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Best Twilight Picture Ever

By John - July 23, 2009 - 22:18 America/Montreal

This is the single greatest Twilight picture ever. A couple of TMB readers sent this to me today… glorious! Check it out after the jump. (by the way… if anyone knows who made this please let me know asap)



  1. fullmetal_medji says:

    Ha! This is so badazz!

  2. Alex says:


  3. Vito says:


  4. obi-wan kubrick says:

    That is one of the funniest photos I have seen in a long time.

  5. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    LOL gold!!

  6. jonny says:

    wow LOL you Made my Day

  7. Louisgamers says:

    Lol thats awsesome

  8. Jake says:

    Freakin’ sweet. The whole Buffy joke is pretty funny too, but it’s just so awesome the way Blade is looking at Edward in this pic. Priceless. Thank you so much for posting this, John.

  9. Justin says:

    Would have been better if it was Nosferatu instead of Blade in my opinion.

  10. Socrates says:

    lol this is too funny

  11. Linda says:

    lmao! oh this is just priceless thanks a lot John for posting/sharing =]]

  12. Salbert says:

    It’s 2:00 AM and I’m laughing my ass off!

  13. prahanormal says:

    This is such an amazing pic.

    Almost as good as the one with Alucard from Hellsing.

  14. HDpunk says:


    omg, is there a bigger version of this?

  15. leeloo says:

    maybe blade will embrace the sparkles.


  16. Alan says:


    That would be awesome to see Balde give it to this pretty boy wuss. great stuff.

  17. mike says:

    hahahah cant stop laughing OMG and some loolz !!!!

  18. melbye says:

    It would be to easy for Blade to kill this pussy he probably wouldn’t even bother

  19. Steve L. says:

    Oh man, I wasn’t expecting that. Whoever made this you get some mad kudos from me!

  20. anna says:

    i must confess that i’m one of those twilight people, but this is BRILLIANT :D :D :D

  21. Lucky says:


  22. Herby says:

    One could dream. Fantastic pic.

  23. Thos says:

    Ha! Excellent!

  24. AARON says:

    Um..am I the only one who doesn’t like it? What’s so funny about it? Besides Blade looking like he’s about to kill them lol

  25. ultra-magnus says:


  26. Laura's Reviews says:


  27. Matt Keith says:

    Blade is debating whether or not Edward is a “vampire” or not and wondering if he should kill him regardless…..and before the fanboy/girls get pissed….it was just a joke.

  28. Derek 8-Track says:


  29. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, hell yes! Awesome pic, almost makes up for this series being so damn stupid.

    Now I wanna pay to see Blade fuck him up.

    Awesome pic, thanks for posting it John!

  30. Anthony says:

    Quite literally just started laughing out loud at my desk. That could make me watch the movie.

  31. HAZMAT says:


  32. Dragonslayer says:

    Hell yes!

  33. pigeonfeet says:

    Can I get it in wallpaper size?

  34. Kristina says:


    Needs some Buffy!

  35. smurf says:

    FTW!!!!!! ALL THE Way.
    Its 3.52am here and I can’t stop laughing, I bet I work some one up.

    Blade Pondering - Another DAY walker, Well I’m gonna FIX it.

    I’m definitely going sleep happy for sure.

  36. Juan says:

    Dey should make dis into a rated r movie and let blade loose on those fruity vampires

  37. minor says:

    seen this picture about a month ago..

  38. popquick says:

    lmao this is hilarious, i’m going to show it around my fellow twilight friends haha

  39. André says:

    Thats hilarious, I have to agree. Found it weird enough to see a shiny vampire anyways.

    Go get ‘em Blade ;)

  40. Eric says:


  41. Ingi says:

    Hey John, That Pic is from a comedy website called Cracked.com

  42. Ingi says:

    no wait, disregard that. there was another quite funny one from cracked

  43. Tim "Cloverfield" says:


  44. Ruth M says:

    This is hilarious! Boy Snipes would’ve wiped out the entire Cullen clan in seconds.

  45. Jonn says:

    Dumbest vampire movie…ever.

  46. jj says:

    hahaha! blade is gonna get you!!!

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