A True Bruce Lee Movie Coming Soon?

Posted by John Campeaon 22. 07. 2009in News Chat

Bruce Lee has been protrayed in many different films before (my personal favorite was 1993′s “Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story” which I thought was a very human movie.

However, the real life siblings of Bruce Lee are saying that while some of those projects are good… many of them make up far too much stuff that isn’t true to the life of Lee, and they want that set straight. So they’re commissioning another movie to be made about him that will be much more true to his real life.

In their words: “There will be kung fu … But more importantly, we want to portray the real Bruce Lee. What is the real Bruce Lee like? He was very humorous. He was very obedient to his parents. He was very kind to his family”

The producer of the new project says it will probably be a trilogy with the first part focusing on the teenage years of Bruce Lee.

Sounds interesting to me. Sign me up!

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “A True Bruce Lee Movie Coming Soon?”

  1. Ray Roman says:


  2. Jeremy K. says:

    Awesome news, and this post reminded I still haven’t seen Finishing the Game which is now in my instant watch Netflix queue! :D

  3. Sound Designer Dan says:

    While I like parts of Dragon: The Bruce Lee story, some parts are just so goddamn laughable. I almost died laughing when he started fighting that ghost samurai during the shoot of Enter the Dragon.

  4. Anti-Septic says:

    I prefer to just watch and enjoy the movies Bruce Lee made. I will watch this just to see if they finally get it right, I thought “Dragon The Bruce Lee” story was over-sensationalized and there were many inaccuracies reported. I did think Jason Scott Lee did a fine job with what he was handed, he seems to have disappeared from Hollywood now.

  5. Jim says:

    I’d love to see this, but a trilogy is probably over doing it.

  6. 3R!C says:

    I just saw a really interesting documentary about him, he seemed like a real interesting person, other than just the martial arts.

  7. ultra-magnus says:

    in the history of world there have been 3 people who are more important then anyone else.

    3. morgan freeman
    2. jesus
    1.bruce lee

    i cant wait!

  8. duck says:

    I was playing this modified Marvel vs Capcom game on my computer. They had Bruce Lee in there with all kinds of characters like Iron Man and Superman, Hulk, Wolverine, etc. And as I was beating the crap out of Wonder Woman with Bruce, I thought, wow, how can a “normal” person end up in a game like this. Bruce Lee is the real deal. His legend has reached mythical proportions. His cult bad ass statues is probably only equaled by the Other Bruce (Campbell).

    With that being said, I do think his legend is enhanced by his tragic death. A lot of people are enhanced by being dead. Michael Jackson is the most recent example. Few hates on a person who dies young or just died. But Bruce Lee got a lot of attention by dying at the budding stage of his career, young, talented, etc. like, Ledger recently and James Dean before. If he had lived to today he might just be a Jet Li, or even Segal. Who knows, if Tony Jaa died tomorrow, he might be another Bruce Lee. I don’t really think a movie about him is needed, just like movies about Ledger and Dean is not needed. But they will be made never the less.

    • Ronin says:

      If Tony Jaa died tom he might be another Bruce Lee? Really? If he lived today he might be Segal or Jet Li. Are you for real. LOL! You must not know that much about Bruce Lee. Segal and Li wouldn’t be martial arts movie stars if it wasn’t for Bruce Lee. If Bruce Lee was alive today you would see every martial artist bowing down to him and him being put on a pedestal like a Martial Arts God.

    • Sound Designer Dan says:

      Tony Jaa might be another Bruce Lee? He’s not even close to being as huge as Lee’s pube hairs. Lee was a true martial artist that meticulously studied the various forms of wing chun, kung fu, karate, and other martial arts. Jaa is a stuntman who merely imitated his idols Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, and Jet Li.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      He may have studied these other forms, but he did not practice them. His form was his own and it was the practice of not using form. He taught against the use of form, and created his own style/philosophy of Jeet Kun Do.

  9. Darren J Seeley says:

    I disagree that bio-pics and/or stories that involve legendary silver screen actors are “not needed”. That’s like saying movies and stories regarding/involving historical figures, be it world leaders or humanitarians, are not needed.

  10. Darren J Seeley says:

    I really liked the fight scenes in “Dragon”, I liked Jason Scott Lee and Lauren Holly was also great in that. The score from that film has wound up in a bunk load of film trailers ever since, because Randy Edelman’s music is outstanding. There were some good touches, like issues of racism, stereotypes, the David Carradine Kung Fu mention, and The Green Hornet. (Interesting that a ‘Hornet’ film is shaping up at this moment.)

    But the film also had awkward scenes as well. I mentioned the fight sequences. As entertaining as they were, over half of them were, sadly, based in conspiracy theory. Other bits were so made up it was near pathetic (the fight on the Big Boss), and yes that dream-nightmare fight with the demonic samurai was not only too much- but given the fact that at the time of the film’s release Brandon Lee was accidently killed on the set of “The Crow” the scene also had this.. uncomfortable feeling about it, if that makes any sense. Maybe it doesn’t.

    I do think it is a brilliant idea to have a bio like this, with each film focusing on a different aspect of his life. In most bio-pics, many interesting aspects of the subject are glanced over, and in the case of Dragon, made up for the sake of it, and not always for dramatic purposes.

    However….with all respect to dear H’wood, unlike most “bio-pics” focus on the subject’s accomplishments, but don’t overplay or exaggerate the faults like a film about a deceased baseball ballplayer.

  11. Kaneda979 says:

    Awesome news!!! Finally a new bio pic about someone I actually care about. And his kids are behind it to make sure it’s true to him and worth seeing.

    A trilogy huh, ya, that just sounds awesome, could be the best bio pic ever. I’m on board, can’t wait!

  12. Henrik says:

    My favorie Bruce Lee potrayal must be from No Reatreat, No Surrender. Where he comes back as a ghost to teach a kid to fight so he can beat Van Damme.

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