Three Stooges Movie To Be 3 Half Hour Episodes Put Together

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 06. 2009in News Chat

The Three Stooges movie project has recently suffered a major set back with the departure of Sean Penn from the cast. The potential dream cast for the movie saw Sean Penn, Jim Carrey and Benicio del Toro. So much for that.

There is some speculation going on around the web today that Paul Giamatti may be replacing Penn, but that is totally false. Someone just suggested Giamatti for the role, but the Farelly have already confirmed that isn’t happening and that they’ve offered the role to someone else already, but aren’t mentioning who it is (I guess they haven’t accepted yet).

But what I found interesting is the FORMAT the Farelly brothers are going to use for the movie. We’ve known for a long time that this film isn’t going to be a biopic about the Stooges, but rather an actual modern telling of the Stooges (which I actually think is kinda cool now). And instead of doing just one long movie, they’re going to do 3 “episodes” put together. I LOVE that idea. The 3 episodes will be connected together in some way.

So who could you see replacing Penn?

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “Three Stooges Movie To Be 3 Half Hour Episodes Put Together”

  1. Clint says:


  2. jesse Mac says:

    Johnny Depp

  3. nogods4herby says:

    I still don’t like the idea of a stooges movie, but the 3 shorts rather than 1 long film is a great idea, so I’m now in a wait and see frame of mind.

  4. Steven Aparicio says:

    robin williams. wdyt?

  5. Jim says:

    I smell disaster.

  6. Guy says:

    Jeremy Piven

  7. alonewolf1 says:

    it well be interesting hit or miss how this plays
    out but for me i’ll stick with originals
    yuk yuk yuk !!! hey moe!

  8. leeloo says:


  9. bigsampson says:

    i would love robin williams …he has a lot of energy…john c rielly is a great choice too imo
    Im personally glad penn isnt doing it.

    • Matticus says:

      Robin Williams would be alright. I disagree with the Penn thing. I thought he was absolutely perfectly cast, and it sucks he will not be in this. Then again, it might work out for the better.

  10. Mladen says:

    Rob Schneider?

  11. Matticus says:

    Seth Rogen? He’s got the fro.

  12. spence says:

    John Cena….lmao jk

  13. Jim says:

    A behind the scenes look at their lives…great! A few episodes like the original show…what is the point?

    Flop city.

  14. obi-wan kubrick says:

    The question is who should replace The Farrelly Brothers?

  15. J.P. says:

    Judd Apatow has already effectively replaced them in the #1 spot for comedies. Doesn’t mean they still can’t make an occasional movie that’s BETTER than The Heartbreak Kid though.

    I still think they should replace Sean Penn with Michael Keaton, if he could do Beetle Juice, then he can do Larry.

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