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2 New Storm Shadow and Snake Eyes Posters

By John - July 13, 2009 - 12:03 America/Montreal

I know you’re getting tired of hearing me say this… but wow… G.I. Joe is going to suck. I’ve seen absolutely nothing that has given me any excuse to have any hope for this film whatsoever. And trust me, I’m looking for excuses to have some hope.

The only thing I have to hold on to is that the few scenes that Snake Eyes and Storm Shadow will be on screen together will be good ones and be as awesome as we all hope they will be.

A couple of new posters of the character have hit the web. Check them out:

Now remember… I also predicted for almost a full year that the most recent TMNT movie was going to blow chuncks and I actually ended up enjoying it… so you never know right? Miricles can happen… and maybe… G.I. Joe has a miracle tucked up its sleeve somewhere for us.


  1. riggs says:

    he is going to be the only good thing about this movie.

  2. HAZMAT says:

    I also had to eat my words after TMNT turned out to be awesome

  3. Steve L. says:

    I still hate the fact that snake eyes has that stupid looking mouth on the mask….WHY?

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I was thinking the same thing.

    • Phil Gee says:

      He’s gotta eat I guess.

    • Grave says:

      Yeah I agree it looks like they gave him latex lips over his mouth. Almost as bad a Bat-Nipples…Almost

    • Kevin C. says:

      Thats probably so they can have him make some sort of facial expressions and not just be a blank slate. Not that it will end up mattering, but I kindof get it.

  4. Gareth says:

    if you put the two posters side by side you get one big poster with the Arishkage symbol in the middle

  5. AARON says:

    These posters suck

  6. Algoresnuts says:

    Is anyone from the MOVIEBLOG going to review Bruno?

    • AARON says:

      I was just gonna ask that dude, no fair :(

      But yeah I’m just wondering that too I’ve been waiting for a review since Friday

    • haole says:

      I’ll say Bruno was funny, but not a fraction as good as Borat was.

    • Dragonslayer says:

      I still can’t get over how funny Algoresnuts sounds. LOL

      A lot of reviews are divided. Either people love it or they thought it was completely vulgar and terrible. I haven’t seen it yet (and right now I have no plans to see it). For me, only one line sounds really, really funny.

      “I’ve given him a traditional African name: OJ”

  7. EZELL says:

    With how much their spending to advertise they must have some confidence in this film or they know it sucks and they want to get in stuck in peoples mind that it is the biggest release in August. I am looking forward to Inglorious Bastards any news on it yet.

  8. cloud720 says:

    You have been saying this movie will suck so often that my expectation is so low that I might end up enjoying it.

  9. Vito says:

    I’m totally with John, this movie is going to suck so much.

    • AARON says:

      How much do you think it’ll make opening weekend? I think 7-10 M. Yeah, I know that’s low but oh mother of crap this looks like a steaming pile of (OMITTED WORD)

      What do you predict the Tomatometer will be? I’m guessing 9 or 11

    • Dragonslayer says:

      1 or 0

  10. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    im not gonna cast judgment right now…there is def not a lot to like from the trailers, but the first 2 mummy flicks were pretty enjoyable, if sommers can capture that kinda fun, ill be there.

    • Brandon says:

      The fact that a dug the first two Mummy films is still giving me some hope for my beloved G.I. Joe….but it is starting to look like this is not going to cut it.

      I agree that I might be so expecting it to suck that I enjoy it…I can live with that.

  11. Grave says:

    I liked how Snake Eyes was looking in the first Pics they released. Now they gave him a mouth over a latex mask? WTF? Also in the film we see Storm Shadow in broad daylike maskless and all in white so what the hell is the point of him wearing a mask if everyone see’s his face? Guess Sommers forgot about an invention called security camera’s.

    • chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

      u cant see ninjas on security cameras….dont u watch cnn

    • Grave says:

      In the clip he wasnt very fast Im sure they caught his face. If thats not the case the outfit is a dead give away seeing how we dont see many characters in diffrent color cloths in the film’s trailers.

  12. ultra-magnus says:

    i think that the movie will suck, but will have a saving grace somewhere. denis quaid, the action, and the ninjas. hopefully it wont be terrible

  13. Kevin C. says:

    Well even if this movie suck (and all signs are pointing that way) it also seems like it will have at least one redeeming quality, Snake Eyes.

  14. geoff says:

    This looks pretty sucky, especially the line in the trailer:
    “Technically we don’t exist”
    which is so cliché and tired, it can’t even be taken as ironic.

  15. Brian D says:

    These posters look like trapper keeper covers.

    I might eventually see this just for Christopher Eccleston.

  16. Monty says:

    If you can survive Transformers, G.I Joe shouldn’t be a problem.

  17. Matt Keith says:

    These posters look freakin awesome.

  18. Jake says:

    “Miricles can happen… and maybe… G.I. Joe has a miracle tucked up its sleeve somewhere for us.”

    I certainly hope so, John.

  19. Dertek1 says:

    I think the only thing that can save this movie are cameo appearances by Wrestling legend Sgt. Slaughter and former Chicago Bear William “The Refrigerator” Perry, the only two real humans to become G.I. Joes.

  20. Grave says:

    denial, denial, denial

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