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Transformers Revenge of the Fallen takes in $20million Overseas

By Rodney - June 22, 2009 - 13:35 America/Montreal

With Transformers Revenge of the Fallen opening up in two major markets that are NOT the US this weekend, we get our first peek at what the boxoffice might shape up as around the followup to Michael Bay’s $400million dollar run of Transformers.

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The sequel took in an initial offering of $20 million from 846 screens in just two territories - Britain and Japan. I know $20 million doesn’t seem like very much so, just to put that number in perspective for you, the #2 movie internationally, “Terminator Salvation”, brought in $18.4 million from 9,400 screens in 74 territories.

So while some people are laughing at the less than impressive $20million take that the big fucking robot movie managed to get, combined with its less than impressive 38% at Rotten Tomatoes (not yet counting professional critic reviews), it is a matter of perspective.

Terminator opened up on more than 10 times the screens, in 37 times as many markets to drag in almost that kind of money.

I tend to suck at these “guess the boxoffice” type games, but I would modestly expect $80million for the weekend. I will probably be realy wrong there.

What is your prediction for this week’s North American release?


  1. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    damn…im no numbers guy either but i see this doing fairly well. everybody ive talked to said they are gonna see it, and i know some of the folks bashing it will prolly see it (myself included) and its opening on a Wednesday with little resistance. im guessing a lil over 100

  2. ButterOnMyPopcorn says:

    You are terrible at guessing box office #’s. This movie will easily break the 100 million mark this weekend.

    • tzaylor says:

      I’ll see your 100 mil and raise you. By the weekend my bet is it will have made 135 million

  3. Kiddo says:

    Honestly I see this opening close to 115 million, easily. Nikki Finke had mentioned in one of her posts that the movie is tracking huge and analysts are predicting a gross close to 160 million for the first 5 days. Wouldn’t be surprised if that happened.
    Pretty much everybody I know who saw the movie loved it. The thing that could kill this in the long run is bad word of mouth (if that percentage of Rotten T is to be maintained after all the critics weigh in).

  4. melbye says:

    $175 over 5 days

  5. Andrew says:

    Transformers already has an existing fanbase, ever since it launched in 1984. Wether you loved or hated the first one, you can’t deny that it was sucessful in the box office. A majority of Transformers fans loved it, so there will be people lining up to see this one.

    BTW Rodney, I know that there is a review embargo, but did John end up giving the movie a passing or a failing grade? And if you saw it, do you give it a passing or a failing grade?

    • Rodney says:

      That’s precisely what an embargo means Andrew. Sorry.

      I (or John) can’t say a thing until opening day and that includes me saying something I heard John say.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Thats such bullshit though,
      you guys have the right to post whatever the hell you want unless its like “watch TF2 here for free!”

      Its a review, youre not making any money off of anything they did, you can post anything you want.

      I cant wait to see the review though. Sucks you guys cant put it up yet

  6. AARON says:

    20.2 M


    and on the actual weekend it’ll grab 100. Come on, it’s Transformers dude!

  7. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    This film will be HUGE for its first TEN days.


  8. 3R!C says:

    Well it may be more taking into account people who aren’t following the movie and aren’t reading up on it.

  9. bigsampson says:

    ya well terminator was also panned by everyone b4 it even came out…..so at this piont every one who hasnt seen it knows it is probably shit….this movie will make a shit ton of movies but this article is kinda retarded…how you gonna use terminator as the option to judge the money making pyramid of theatre….pick a movie that is well recieved etc…..every one and there mothers wants to see this film…yet every one new terminator 4 sucked allready

    • Rodney says:

      That was opening weekend numbers. And despite agreeing with your assessment over the quality of T4, there were a lot of people who disagreed with my review. And it was tracking higher on RT before it came out as well.

    • bigsampson says:

      oh well then shit transformers will make $666 million and the apocolypse will begin!
      We are fucking doomed, nothing will be able to stop the massive intake of money that the studios will be reaping….ya know personally im sneaking in a shit ton of snax n hard liquor for this one!

    • R1ZE says:

      Even with the negative word-of-mouth Terminator brought in 100k in its first week overseas… they love terminator out there I guess. It’s almost double the domestic gross right now and its been out less than half the time

  10. gene czech says:

    Mark my words right now. $135 million opening weekend.

  11. Phil Gee says:

    It’ll open huge no doubt but having seen it, I’m pretty damn sure it’s not going to be the most successful blockbuster of the year.

    I just don’t think the majority of people will see it a second time.

  12. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    I think it would have 130 to 140 million dollars , give or take. The Dark Knight could do it , so does Transformers 2.

  13. matty says:

    Whatever its quality turns out to be, TF2 will be the biggest money maker in 2009. Easily the most hyped film of the year, appeal across a number of markets/demographics, and has incredible brand recognition.

  14. Kneon says:

    I didn’t care for the first film, but I have no doubt the second will top $100 mil opening weekend. There’s simply no competition, and we’re overdue for a $100+ mil opener.

    I think it’ll go over like Pirates of the Caribbean 2 though. People will see it in droves despite the reviews just because it’s THE movie to see, and a much hyped sequel to a crowd pleaser.

    Then they’ll complain afterward how much it sucked, but come back for the third movie anyway.

    Not saying it DOES suck, but the UK reviews I’ve read aren’t that rosy… and I’ve been worried about the Twins since the first time I saw them.

  15. Alex says:

    I expect an awesome opening weekend for this movie!

    The way I see it, the cast majority of people don’t check RT and are gonna go buy how the first one was, and the first one was more than entertaining!

    Just one example of this would be SM3 which had poor opening reviews but was riding off of SM2’s great success and managed to break some records opening weekend!

  16. Chris says:

    Wouldn’t think that $100 million weekend would be unreasonable. The fact that reviews won’t be out until Wednesday guarantees them at lest a big opening day.

    • Kneon says:

      So are these review embargoes really fair?

      I mean, if something is crap, doesn’t the public have a right to know…? I’m suspicious when there are no advance reviews… that right there usually tells me a flick is bad and the studio is trying to control the word of mouth.

    • Rodney says:

      The embargo is fair. They don’t HAVE to let us see the movie in advance, they don’t have to do anything at all.

      Its well within their rights to ask us not to reveal our reviews before the film is released.

  17. The Jim Walker says:

    950 BILLION from midnight shows alone. I am guessing a 5 day of around 6.3 TRILLION Dollars.

    • Ouja says:

      LOL! I damn sure hope not…cause we will be inundated by everything Transformers for the next 20 years. HELL, probably be driving a transformers inspired moped to work if that happened within a month.

  18. Dean says:

    too long and gave me a headache. got two stupid ja ja binks esque characters that suck too. not a patch on the first.

  19. V.tine says:

    I think Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen will take in a little under 150 million, your talking about a movie that is constantly talked about and one of the best hyped movies for the summer, the marketing hasent been anything too special but it has made its mark. Anyone who has seen the first Transformers is going to see this one and those who havent seen it are renting it on DVD and getting hyped up to see this one. A $400million dollar budget can make some people buy into the hype that is M.B. but Transformers will pull in just under 150million

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