Transformers Revenge of the Fallen takes in $201.2 Million

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 06. 2009in News Chat

Transformers Revenge of the Fallen raked in an impressive $201.2 Million over 5 days to just narrowly fall short of the record of $203.8 Million currently held by The Dark Knight.

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Box office estimates late Sunday gave Transformers $201.2 million for the five day opening weekend, which isn’t enough to beat The Dark Knight’s $203.8 million, but enough to make it the second highest 5-day opening in US box office history, and the second film ever to break the $200 million mark in such a short amount of time. Already the third most successful film of the year, it’s likely to take the top spot in a matter of days.

Both are setting trends of a more successful sequel, which we honestly don’t see enough of.

There seems to be a lot of love it or leave it mentality with Transformers that we didn’t see with Dark Knight. I saw it on Friday and I liked it a lot more than I thought I would.

I have similar issues like with the Twins, and I felt as cool as Devastator was, he was mostly wasted. But the action and effects were SO good that I had a great time at the theater.

Were you surprised by the draw? Did you think it was going to be higher, or is this more than you guessed?

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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45 Responses to “Transformers Revenge of the Fallen takes in $201.2 Million”

  1. iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    is that it? wow, what a disapointment. horrible numbers, just horrible.

    that beat my guess, i was expecting 150-175. I thought that it was good, a little on the too long, why weren’t there more cuts, we didn’t really need all of that, side, but all in all it was entertaining.

    • candymom says:

      I took 4 9 year old boys. they all loved it! I have already told my son I’ll take him again. I hated the movie but it was not made for me.

  2. Bryan C. says:

    I thought it would make some good amount of money at the box office, but this was beyond my expectations.

  3. adrian says:

    I hoped it will surpass The Dark Knight.

    Oh, well, what can you do? Except waiting for the third installment. Yay for Bay!!!!

  4. AARON says:

    Yeah, but it’s at $387.3 M worldwide. I wasn’t shocked it made this much. After that 60 M Wednesday I was thinking it could be like Dark Knight, but no. Now if it had opened on a Friday, maybe it would have been a different story. I was guessing $102.4 or something like that. It was like a gut feeling this would make over 100 M opening weekend.

    I thought it was advertised poorly, guess not lol

  5. Thos says:

    Dark Knight rules. Haven’t seen Transforminators.

  6. AARON says:

    Btw Rodney, yeah I could see how you thought Devastator was wasted, but I don’t think he was. It was BEAUTIFUL when he transformed.

    Please tell me I’m not alone here, THE FALLEN WAS WASTED!!!

    The movie was awesome though

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      yeah, it was like, wow the fallen this guy is going to be bad ass-wait a minute, that was it?

    • Matt Keith says:

      “The Fallen” was the title character and he was only in the film for 10 minutes and he gets killed effortlessly.

    • Rodney says:

      And that is different from the first one how?

      Megatron was brief in the first film for about as long.

    • Matt Keith says:

      ….another character that was wasted was Scorponok, he comes out of nowhere then gets killed.

    • Matt Keith says:


      Megatron actually put up a fight in the first one, the fight w/ “The Fallen” was like 2 minutes long, and then he gets killed.

    • HAZMAT says:

      We should stop using the screen time of Megatron in TF1 as an excuse for everything.

      This^^ doesnt excuse for all the negatives of the 2nd one.

      “The twins sucked”
      “Well….in the first one Megatron had no screen time”

      “The Fallen was wasted”
      “Oh thats okay, same happend to Megs in the 1st one”

      No- I dont want the villains being wasted! Period! They did it once, well thats no excuse to do it again, thats a reason to fix that and not fuck up the same way again, dont trip over the same rock

      BUT on the flip side…

      The Fallen wasnt really wasted, i mean a few people knew about him..I did, but none of my friends did…everyone thought The Fallen was a metaphor for the Decepticons who died or “fell” in the 1st one

      The Fallen is a tank who got sucked into a black hole…thats all i remember him from in the show…he was rarely in it…If they do that to Optimus okay, but The Fallen? This guy rarely ever showed up in the show/comix anyways

  7. GODFATHER says:

    WOW! Big ass numbers for sure! Way more than the $125 million I figured for the opening (thinking next weekend being a US Holiday weekend would be a bigger draw). Good to see the negativity out there didn’t hurt business.

    Personally, I was A LOT more impressed watching the movie the second time (not so much the third, as the seat I got stuck with sucked), than I was after catching the midnight show on Tues. I apparently missed some of the dialogue which lead to some of the important aspects of the storyline (not having read or followed TF since G1 days in the 80′s). It really is a good movie, in the same aspect of the first one. Really hard to disagree that point, as with any movie that caters to more than one demographic, it has huge shoes to fill.

    Can you already hear the ramblings of a third installment? Hell ya! but I wonder if they’ll throw more money at Bay to keep the continuity, or if they’ll let him go without a fight, and bring in someone else, deserving of a takeover? Personally, I’d love to see Jon Favreau take it, but he might be too busy.

  8. HAZMAT says:

    Yeah this movie ruled. I saw it 3 times with family first,then girlfriend and then my friends

    The twins werent that bad! I thought they were going to say
    “You fucking niggers!”
    When i heard the words “the most racist characters…” i thought
    “Oh, these dudes are going to be racist”
    But they were actually funny, and…not racist

    I went with 2 of my black friends and they thought they werent racist by the slightest bit, they fucking liked them. My friend especially liked the part when Mudflap called the college guy a pussy.

    And it was really clear why Wheelie switched to the autobots.

    There was nothing wrong with this movie, the only thing i hated was Starscream being such a pussy, i thought he was going to fight megatron, or at least show some balls, but he didnt…what a wuss

    Bay was clearly trying to make this movie “epic” and big, i liked that…now…im sure hell go the extra 5280 feet by bringing in Unicron in the sequel, this movie proved that hes doing that

    Jetfire…was so fucking epic. His speech about the fallen when they first got to the desert made my panties wet.

    I want Ultra Magnus, HotShot, Lazerbeak, Rodimus Prime, Grimlock, Prowl and Unicron in the sequel

    And that Blades guy thats an autobot that turns into a helicopter

    • Matt Keith says:

      The guy that transformed into a helicopter was Grindor…and the autobot w/ blades was Sideswipe

    • TF Fan says:

      Actually the helicopter from the 80′s was Springer, the Green Helo from the TF the Movie.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Yeah i know, but my little brothers wouldnt believe me, they kept saying it was Blackout

      They look exactly the same! Why did Bay make them look identical?

    • Bill says:

      Probably because the models were on file already, which also explains why some Constructicons formed Devastator, and some were fighting on their own, but they had the same vehicle modes. Easier to animate in the long run using existing designs

    • HAZMAT says:

      Isnt that like- fucking lazy?

    • Matt Keith says:

      TF Fan,

      My bad….I thought that Hazmat was refering to the movie and not the cartoon.

  9. Jeremy K. says:

    I loved the movie, not surprised by its take at all. I did not find anything racial stereotyping at all about the twins. They remind me more of the two gangsta white kids in Waiting than stereotyping black people. My roommate thought they were more like two hillbillies trying to act gangster, so it is always fun to see how different view interpret things. I could of done without some of the stupid humor in the movie, as this would of made the scenes they tried to make dramatic maybe actually dramatic. No real need for the cussing and humping of both dogs and robot alike, but overall I thought it was awesome and a very entertaining ride. I would be curious to see a shortened version of the movie where they took out the the overly stupid low brow comedy scenes. I’m guessing it would only play about two hours and would get better reviews from the critics.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      From what I hear it was intentional- as established with the first film, the robots “mimic” media that they see and hear in order to communicate; hence, you get two “dumb” annoying…

      … Personally, I think it is stupid, stupid stupid. But I suppose the point was to be stupid…

      …and I think this film was not a shock to make the dough, but I got this feeling that it will have a HUGE drop off very soon.

  10. Moe says:

    I enjoyed ROTF for the most part, although I did have a few issues - namely it seemed that there were too many robots, and we didn’t get to hear or see enough of them. Jolt looked like a cool character, but he didn’t really do anything in the movie (until his little scene at the end).

    Plus, it seemed as if there were two sets of Constructicons - which didn’t make sense.

    Anyway, here’s who I’d like to see in Transformers 3 (in addition to the usual characters):





    And, of course, Unicron!

    • Matt Keith says:

      Yessss…bring in Shockwave.

    • Bill says:

      There is talk there was a Shockwave cameo on TF boards. Supposedly, when Devastator was starting to suck everything up, a newspaper got stuck on a pipe, and the story was about another giant robot sighting and the picture included was the G1 Shockwave face!

      Makes me wonder if Shockwave is another “Seeker” like Jetfire and the pics Simmons had, since Wheelie pointed out there were more than 1 in the US alone (novelization states 10 on Earth)

  11. Rocket says:

    I regret every penny I contributed to that number.

    What a sack of shit that movie was.

  12. SlashBeast says:

    I thought most of the Transformers were wasted, apart from a select few. There were too many of them and they just got reduced to stereotypes.

    As for the film’s long term success. I think it’s unlikely that it’ll pass The Dark Knight or other high money makers. It has little appeal to female audiences but you can never really know in the long run.

  13. Conibear Trapp says:

    I am surprised at the take. That is much higher than I thought. But, honestly, this movie was just stupid. That was all I could think of as I left the theater. The first half was absolutely torture. The childish, inane sexual humor, the stupid Transformer girl, the profanity for its own sake all made me want to pull out my toenails. The second half was better but if you didn’t grow up watching the Transformer cartoons, it is hard to tell the difference between the different robots other than the main ones.


    And if the Primes in “heaven” could bring Sam back from the dead, why couldn’t they bring Optimus back from the dead? The entire scene to get the key to Optimus was twenty minutes too long. Except for the special effects which were beyond excellent, this movie was agony.

  14. Bill says: is reporting with actual weekend totals:

    Opening Weekend: $108,966,307
    Domestic Total thru Sunday evening: $200,077,255

  15. Rich James says:

    The Dark Knight >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Transformers 2

    the dark knight had something that was totally missing from Transformers…it’s called…ACTING!

  16. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    I say 1 for Transformers and 0 for all the douchebag reviewers. Up to Transformers 3.

  17. Jennifer Juniper says:

    TF2 was better than TF1 because it has more robots and more robot fighting actions. When I saw TF1, I thought it was good, but I wished it had more robots and more fighting, which is that TF2 had.

    I read many of the negative reviews and the criticisms that many had was that there were too many robots, can’t tell who’s who, too much action, not enough story/drama, etc. They pointed out example of other stories such as Terminator, Wall-E, Iron Giant, etc that has robots… or that you can make a good action movie such as TDK, Indiana Jones, etc. I disagree with their comparisions. All those movies were mostly about human beings and can’t be compare to Transformers.

    Complaints were that Transformers is that it has too many robots and too much fighting. Transformers has to have these things: lots of giant, complex, transforming robots, not 1, 2, or 3 robots, but lots of robots. Also, they have to fight each others in cool crazy actions. Without lotsa giant complex robots fighting each other, than you don’t have a Transformer movie.

    People say, TF2 plot sucks. You have the bad guys trying to get power and destroy the world. You got the good guys trying to stop them. What more do you want? Most plots are like that.

  18. Hdc47 says:

    Hold on, call me CRAZY but I think TF1 HAD BETTER AND MORE ACTION!

  19. Kristina says:

    I was so relieved that it didn’t get TDK’s record:)

  20. Darek-T says:

    Transformers made 200 mill domesticly. And suprisingly that’s how much is costed.
    All the 190 mill they made foreignly is profit.
    And it’s only just opened!!

  21. Rare Addict says:

    Fantastic numbers; more than I expected, honestly. That’s not to say that I’m not happy with ‘em, though.

    While I gave the film a 6.5 after my initial viewing, I appreciated it quite a bit more the second time around (bumping it up to a 7.5). Even with all of its flaws (and boy, does it have a ton of ‘em), I can’t remember the last time I had such a fun movie-going experience. For that reason alone, this film may very well end up on my top 10 list of the year. And as was the case with the first film, I can see my rating for Revenge of the Fallen going up a bit with each subsequent viewing.

  22. Dimitris says:

    omg transformers is the best movie ever aired!!
    too bad it didnt pass the stupid dark night! i just wonder what peopl liked in the dark night!! there are like 10 movies of batman aired and all of them are like the same! i mean come on :S
    transformers 3 i think is going to be way more epic than any other movie.

    • Rodney says:

      How does that foot taste there Dimitris?

      Transformers 2 was “more of the same” with a different storyline. Just like Batman - which you claim is so perplexing to like.

      And they don’t “air” feature films. They screen them. “Air” means its broadcast on television. Neither TF movies have been.

      Dark Knight was a far superior film, and the boxoffice battle between them simply illustrates that both franchises have a huge following.

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