Watchmen Directors Cut gets Very Limited Theatrical Release

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 06. 2009in News Chat

Watchmen may not have been the success that comic fans hoped for, but it seems to be a hot or cold result. Either people loved it to death for its accuracy to the comic that redefined the type of stories told in comics or they hated it.

Sadly it didn’t redefine stories that can be told in comic book movies.

Well the die hard fans will get their chance to see a directors cut with additional footage not seen in the theatrical cut.

Live for Film shares:

“I can verify that you will get to see the brutal murder of Hollis Mason by a bunch of top-knotted thugs. As with most of the violent scenes in WATCHMEN, Snyder has taken a dozen or so panels from the graphic novel and transformed them into breathtaking cinema. He’s also turned the sequence into a half-clever, half-heartbreaking homage to Raging Bull, with Hollis flashing back to his crime-fighting heyday as the “Intermezzo” from CAVALLERIA RUSTICANA briefly dominates the soundtrack. The music - and his punch-drunk reverie - ends abruptly when the gang’s ringleader busts open Hollis’s skull with his Nite Owl trophy. This is a brilliantly shot-and-edited sequence.”

So this limited release will only be shown for one weekend (a week before San Diego Comic Con) in one theater in each of the following cities; LA, Dallas, Minneapolis, and New York City.

The Director’s Cut of Watchmen will be the same version available on Blu-Ray and DVD on July 21st.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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27 Responses to “Watchmen Directors Cut gets Very Limited Theatrical Release”

  1. Derek 8-Track says:

    Looks like I’ve quite a drive ahead of me.

  2. melbye says:

    I’d rather be kicked in the ball than watch this movie again, and i’d rather be kicked twice than seeing a longer version

    • george says:

      What about your other ball? Did you ever stop to think about how it might feel?

    • Rodney says:

      So don’t. The article didn’t say that every person on the planet is being forced to go see it.

    • Joe Banana says:

      I’m with you on this one melbye. I thought the Watchmen filmed looked pretty but nothing more than that. Seriously, somethings should not be made into movies- Watchmen was one of them.

    • elijah says:

      I enjoyed this movie as much as the Dark Knight. I’m glad to hear Snyder may helm the next Batman movie.

  3. cloud720 says:

    Is it just that one scene? Does anyone know how much longer this version is?

  4. Jay E says:

    Not used to not seeing San Fran on a “short” list, but I must ask “Why Minneapolis?” The other 3 are major metropolises in their areas and are fairly well known for being used in Hollywood, but I would think Chicago is a more local and Hollywood-approved place for the North-Mid-West US than Minnesota.

    • Rodney says:

      Perhaps you misunderstand… they are not attempting to FILM something, its a screening.

      The reason behind it is irrelevant. But those are the cities involved. For a screening Minneapolis is just as good a place for the event as Chicago would have been.

    • FilmFan says:

      Rodney, perhaps you misunderstood? “Being used in Hollywood” does not necessarily imply that they are attempting to Film something. If you are going to have a limited release at major cities like LA and New York, Minneapolis seems a bit out of place. The point to have it in a major city is so more people can see it. They are not going to release it in Arizona for this reason so I think Jay E. has a very valid point. I would have definitely thought Chicago would have been chosen over Minneapolis (not that there is anything wrong with Minneapolis for all you Minneapolins ha). Chicago is just bigger.

    • Gutpunch says:

      Maybe they are choosing cities that the movie played better in, in its initial run than others.

    • FilmFan says:

      “Maybe they are choosing cities that the movie played better in, in its initial run than others.”

      I agree. Apparently the Minneapolins went crazy for Watchmen.

  5. fullmetal_medji says:

    No sleep till Brooklyn! Looks like I’ll be waiting until the 21st.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    While the theatrical was enough to sustain how well Jackie Haley did, I wound up not liking the film too much, in spite of it being absurdly faithful to the source material.

    I’m not really interested in a director’s cut all that much, does it really change anything? No. If it was really that important, it would have survived the theatrical.

    • AARON says:

      They couldn’t put everything on the big screen. It would be too long. The death of Hollis Mason would have been a very long scene. If it was really that important???? This part of the story is very important….

    • SlashBeast says:

      And why Rorschach is actually called Rorschach, that was a major part that was left out in the theatrical cut.

    • Gutpunch says:

      Because of his mask resembles a Rorschach test.

  7. Dragonslayer says:

    God, I LOVED THE FUCKING MOVIE. Can’t wait till DVD.

  8. Doug says:

    Watchmen is easily my favorite movie of the year so far. And I never read the book. I just loved the psychology and philosophy of the story. I’d happily check out the director’s cut, even if only to see the movie again on the big screen. Glad I live in NYC.

  9. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I won’t drive to see it but I will rent the Director’s cut for sure.

  10. Matt Keith says:

    If its 4 hours long like everyone says it is, then I’m just gonna wait until blu ray.

  11. Ricci says:

    Watchmen is my favorite movie of the year to, loved every second of it.

    Didn’t know the graphic novel before it, but have read it since.

    Loved this film, can’t wait for the blu-ray.

  12. Viglin says:

    Cant get to see it in the movies, but ll be getting the Box Set when its released.

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