized take-off on the horror of human trafficking and treating people as numbers and nothing more.

    I liked them both. They’re funny and suspenseful and creepy. I don’t ever need to see a third one.

  11. Ken says:

    Movies like what hostel is turning out to be,are movies looking for new inventive ways of torture an killing,but leaving out smart characters.how many people aren’t noticing people missing,an how many times does every visitor stay around that one hotel.

  12. Travis says:

    I know sooooooooooooo many people who love those movies. Yeah, there’s a demand for it alright, just not in your little world. Your little “critic” realm.

  13. alfie says:

    i like both of them but have no interest in a third one without roth

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