A “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Remake?

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 07. 2009in News Chat

Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is simply one of the greatest comedies I’ve ever seen in my life. I think one of the top 3 Steve Martin movies he’s ever done… and how much does Michael Caine rule in that movie????

Martin (As Ruprict): “May I go to the bathroom”

Caine: Yes of course

Martin (making a face of relief): Thank you.


Ok, so I was looking up some info on that “Hot Tub Time Machine” that Rodney just did a post for and I went to the IMDB page for the director, Steve Pink, to see what else he’s done, and I came across this:


Now a couple of things to keep in mind:

1) IMDB is not the most reliable when it comes to “upcoming” information whatsoever, so this could be totally wrong.

2) I still believe that remakes (even the most horrible ones) do NOTHING to the originals whatsoever.

But yeah, I’d be shocked if this is true. The comedy is just so damn perfect and it really isn’t all that old at all. I mean, go nuts if they really want to do it… but I just don’t think it’s time yet.

Would you be up for seeing a Dirty Rotten Scoundrels remake?

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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20 Responses to “A “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” Remake?”

  1. Lydia says:

    Agree, great movie! But I think it would be more fun if it were a continuation of the first. Steve, Michael, and the woman who played the Jackel should still be in it included with other good actors to do some sort of sequel with style.

    • Seth says:

      Right on! That’s the only way this movie should be touched. Practically peed myself when I saw this movie for the first time. Sequal WITH the original actors or LEAVE IT ALONE!

    • Jake says:

      Totally. Dirty Rotten Scoundrels really doesn’t need a remake at this point.

  2. Darren J Seeley says:

    ” The comedy is just so damn perfect and it really isn’t all that old at all. I mean, go nuts if they really want to do it… but I just don’t think it’s time yet.”

    Odd, isn’t it? A number of times the int’l friends have been saying stuff like that everytime a remake of something or other is being done…and you gently remind them if it is at least 20 years old, then it “is” alright to be redone because a fair amount of time that has passed (or something to that effect).

    Now, a film from 1988…a very funny film…is in plans to be remade. That’s not a slam dunk that it will (there’s a remake announced every week it seems) and are we sure it “is” a remake, and not just a new film that shares the same title?

    In any case, and I’m sticking to your own rulebook here, then it’s not that soon at all. In fact, I’d welcome it.

    BTW, that teaser trailer for the ’88 film was classic.

  3. Simon says:

    His name izzzzzzz Florence Laurenston

  4. cloud720 says:

    I wonder what Imdbpro actually lets you know,

  5. Simple Simon says:

    And Dirty Rotten Scoundrels was pretty much a remake of Bedtime Story. Funny how that works.
    Of course, Dirty Rotten Scoundrels is one of my all time favorite movies.

  6. The Other James Taylor says:

    Granted, Steve Pink also co-wrote High Fidelity and Grosse Pointe Blank so that should count for something. In theory.

  7. Bob says:

    I would bet that this is not a remake per se, but a film version of the Dirty Rotten Scoundrels musical. Yes…it’s a musical. It’s way too new to do a full remake of the original movie.

    Info on the Musical here:


  8. kc says:

    Steve Martin is still a draw, so I can imagine this being a sequel.

  9. The Pope says:

    Remake not needed

  10. methos says:

    Horrible idea! There’s no need, and I can’t imagine a remake topping the original.

  11. King Jonny says:


    LOL good movie…The score was fairly annoying, but the movie was good..

    I don’t think there’s anyway a remake could do it justice, though.

  12. tms says:

    I hope this is imdb getting things wrong as that is one movie which definitely doesn’t deserve to be remade. It easily ranks in one of Steve Martins top 5 movies so it should be left alone.

    Personally I would prefer the original release to get a second showing at the cinemas so that younger audiences who didn’t see it the first time round can get to see how great Steve Martin can be.

  13. GODFATHER says:

    I also side with the “sequel, not remake” camp. In my opinion, it would be friggin’ awesome to see how these guys have turned out 20years later.

    Question now becomes one of these two:
    1) If indeed a remake, who would you want to see playing the characters?
    2) If a sequel, what direction should they take the story?

  14. Thos says:

    I agree that there is no need to remake this one.

  15. Tim "Cloverfield" says:

    Mr. Caine….brilliant as always and the way Martin played off of his brilliance was movie magic….it was golden. Alas….I am sure a re-make would have to include Rogen and Stiller. Both inept at comdic performances. This is very sad news. Hopefully a bad rumor.

  16. BobaFett says:

    Glenn Headley played the Jackal as the twist ending, which is fairly rare for a comedy, since the twist has been revealed already a “remake” had better have a few new surprises or risk the wrath of fandom.

    oh, and more thing…Lady Fanny of OMAHAAAAA!!!

  17. Herby says:

    Well Dirty Rotten Scoundrals was in fact a remake of another great film calle Bedtime Story with Marlon Brando and David Niven.


    I don’t think another re-telling is necessary, What I would like to see, however, is a film version of the Broadway Musical. That might be interesting.

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