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Deleted Watchmen Scene: The Death Of Hollis Mason

By John - July 13, 2009 - 21:07 America/Montreal

I was very nervous about a film adaptation of The Watchmen. I really wasn’t sure Zack Snyder could properly pull off a faithful, yet crowd pleasing rendition of the classic graphic novel, since the source material didn’t really lend itself to a big screen telling. I know a lot of people didn’t like the film, surprisingly enough I did. Oh it had it’s flaws, and I wouldn’t go so far as to say I LOVED it, but I did enjoy it and thought it was pretty solid.

The movie is also LONG. At over two and half hours, it’s hard to believe there was too much left on the editing room floor. Well… the forthcoming directors cut is over three hours.

One of the key deleted scenes (that I really wish they had left in the movie) was the death of Hollis Mason (the original Night Owl). You can check out the scene here:


  1. Jack says:

    Pretty tight scene.

  2. L1A says:

    the scene was great, already watched the director’s cut and i loved the movie even more.

  3. HAZMAT says:

    The novel was so epic..jesus

    Thanks John

  4. Cinema Phreak says:

    Tell ya the truth, I’m looking forward to the version zach was talking about with the black freighter and maybe even under the hood put back in.

    • Sound Designer Dan says:

      The version you’re talking about (aka “Ultimate Watchmen”) is being released in December in a 5-disc all encompassing set.

    • Phil Gee says:

      I wonder if we’re getting it in the UK. We’re not even getting the director’s cut when the DVD is released here at the end of the month.

    • Ricci says:

      dosent look like it, but the blu-ray is region free so i’m importing from the US

  5. tj says:

    has there been any word on what Cinema Phreak mentioned? Of because of the sales are we not gonna here about it? Maybe Comic-Con?

    I just really wanna see that epic 4 something hour complete Watchmen movie.

  6. Ty says:

    So sad :-(

    Love the movie, though, as someone who has never picked up the comic :-)

  7. Jamal says:

    this was an amazing scene, Very touching!! And quiet different from the comic.

  8. Ricci says:

    What a scene, what a scene - Loved this movie.

  9. David Lopan says:

    WOW! This scene made me wish I could see this movie again. I remember walking in with normal expectations and this movie ended up being the best film I’ve seen in theaters this year. I didn’t even read the book yet by then either. The story itself just resonated within in me for days and the overall theme was phenomenal. I can’t wait till it comes out on DVD later this month. This is the one movie I’m looking most forward to owning. I’m also dying to see the director’s cut, which I hear it amazing. Anyone see it yet? Is it much longer? I seriously didn’t want it to end when I saw it in theaters.

  10. AARON says:

    The novel was great, the movie was great. I watched it a second time, and for some reason it feels A LOT shorter that way. Maybe cause I watched it in parts? IDK. Also, the more you watch it, the novelty wears off, so I’ll watch it a third time but idk if more. I’ll be anxious to watch this scene in a little bit.

  11. darthmuppet says:

    For me, the Director’s Cut fixed almost every single problem I had with the film… with the one exception being the horribly misplaced Leonard Cohen song playing during the infamous Archie sex scene.

    Now, I liked the movie when it hit theaters. I didn’t love it, but I liked it well enough. There were just some things about it that felt a little… off. Mostly, I think the problems I had with the film were due to the pacing not ever feeling quite right. The Director’s cut fixes this issue entirely. By making the film longer and giving it more room to breathe, Watchmen now actually feels shorter. I’ve seen the Director’s Cut a few times, and I now think that Watchmen is the best film of 2009 thus far and can honestly say that I love the hell out of this fucking movie!

    • David Lopan says:

      Leonard Cohen songs = sex! You’re the second person to say that about the song too. I don’t know maybe it’s cause I’m z huge fan of Cohen. I thought the song was awesome with the scene.

    • darthmuppet says:

      I love Leonard Cohen as well…

      It’s just… wow… I get what they were going for by using Hallelujah during that scene, it just didn’t work for me. Still, the flamethrower bit was pretty damn funny!

  12. AARON says:

    Awesome and sad scene man

  13. bigsampson says:

    wow i kinda liked the movie and i thought the novel was just a long drawn out story that eventually got to the punchline….lots of stuff in the novel didnt need to be in there…the one thing i can say for a mental note is i downloaded this movie and i always have people always over watching movies cause i grow weed for a living its easy to sit back n watch movies all day with tons of people…yet i have tried to put this movie on for guests but they change it within 20 minutes everytime…..i mean its amazing how people do not want to sit and watch this movie…and there main reason “its boring” and my only thing i can tell them is its better if u liked the book or read it….but in all actuallity it isnt…this is just a really long and boring story that has way way to much character devolopment for a ending that is kinda like meh ok so thats how it is….shit like this doesnt add to the fact that average movie fans will never make it past the first half hour.

    • bigsampson says:

      btw this is a generalization of waht i see around me….it seems like the people who like this movie so much are fanboys of the comic….or they really like comic book hereos…either way it just feels like a what if marvel comic book for most people cause they just dont get it

  14. Shinobi says:

    Wow, awesome scene, I can’t wait to see it integrated into the movie.

    Loved Watchmen except for some of the songs. I’d have prefered an orchestral score only but that’s my thing.

    Snyder is one of the best director around when it comes to filming action scenes, Michael Bay and friends should really learn from this guy

  15. Mike Mai says:

    that part of the book made me cry, and this scene does it justice.

    • AARON says:

      It’s an awesome scene. In the book it was too, but it should have been longer. However I loved how snyder shot this. It was an awesome scene, one compliant…too much slo mo

    • Mike Mai says:

      he loves them slo mo, haha.

      i actually don’t mind it, the slo mo and the flashback (and the music) were pushing tears out of my eyes.

    • AARON says:

      True, but Snyder has a tendency to over use slo mo

    • AARON says:

      Oh yeah, the music was amazing in this scene. And idk if anyone noticed but in the comedian death scene (Idk the real name of the song, slap me lol) they used that “Unforgettable” song. I thought it was moving and fitting for that

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