Video Blog: Screw You - I Love The Ewoks!

Posted by John Campeaon 30. 06. 2009in Features, News Chat

Hey there guys. Well I’m back again with another installment of my video blog. This time I’m chatting about the Ewoks. A lot of people out there dislike our little murderous flesh eating friends… but me, I LOVE THEM! I think they actually add to Return of the Jedi and do not detract from it.

Watch the video… then let me know what you think.

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John Campea who has written 6784 posts on The Movie Blog

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44 Responses to “Video Blog: Screw You - I Love The Ewoks!”

  1. Joey says:

    I can see why people would not like the ewoks, I really get it. But I also have fond feelings for them, maybe it’s because I was a wee lad when ROTJ came out and I liked them then, and my fondness has carried over with the whole nostalgia factor. So even though I can dig the ewoks, I understand why others might not feel the same.

  2. nbakid2000 says:

    I loved that video John. I was bursting laughing out loud when you said they will fuck you up, then eat you. Hilarious.

    “10.9″ awesome

    I totally agree, I have no problem with the Ewoks.

    BTW, on a purely unrelated note…is it me or does anyone else get the feeling they’re seeing a poster for “Vicky Cristina Barcelona” when they look at “The Break-Up” poster? I guess it’s the fact that it looks like there’s an orgy taking place on the couch in the photo.

    Any thoughts on that, John?

  3. nbakid2000 says:

    OMG. I can’t believe I just said “The Break-Up”. I was out of my mind.

    I meant “The Anniversary”. Sorry. I was searching through IMDB at the time and was thinking of Jennifer Anniston after seeing “Meet Joe Black” tonight. My bad.

    “The Anniversary”.

    • kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

      Yhea when does the trailer come out, i like to see if Mr.Campea is the new Kevin Smith or in that direction.

  4. nbakid2000 says:

    “New daddy!” is the newest joke around my friends and I. Partially because of that trailer, partially because one of them really IS like a new dad to this chick he knows when he goes to visit her and her kids.

  5. Rare Addict says:

    Awesome video blog, John. Like nbakid, I was crackin’ up whenever you said “These dudes will fuck you up…and then eat you.” Personally, the Ewoks never bothered me, either. Found ‘em to be pretty endearing, despite their savage nature. XD

  6. MJS says:

    I must make the following points:

    1. There was a lot of stupid stuff in ROTJ; Boba Fett being killed by physical comedy, Ewoks making Tarzan noises, Han and Leia’s tenny-bopper love story that’s only moderately more mature than the Anakin/Padame love story, the recycled Death Star threat…

    2. I wonder if its the fact that this came out more than twenty years ago that helps you overlook these things, I have a hunch that you would have been a lot more critical of these things if you were a 37 year old blogger in 1984.

    3. I wonder if there will be someone putting out a Video Blog called “Screw You- I Love Jar Jar!” in twenty years.

    4. After years of thought I now say without hesitation that the original Indiana Jones Trilogy is more awesome than the Original Star Wars Trilogy.

    I’ll close by simply saying: Ewoks suck dude

  7. Kimball says:

    I actually agree with John. I have never had a problem with the Ewoks. Could it be that I was a kid when I saw RofTJ for the first time that the Ewoks were aimed at my age group? Maybe. But to me, even as an adult, I don’t think the Ewoks even come close to the level of of Jar-Jar.

    Ewoks rule!!

  8. Darek-T says:

    One of the reasons I don’t like the Ewoks is because I just don’t see how they could have beat the Empire.
    Because in one of the books in the Young Jedi Knights series the leader of the Shadow Academy (Brakiss) is talking with one of the Stormtrooper recruits and he throws a metal spear at him as hard as he can and it doesn’t do a thing. He then explains that the Stormtrooper’s armor can protect against crude weapons and shrapnel but not lasers.
    So if metal spears don’t do anything against the armor how could ewoks with wooden spears and rocks be able to do anything against the Empire’s finest troops?

  9. Darek-T says:

    Though I must admit that I don’t HATE the ewoks anymore because of this video, I just don’t like them.

  10. bcreek says:

    “They’ll eat you after they fuck you up!” Congratulations John, you have officially given me a hernia from me laughing so hard!

    I also agree that ROTJ is the best of the classic films. The selling point for me was both the transition of Luke Skywalker from being a whiny bitch to a total badass, as well as the lightsaber duel between him and Vader. For me personally, I think that it is by far the best choreographed duel in all three of the old Star Wars films, and I LOVED IT!!!

  11. Rafael says:

    The ewoks had their place. I think I just started high school when ROTJ came out. The ewoks seemed weak as hell to me back then. Now that I’m a lot older I can see their important place in the movie.

  12. cloud720 says:

    Well Screw you - I love the twins.

    I don’t, but i wonder what your face looked like after reading hat.

  13. Trae says:

    John are There any other creatures you liked from films like ewoks? Or are all the rest pron to the Jar Jar effect. LOL

  14. HDpunk says:

    it should have been wookies as originally planed, rather than ewoks…

    “…and the empire will be defeated by ewoks!” - darth vader from robot chicken

  15. Kevin says:

    Well, I never thought that I would hear “Ewoks will fuck you up,” I am still having a hard time breathing from laughing so hard.
    I also have to agree, I liked Jedi, it had more action, an amazing space battle, and one of the best lightsaber battles ever. And, after the dark movie that was Empire, I think they were looking to balance it out with the third movie.

    Anyway, great post!

  16. spence says:


    “These are savages lil sum bitches, these dudes will fuck you up, and then eat you, EAT YOU, after they fuck you up.”

    I have always loved the ewoks.

  17. Slumdog says:

    I was LOLing when you were talking about the “Bucket of Awesomeness” of the original Star Wars movies

  18. Rodney says:

    John, I suddenly get a very morbid vision of Ewoks if I consider the stormtroopers heads to be in the makeshift drums played in the joyous final scene.

    I always just assumed it was just their helmets.

  19. Seth says:

    Ha ha I couldn’t disagree more John. The ewoks are in fact what put ROTJ into last place among the original 3 for me. They simply had no redeeming qualities about them besides the fact that they were cute, and even that is quite subjective. I do love this whole idea about nature vs technology. LOVE IT. My problem is that this idea could have been brought into the film by some other means. Lucas had a great imagination and I simply wish he had used it to present this idea by using another type of creature perhaps one that wasn’t so irritating. Mind you I had no problem with either the philosophy behind them or the fact that most likely they would’ve had a chance against the empire. Because let’s be honest, the entire trilogy really was about the underdogs defying and overcoming incredible odds. I think that ROTJ was a nearly perfect film. Unfortunately NEARLY perfect.
    Ha ha btw loved the “bucket of awesomeness” analogy, quite fitting

  20. Vidsub says:

    I dont agree that the star wars movies are 11s and all that, but I do agree that the ewoks are awesome and Return of the jedi is by far my favorite.

  21. tzaylor says:

    well thanks for coming out about the Ewoks, very courageous. Judging by the comments section, it looks like there are many other closet Ewokaphiles just waiting for someone to lead them.

  22. nbakid2000 says:

    I’ve always assumed it was just the helmets of storm troopers being played too, I never thought their heads were still there.

    What gave you that idea, John?

  23. Andrew James says:

    I always like the Ewoks too. I love the scene when all is dark and bleak. The rebels have been captured on Endor, there are legions of Imperial troops everywhere and it looks like the Empire might win again. But all of a sudden - out of fucking nowhere - Ewoks pop up everywhere, completely surrounding the bunker and all the Imperial troops and totally kick ass with the element of surprise. They blow that their horn with a “charge!” like signal and then John William’s score (the best part of Jedi’s score by the way - The Forest Battle was almost my favorite “song” on the Jedi soundtrack) kicks ass and an awesome battle ensues.

    I love the Ewoks too. They are bad ass and courageous as hell.

  24. SlashBeast says:

    I never minded the Ewoks. I thought they represented how the Empire’s over-confidence always led to their downfall.

    But one reality must be faced, the Stormtroopers suck at their job.

  25. Anti-Septic says:

    The only problem I have with the murderous little “Ewoks” is….. they didn’t kill Mannequin Crytalker in the following three movies.

  26. Spider of Destiny says:

    A lot of people complain that fuzzy little teddybears like the Ewoks shouldn’t be able to take down the mighty Imperial stormtroopers. However, when you consider what we learn of the stormtroopers over the course of the trilogy, are we ever given any reason to believe that they’re actually good at what they do? Like, at all?

    Sure, we get Obi-Wan’s claim that “only Imperial stormtroopers are so precise”, but seriously now, anyone can hit a giant fucking sandcrawler. Later in the film, they can’t even hit Luke or Leia at a couple of metres range. In the second film, the walkers take down the rebel base - all the snow troopers ever do is run around in the empty corridors after everyone escaped. After that, they just stand around in the background while Darth Vader intimidates everyone into doing what he wants. So all things considered, the Ewoks’ victory isn’t unrealistic, it’s probably what you should expect.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Yeah, the Stromtroopers are seriously sucky henchmen, they can almost never actually get anything done. The saddest part is that the Stormtroopers were, in the Emperor’s own words, his best troops!

      • Rodney says:

        If you read the novels you will see that Stormtroopers are elite military troops and very capable. The movies often illustrate them as less than effective, but these were feared and effective military troops.

  27. AudioOut says:

    It never bothered me that little bear creatures beat the empire.

    It only bothered me that it never felt like more than a village’s worth of them when it should have seemed like the whole planet’s worth of them attacking at once. I had to use my imagination to make it make sense for me.

  28. Carla Lute says:

    I’ve been saying a version of this for years. It’s a classic David and Goliath story. Lot’s of animals in the natural world are “cute”. That doesn’t mean they’re not a force to be reckoned with.

    And I want the orginal score back. It’s supposed to be a party at the end for pity’s sake.

  29. Dragonslayer says:

    Finally! The video blog of a life-time.

    Ewoks are the best.

    I actually gotta agree with you, John, I think A New Hope is the best, but that’s just me.

    “They’ll eat you after they fuck you up” LOL

  30. Christopher says:

    Ummm…I’m not a big fan of the Ewoks, but don’t hate them either. Might ROTJ been better without them…perhaps, but then again, Lucas might have done Jar Jar and the Gungans instead and that would have screwed ROTJ to a very painful death.

    If you want to see NATURE VS. TECHNOLOGY done right, I would say that Tolkien/Jackson showed us how it SHOULD be done in THE TWO TOWERS with the March of the Ents.

    Also - as much as I love the SW OT - LOTR is THE ALLTIME TRILOGY CHAMPION FOR ETERNITY + 1.

  31. OldDarth says:

    Blah! Ewoks have and always will be the first major visible cue of the downslide of the SW franchise. The bigger problem with ROTJ is that it it a rehash of the original movie.

  32. mike says:

    ewoks….now are they really the bad-ass muppets you speak of???the prequels…the clone army is a well oiled machine,they fucked up the ENTIRE remaining jedi order with blasters….to me thats some skilled shit.granted most was sneak attacks but it never seemed that the jedi took anyone down with them…fast forward a couple years…..3 foot high half naked lumps of fur take out an entire storm trooper army with little to no effort.home field advantage aside…i call bullshit!were the clones imbreed that bad that they got retarded as the films progressed to the point an errant taunton fart could in all possibility….blow up the death star??? you complain about the twins from transformers as the piece that ruined the movie,if it wasn’t for things like the ewoks….cute skid kick characters needed for every big budget movie,we might not have this need to add kid friendly stuff to far as the twins go…love em…could not see how they were rascist sterotypes….they talked like the current generation talks…white or me the twins were about the same as “mater” from your beloved company pixar’s movie cars…slow witted,goofy dialogue,he had goddamn buck teeth for fuck’s sake.finding nemo,dory was slow….wall-e,humans are slow,the grand daddy toy story….rex was can you preach love for ewoks but damn near crucify the twins in ROTF as one of the main bash points of the flick.frank millers “300″ is all the explanation i need for ewoks….rejected leper wookies were discarded on a plant thought to die and made a deal with darth satan for super human strength to crush the empire at a later date.some one needs to take wicket…tie it to a stick so optimus prime and the rest of the autobots have a nice furry loufa to polish their over sized ball bearings.oh and now that humans are on endor….celebutard bimbos are probally carring ewoks around in their designer handbags made from the wrecked assholes of all the fans george lucas raped when he made the prequels….and the ewoks.long live the twins…whoooooo!!!!

  33. Derek 8-Track says:

    These are my 11′s on a 10 point scale
    -Original Star Wars
    -LOTR 1,2,3
    -Back To The Future 1,2,3

    And Spielbergs Hook comes in with a 12 out of 10 in awesomeness!!!!

  34. Andrew says:

    In response, I just have to say this. Two things.

    Hey John, screw you, I love Jar-Jar Binks.
    Hey John, screw you, I love the Autobot twins.

    But I also love the Ewoks.

  35. dhadari baap says:

    I didn’t have a problem with ewoks, i had a problem with a seen.

    I’ve always had a problem with the scene where the ewok wicket meet leia. While leia was unconcious it seemed rather bizarre that wicket just waits for her to wake up. another strange thing would be the ewok being far from the village alone with all the threats at that time on endor. Worst yet was them giving leia a human dress, I wonder what would have made them have her change into it. they wouldn’t have an attraction for a female human anymore then a female human would for an ewok. A more realistic scenario would have been Leia waking up and speaking to wicket the ewok just as a net lands on her. The ewoks would take leia back to their village tied hand and foot on a pole, in the same manner as they did with Hans solo, luke, r2d2 and chewbacca. At the village they would all be reunited and leia would have joined in the convesation concerning getting roasted and c3p0 being a golden god.

  36. Rodney says:

    But its ok to conceive that even a small bear could kill you?

    And the stormtroopers could take out the Jedi because they were still just mortal beings. Mortal beings that were placed in a position of trust and shot the Jedi in the back.

    The Empire underestimated the local inhabitants of Endor who ASSISTED the Rebel strike team in breaking into a bunker.

    No one is saying the Ewoks are more powerful, just that they were underestimated, and the Empire’s faith in their superior technology was their undoing.

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