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YouTube To Premier First Movie

By John - June 4, 2009 - 13:56 America/Montreal

International Friends… the future is here… sort of. Online video giant YouTube is about to premier it’s first movie at the same time it premiers in theaters. The folks over at Cinematical give us this:

“We’re more than just dogs on skateboards.” YouTube plans to premiere their first movie, Reuters says (via The Hollywood Reporter), in an apparent bid to increase revenue, reach profitability, and, perhaps, appear more appealing to advertisers. (The opening statement was made by the company’s Paris-based partner development manager.) Yann Arthus-Bernard’s documentary Home, produced by Luc Besson, will debut simulatenously in theaters and on YouTube, evidently in the near future.

This is something that we’ve known was coming for a long time. There have already been some experiments with movies premiering in theaters and On Demand on the same day… but doing it on YouTube would be a significant turning point.

I think it’s a great thing to try. However… having said that… It’s not really something for me. Unless I’m on an airplane and need time to kill and something to distract me, I just detest watching movies or TV shows on my computer. I want to see a movie in a theater. I want to watch TV on my TV in my living room. Yes yes yes… I understand you can play your computer to your TV, but it’s still not the same to me. I’m sure it’ll be great for many people… just not me.


  1. MandarinOrange says:

    What movie is it?

  2. AARON says:

    This is awesome, things should be more like this. But it, at least this one, doesn’t sound interesting to me at all.

  3. Donald says:

    The movie is called ‘Home’. They are sort of cheating here. This is a French film which already made its money in Europe. The stakes are not as high as they make it sound. Then again, this is a good place to test the idea since it is virtually cost free.

  4. Roguepirate says:

    I was heavily hoping it was Anniversary

  5. cloud720 says:

    I’d definitely rather watch action movies in theaters. But if its a documentary, what does it matter?

  6. dax says:

    but wouldn’t that effect the ticket sales?
    if they could watch it for free, who would pay for a ticket?

    • Seth says:

      I actually think that for the most part people would still prefer to see films on the big screen. I don’t think this will really effect ticket sales at all, but only time will tell.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      There will also be the advantage of word of mouth. Let’s be honest, it isn’t going to play the best on YouTube and will probably have ads every 15 mins like the ones they have on there right now. So what will happen is all he cheap people will go and watch it on Youtube and tell their “rich” friends how awesome of a movie it really was and then the “rich” people, wanting a better experience, watch it in theaters. This is kind of like what happened with Battlestar. They had it planned to be only a mini series but do to word of mouth and people downloading the show from bit torrents it made it to a full length series.

  7. Brent L says:

    Well youtube has full length movies and tv shows already on there site.. is this story just about them showing a movie that isn’t out @ the show?

  8. HAZMAT says:

    Dont they already show movies on youtube? Ive seen so many movies on youtube already…is this like..something different? What- theyll be in HD this time?

    • Rodney says:

      Haz, read the post.

      They are releasing a movie on Youtube at the same time as its theatrical release.

    • MandarinOrange says:

      Hey, Rodney. I found this trailer for a indy film called Iron Skies. Basically nazis have lived on the dark side of the moon since 1945 and are coming back for revenge 2018. Check out the trailer it looks awesome http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xn4DW1uvsAE

  9. cloud720 says:

    Its funny that this movie is already available to watch online for free. But i guess youtube will get less hits and make less money on advertising. Watching it at that other place is probably stealing. Can you steal something that is free?

  10. SlashBeast says:

    I don’t know why, but I can’t stand watching movies on my computer. I either have to watch them in theatre or in the comfort of my own house with my own TV. This YouTube thing sounds interesting though.

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