The Main Reason To Be Optimistic About Transformers 3

Posted by John Campeaon 29. 06. 2009in News Chat

There is a lot to hate about Transformers 2. There is also much to love about it. If you read or watched my review of Transformers 2 you know all the problems I had with the movie and why I didn’t think it was anywhere near as good as the first one. Still, the action was grand, the visual effects were jaw dropping and it certainly had its moments.

But in reflecting on Transformers 2 and the future of the franchise in the hands of Michael Bay, I was hit by a thought that gives me a lot of hope for the next installment. The main reason is this:

Michael Bay appears to listen to the fans.

Follow me here. Some of the biggest complaints about the first Transformers film (legitimate complains) seemed to most revolve around:

- The lack of screen time for the Transformers themselves
- Too much shaky cam in the action
- No decepticon interaction

There were certainly others, but most of them seem to revolve around these issues. And to his credit, Michael Bay seemed to listen… because in Transformers 2 we got:

- MUCH more screen times for the Transformers
- Much less shaky cam in the action (still too much, but it was an improvement)
- More decepticon interaction, including a highly demanded one between Starscream and Megatron

Yes, there were a lot of NEW problems in Transformers 2 and several weaknesses that were not addressed… but in retrospect it does seem to me like Bay and company were listening to the gripes most of us had about the first one and addressed them. Kudos to them for doing that.

If Bay and his Bayonittes continue to do that, then perhaps Transformers 3 could be a lot better (get rid of the Jar Jar Twins, the leg humping mini robot, anyone that Megatron bows to… because we all know Megatron bows to NO ONE, the useless and annoying side human characters like Sam’s pathetic roommate, Transformers that turn into human college girls and other various items of sheer stupidity that were in Transformers 2).

I’m not saying that Transformers 3 WILL be better than 2… I’m just suggesting that Bay does seem to listen… and if he is listening… there could be improvements. Let’s hope so.

This post was written by :

John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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93 Responses to “The Main Reason To Be Optimistic About Transformers 3”

  1. Matt Keith says:

    Just get rid of the juvenile humor and brin in Unicron for the thirs film.

    • John says:

      Please god DON’T bring in Unicron

    • Kratos says:

      I agree with john, leave unicron for what it is/was.
      It would just be stupid, and full of plotholes.

      His appearance might be epic and huge, even more than devastator, but look how cheaply devastator got killed off (IMO).
      It wasnt really worth it bringing him into the movie, his screentime was so short i thought the only reason he made it into the movie was so that the trailer would be ******* epic, (and it was really the most epic trailer i ever saw)

      killing Unicron will be done on such a cheap way.
      Let them do something like ending the war on earth between the autobots and decepticons for once and for all, something that wont lead to a sequel.
      something with a satisfying ending.

      And Leave the transformers Trilogy for what it is,
      Or else its gonna become ****** up, if they keep making sequels.

      I was really negative when they announced a transformers movie, But damn when i saw the first trailer i knew i had to see it.
      I was so suprised by the way they pulled it off.
      And i knew the second one would rock aswell, And In My Opinion it did.
      But i think the third one should be epic, huge, and the last one.

    • Bill says:

      IMHO, since the Allspark has been credited as the source of creation for Transformers, bringing in Unicron and in turn Primus (the creator in TV and comic lore) would get too bogged down in trying to retcon the story as is.

    • cloud720 says:

      When Tyrese said “if God made man in his own image then what made them”, I was wondering if they were using that to foreshadow Unicron, or their interpretation of him.

    • Bill says:

      So what, the Allspark is an extension of Primus and/or Unicron? Hmmm, that might work

    • AndyS says:

      Can we at least get Galvatron?

    • Chris says:

      I don’t know maybe Unicorn could be a cloud or something. jk.

  2. riggs says:

    i liked the second film alot more than the first one, i even thought that many of the reviews ive seen were a little bit too harsh on a summer movie. so im extremely optimistic (almost wanted to do a pun there) for number 3.

  3. melbye says:

    I liked the Pretender-robot, although she was more like the T-X from T3 than a Transfromer. I say tone down the stupid juvenile humor, Wheelie humping Megan Fox was NOT funny, neither was the twins even though i didn’t Jar Jar-hate them.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    I think that the next one wont be in college or high school so the teenage humor wont be in it.

    The next one WILL be epic. This one was so great in the sense that it was BIG

    The difference of epicness from the first to the 2nd one was so huge, it kinda shows a pattern and proves that the next one will be godlike.



    Will Starscream PLEASE grow some fucking balls!?
    Why did they make Starscream sound like a servant? He sounded like a little slave thats always sucking up to Megatron, and he really is like that, but they overdid it, I want Starscream to fucking rip Megatrons head off
    In the scene when they were supposed to fight on the skyscraper, all that happened was Megatron dick slapped Starscream in the face, i was so pissed

    Although it was pretty neat watching him spit on Sam.

    • Bill says:

      Well, Starscream always “acts” the servant when he can not shoot Megatron in the back, and even on some level, as they just showed in the G1 comic “All Hail Megatron”, he does not want leadership just because Megatron dies, but because he back-stabbed for it. Maybe the writers took that mentality this time instead of “Oh, he’s dead so let’s run away and lead” from the first movie

    • HAZMAT says:

      But then why didnt starsream kill him when he was weak and half dead?
      He shouted for help “Starscream!!!” And his face was half gone
      And starscream could have thrusted his arm through Megatrons chest easily

    • Bill says:

      Well, if you read IDW’s “All Hail Megatron” it showed Prime was about to finish Megatron and Starscream stepped in and told him that he did this out of honor, so maybe the only way leadership is truly earned is if Megatron is is in fighting condition, not handed to him on a silver platter so to speak with a wounded Megatron?

    • HAZMAT says:

      Starscreams a traitor, not a knight

    • Bill says:

      Is it a traitor or is it still a power play, as a leadership earned from the previous leader while they are damaged/hurt is suspect and potentially overthrown at a moment’s notice. If he beat Megatron while Megs was in his prime (so to speak), then no one would dare challenge Starscream for leadership.

      Look at the animated movie, Megs just gets thrown out of Astrotrain so there is a power struggle to start with Starscream, Soundwave, and the Constructicons.

  5. HebrewHammer says:

    Your right about there being hope for the next Transformers movie, John and about Unicron as well. Something like that would again take away from megatron being the main threat. Megatron and Optimus need to be at the fore front of the battle and story. They compliment each other because of their differences to one another. I say just have megatron be feed up with getting his a$$ handed to him by the autobots and he has an entire army arrive on Earth. Id like to see an all out war with hundreds if not thousands of tranformers, if thats even possible.

    • David says:

      Now THAT, would satisfy long-time fans.

    • GODFATHER says:

      I would absolutely HATE to see hundreds/thousands of TF’s fighting on Earth. It would suck for several reasons, not the least of which would be seeing who was fighting who. It would look too much like every “epic” fight scene done with CGI - too fucking shitty and in most cases, useless.

  6. AARON says:

    Btw we need a better story to. The story in the second for me wasn’t clear until they were in the desert.

    Oh also, A BETTER VILLAIN! And do it right Bay! I’m so agitated about how they used the Fallen. But yes Bay does listen, hopefully he will take things into consideration. I did like this one, in terms of action it’s way better than the first. In terms of story, no. So this was slightly better.

    I am so pumped for Transformers 3! Why do we have to wait?

    • HAZMAT says:

      Unicron would be a better villain

      so would Megazarak

      I would like it if they called the sequel

      “Transformers: Emperor of Destruction”

      And yes, it would be with the Vehicons, who have no spark
      And Predacon!!!

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I honestly don’t get the complaints on story. Even if you do not know the exact cause and effect til near the end, you do know it is a Transformers based movie. What is the story of most things Transformers? The Decepticons have an evil plan they set into motion and the Autobots come in to thwart it. Good old fashion Saturday morning action cartoon story telling.

  7. Chris Bunker says:

    Dinobots? What do u think John?

  8. Beejag says:

    I didn’t care much for the flick, but I did enjoy the extended amounts of screen time the bots all saw, especially Starscream and Megatron, both of whom were great in their interactions with one another.

    If there was one major complaint I had with the movie, it would be the lack of substance to practically everything. In the first film, we got to know what few autobots there were, and care for them, if only even a little.

    Whereas in the new one, you have all of these badass bots appearing left and right, but how long do their scenes even last? Devestator was looking to be amazing, and he shows up for 4 minutes and then gets taken out, now what the fuck was the point of all of that build up?

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Personally I thought Devastator was used quite well in the movie. He served his role:

      Safely clear out a portion of the pyramid to reveal the machine hidden inside in a quick and timely manner.

      His new design was with a purpose. He fulfilled his purpose. He was no longer needed. The movie wasn’t called Transformers 2: Rise of the Devastator. Had the movie been based on Devastator, then I could understand wanting him to have a bigger part.

  9. Soul says:

    I thought Bay said he was done with the Transformers franchise?

    • AARON says:

      that was a rumor that got out of control.

    • tzaylor says:

      That’s what I was thinking. What does it matter if Bay listens to the fans if he’s not the one directing? I bet he does another one even though he said he wouldn’t. Have heard anything since he said that?

  10. Jay says:

    How is this good news for Transformers 3? A director has to wait to see what the audience wants before complying to their needs?

    Film-makers should not hold test screenings or take bloody requests.

    Transfomers 3 will just be another excuse to sell more toys.

    • John says:

      I think you’re dead wrong Jay. A property like Transformers is different from original material. It’s something that’s already “owned” by the fans.

      To completely turn off your ears to the fans who have loved and knows these characters longer than you have would be paramount to total foolishness.

      Still make YOUR movie… but give an ear to the fans and make changes where they work, and don’t where they don’t work.

    • Grave says:

      I think G.I. Joe will show us all what happends to a franchise when the film makers dont listen to fans. At least in the first TF film we got Peter Cullam as Prime and got them to change the orginal head of Megatron.

  11. michael says:

    Less human element - I’m not saying none, but no need for as much, the movie is called transformers, not terrible shia lebeouf and megan fox dialogue

    • Crayven says:

      John Im at a loss for what you expected from Transformers 2. You got what you wanted high grand scale fights, 3 of them in imax. You got more screen time of both autobots and decepticons. Yet you feel inclined to say the movie was poor because two twins and a mini robot? I saw your video review, How on earth were they racist? Megan Fox a bad actor, sure…but you really think they hired her for her acting abilities? Hell if you search around youtube, you can find an interview coming from Megan Fox herself stating that’s how she more or less gets parts. Based of her looks and cmon man, this movie isnt supposed to win a nomination for a oscar award….So a robot disguised itself as a human? Whoopie, its a summer action flick…I agree dialogue was poor. Some great one liners some terrible one liners..but jeez…arent you being a bit over observing on this film?…gah man its just a movie.If anything I say the movie greatly surpassed the first by loads of excellence.

    • Crayven says:

      sorry new to this thing…gah…and by thing i mean posting:P

    • alfie says:

      obviously its “just a movie” but if you have been paying attention sites like these are devoted to and made by and visited by peopl to whom these are more than “just movies” thats why these sites exist. they are not about casual movie fans. its about people to whom films even as empty and vapid as tf are important.

      if you don’t want to read in depth and over the top analysis of films don’t visit the site.

    • Crayven says:

      “obviously its “just a movie” but if you have been paying attention sites like these are devoted to and made by and visited by peopl to whom these are more than “just movies” thats why these sites exist.” Well..i’ve been here for years but never posted…that doesnt’ mean i view movies as just a movie, only Transformers as John stated is supposed to be a “summer action flick”

      “they are not about casual movie fans. its about people to whom films even as empty and vapid as tf are important. ”

      So your stating the average casual movie fan cant come here because hes not as insanely crazy as you in terms of loving movies?

      “if you don’t want to read in depth and over the top analysis of films don’t visit the site.”

      See this is my gripe, how does one over analyze in depth a film that was purely an action film. You go to see transformers for explosions, for autobots and decepticons kicking each others ass. What were you expecting? An oscar nominated film for best acting? For best story?…I mean seriously once again i still feel unconvinced what you guys were expecting from the film?

  12. TF Fan says:

    An issue I would like to see resolved from TF 2 is multiple robots, there were multiple construct icons, and I even saw Bonecrusher in the final battle. These robots are supposed to have personalities, how can they if there are 3 Long Haul’s, and a part of Devastator is killed in the first 3 mins but it turns out to not be Devastator?? It was great that MB listened to the fans and brought Soundwave into the movie, but he didn’t do anything but float around in space, and they didn’t synthesis his voice either. I still enjoyed the movie even though I was stuck in the second row, there’s another discussion, why do theatres have those front rows, no one likes to sit there and you leave the theatre needing a Chiropractor. I digress.

  13. Phil Gee says:

    Ok, even if the second one was good and I cared enough to want a third, it’s just going to fall victim to the same ‘third film’ syndrome that most of these shows do.

    We’ve seen robots fighting eachother and humans for two films straight. We’ve seen a giant sized combined robot now. We’ve seen enough humping, pot and lubricating jokes to last a lifetime. We’ve been given pretty much everty character we asked for (except the Dinobots). There are no dramatic character arcs that need to be resolved (note the sarcasm). The Decepticons only ever want Energon. We’ve seen everything. It’s all tapped out.

    The only thing we haven’t seen is the Autobots going back to Cybertron and taking Sam with them…….and since he’s been to robot heaven already, that’s not too much of a stretch.

    • John says:

      But Phil… isn’t that like saying “I’ve already seen two kung fu masters fighting… I don’t need to see another movie with kung fu masters fighting”?


      Just give me more of the same… but less of the crap. Megatron comes up with another plan to enslave earth and rebuild his Decepticon army and the Autobots must stop him. Simple… pure… AWESOME!

    • Phil Gee says:

      Well true, you can’t get enough of certain things but I know for myself that, for example, even if Spider-man 3 and Blade 3 had been good movies, I still probably would have found them lacklustre because I was sick to death of CGI Spidey swinging and Blade turning vampire punks to ash by their third films.

      If they actually played out the robot fights in WIDE SHOTS this time then maybe they could still hold some appeal but I am certainly sick of seeing humans fighting Decepticons.

    • tzaylor says:

      I think there’s plenty of room for sequels. I never saw the cartoons or comics but could they ever take a transformers movie off planet earth? I liked the scenes in TF2 that were off earth.

      My favorite scene was the one in the Forest with Optimus vs everyone. That was fantastic.

      I wanted to puke a little when Sam got the oral/cerebral exam by the decipticons. I could do without his Mother’s cussing, that was funny for a minute in the first one.

    • Chris says:

      I have to agree with much that was said here. I want to see a TF3. With Aubobots fighting Decepticons. The problem I have with both the earlier films is that the tranformers are so weak. Humans look very able to take care of the decepicon threat on there own. Also, Devastor was a disappointment. He wasn’t even able to kill on of the Twins.

  14. steven says:

    it’s going to seem like for every 2 things he gets right there’s going to be 3 or 4 that he gets totally wrong. I thought the first transformers was ok. this one was beyond horrible.

    i don’t get why Bay could’nt make transformers, that had personalities, but realize that when it’s time for action they step up. RC was in the film for like 2 seconds. make her the female counterpart for Megan Fox’s character. instead he give us sterotypeformers who just makes me go: ” is that how Bay really sees us?”

    bay needs to look at character interactions like in Jurassic Park and just copy it. sam’s roommate was just fuckin annoying as hell and give Megan Fox more lines…shessh. i get thats she’s just a prop, but useless characters i cannot stand

    • Todd W in NC says:

      I *almost* agree with everything you say. I agree about Transformers with personalities, screen time, stereotypes, etc. But, from my perspective, I’m not sure Bay got two things right at all in this movie.

  15. robertwolf says:

    Somethings I would like in TF3.

    I would like a treat in Transformers 3 where even the Decepticons have to team with the Autobots at some point. Not Unicron.

    Starscream betraying Megatron at some point. Loved when Megatron got half of his face ripped off and screamed for help from Starscream.

    A battle on Cybertron.

    Add Prowl, Ultra Magnus, Blitzwing, Thundercracker and Skywarp.

  16. L1A says:

    transformers need a reboot! these movies are barely about the epic movie, meet the spartans movies, just 10 times more expensive

    • Todd W in NC says:

      I totally agree. Transformers deserves a reboot — immediately.

      A much better director, like Sam Raimi (just to name one off the top of my head) needs to start the franchise over and do it right this time.

  17. Calviin says:

    I don’t really know if he listened to us. Another huge and major complaint revolved around the humans and he only made that worse in this film. I didn’t count, but I think more decepticons died at the hands of humans than died at the hands of Autobots. That’s very disappointing.

  18. Lawrence says:

    My suggestions for the storyline for TF3:

    1.) Introduce Wheeljack and make him the resident scientist Autobot. Have him construct the Dinobots out of necessity to combat the Decepticons, just like in the G1 cartoon.

    2.) Megatron sending a signal to space and amassing a bigger Decepticon contingent and this includes the Thundercracker, Skywarp,
    the Combaticons (combining into Bruticus), the nastier and larger version of the Insecticons,
    and the G1 version of Soundwave , him getting into action and ejecting Rumble , Frenzy, Laserbeak and Ratbat. I want this version of Soundwave to appear on screen and have that cool voice of Frank Welker , not the current version where he looks like a bloated, fat rogue satellite roaming in space.

    3.) Omega Supreme being the largest Autobot, mimicking the size of an NASA Space Shuttle.

    4.) Finally, Ultra Magnus , being the second in command of the Autobots, behind Optimus Prime.

  19. alfie says:

    I heard Bay might step aside and let someone else handle part 3. PLEASE LET THIS BE TRUE.

  20. melbye says:

    How about the Predacons?

  21. Aaron says:

    Technically,if a third film will be decided 2 be done be honest here guys you CANT get enough of the autobots or decepticons kicking each others asses i mean clearly you can see that transformers have the of the best action pieces that any general audience has seen in a while like john said transformers 2 had alot of problems but so did #1 and they most of them were corrected when it came to the action scenes some sections of them were slowed down so you could see who was getting their faced ripped off(grindor,or blackout)or better yet getting their spark ripped out from their chest(the fallen)Bay gives us what we ask for(most of the time)but this time around should he should make this movie nearly flawless but i agree with john even though im a born unicron fan and his natural kick assery but from a threactrical stand point he just couldnt be dont at least not in a way that the fans would like PRIME EXAMPLE SOUNDWAVE i was not nearly impressed with his debut but that my opinion, john comment back if any points were missed

  22. bigsampson says:

    i would like unicron peronally but since they went the way of the story in part 2 they would need to reorganize the story…as for the 2 little guys u hate so much…..i lthought they where funny cause imo they where mocking what every person notices in america…..what culture is the dominating part of the entertainment business…what music form has dominated the last 15 years…im not trying to make this a race issue but the fact is the last 15 years of my life i have seen those 2 guys everywhere in the bay area…just there not robots…there blacks…asians…whites…middle easterns….this is how the youth of ameica acts in general…go to youtube and type any rascial comment and u will see tons of people the opposite race of what u thought doing exactly what these little robots where acting like ….kinda sad but thats what i see.

  23. hisdivsha says:

    Mr. Campea you are one of the few who have given ROTF an honest review, And I respect that very much. I for one enjoyed it as a big-budget ed wood movie, intentional or not. Peace

  24. Moe says:

    Hey John,

    I’d like your thoughts about the Transformers movie franchise. Do you think that TF2 was almost certain to be a letdown? Here’s why I ask:

    Transformers is a beloved cartoon from the 80s and probably the one movie that everyone wanted to see in live action. So, you have to create these amazing effects and tell a story that’s faithful to the core audience while attracting new fans. I would say that, with TF1, Bay succeeded in doing that.

    Now with TF2, you have to expand on the successes of TF1. Bigger budget, more robots, more complicated story, badder villians. It seemed inevitable that - because TF2 had to be “more” than TF1, it would end up being a bit of a disappointment. There was so much hype for TF2, that maybe there was no way it could ever meet it.

    I agree that Bay does listen to the fans. He did get Peter Cullen to play Prime, and he did add more Decepticon interaction.

  25. Billy Soistmann says:

    I find it odd that Roger Ebert, who I generally agree with, cites the leg-humping robot as one of the few funny parts of the movie.

    From his review:
    “‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen’ is a horrible experience of unbearable length, briefly punctuated by three or four amusing moments. One of these involves a dog-like robot humping the leg of the heroine. Such are the meager joys…”

  26. Jay says:

    I’m positive that Megatron bowed to The Fallen in the comic books made in the mid-eighties.

    Most people forget that the comic book was before the cartoon show and that the books are darker.

  27. Soggie G. says:

    I say don’t bring in Unicron for these reason.

    1) They neglected to even reference him in TF2, so if he just randomly shows up it would be a HUGE plothole.

    2) How would they fight him? in TF2 there were only like 9 autobots (In the cartoon there were hundreds!!!) where did they all go? If they could barely survive a couple 100 decepticons how would they survive a giant planet eating robot!?!

    If it were me I would bring in the Quintessons. The creators of the transformers. Now I’m not saying it should be a prequel (I hate when they make them after all the first ones)

  28. Matt says:

    Make it GRIMDARK, that solves everything.

  29. dax says:

    The third one should be ONLY about the robots!

    NO MORE HUMANS!!!!!!!!

    • dax says:

      I would like the third one to have ONLY robots, much less humor, Dinobots, unicron, and a 2 hr running time. Cut out all the fat and unnecessary shots.

  30. Monty says:

    - MUCH more screen times for the Transformers

    And much less dialog and personality, they felt more marginalized in this movie then the last.

    - Much less shaky cam in the action (still too
    much, but it was an improvement)

    Bay used more slow-mo this time around.

    - More decepticon interaction, including a highly demanded one between Starscream and Megatron

    More Megatron/Starscream interaction, although Starscream served little more then being Megatron’s whipping boy.

    The improvements Micheal Bay gave Transformers 2 was far too small compared to the new and old problems he introduced/magnified.

    With a sequel thats worse then the previous movie(which I thought couldn’t be done), why does anyone continue to pine for Micheal Bay?

    As long as you have ILM doing the big robot fights and Megan Fox, why do you need Bay? His humor? His shaky cam action? His ethnic stereotypes? His slow-mo shots of people walking? Explosions? That pretty much is Bay’s entire bag of tricks.

    You want a better third Transformer movie? Get rid of Bay. Bay is both expensive and unnecessary.

  31. Spider von Prime says:

    Just bring Unicron,Ultra Magnus,Blackarachina,Primus,Grimlock,Slag/Terrorsaur,Snarl,Swoop,Shockwave,Waspinator,hOt ShOt,Diver,Minerva,Razorclaw,Omega Supreme,Tarantulas,Galvatron,Scourge,Cyclosus,Blurr,Mirage,Override, & Laserbeak. They aslo need Soundwave coming to Earth to face Bumblebee.

  32. bjon86 says:

    Okay I saw it this weekend at the Arclight Cinerama Dome in Hollywood. I had also seen it the previous Wednesday. I LOVED it. So did my friends and so did the rest of the audience. It was a lil too long and transforminator girl should have been thrown out and the running to get to optimus at the end should have been shortened BUT it was awesome.

    If it was cut tighter, I would say it was better than the first.

    AND (first let me say that I am a black boy from Chocolate City Washington, D.C.) I thought the Twins were pretty damn funny. Not offensive AT ALL. John, my man, you are trippin by thinkin they were offensive. They were FUNNY. Black people love black stereotypes. I grew up with kids dumb as shit just like the twins.

    His roommate was cool. Woulda rather had Jonah Hill but who they got instead was still good. AND Meagan Fox got better! She actually pulled off some difficult stuff and the chemistry between her and Shia was awesome. They were like a real couple. She needs to stop messin with her face but she was great.

    Anyway they was a lot more but basically what Im sayin is I totally and 100% disagree with your review and I dont see how you could’ve hated it that much. It was a fun entertaining movie. And it was BIG! And people are LOVING it!

    This is where I say FUCK THE CRITICS. There is a fault in how critics review movies.

  33. Ricky says:

    Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen Review

    THE GOOD: Transformers graphics yet again surprises us,with the robots details,movements and just blending in to the features of the film. The film kept you on your seat all 144 mins.

    THE BAD:I felt there was to much fighting at some points and that could have limited it more. They changed the path of the story a bit from the first movie.Some parts just did not fit in.

    OVERALL: The movie keeps you on tour toes with many twists and turns. Shia plays his part great in Transformers 2 Revenge of the Fallen.


    OUR OVERALL RATING: 3.8 stars(of 5)

  34. Chugs says:

    Revenge of the Fallen was the biggest clusterf*ck of a summer blockbuster since Joel Schumacher’s Batman & Robin. All the ingredients we wanted, and yet a terrible taste.

  35. TigerClaw says:

    I enjoyed the movie, I thought it was far superior to the first one.

    I go to summer movies for the entertainment, I’m not expecting Oscar winning performances, All I want is to be entertained and I get that with this movie.

    As for the humor, I did not have any problem with it, The crowd I was with at the theater enjoyed the humor. So there was no problem there, I just think most folks just don’t have a sense of humor these days.

    As for the twins, I also did not have any problems with them, I think people calling them stereotypes are in way over there head, I did not find them racists whats so ever, Then again, I’m not black.

    The problem with critic reviews is that thet are missing one important piece of the puzzle… Is the movie entertaining?

    That’s all I ask for.

    • bjon86 says:

      well Im black and the Twins were NOT offensive at ALL to me or my parents…who are also black btw.

      And I agree with you. sometimes you just gotta let your guard down and enjoy a movie. Honestly, wtf are you expecting from a movie about battling transforming car robot…uh things?

      Love the show, love the first movie, love the second one.

  36. I.A.N says:

    my review of Transformers 2 in 6 words


    I’m not sure how optimistic I can be, after seeing ROTF. All I’m hoping is that Bay doesn’t direct the 3rd movie (fingers crossed). Its not that I don’t like the guy, its just I can see where he’s going with this franchise and I’m not fond of the direction he’s taking it

    If he does direct though and these movies go accordingly, instead of a better constructed story, they’ll ignore that and opt to bring in bigger robots and bigger explosions in the next movie. So if not Unicron, then maybe he’ll bring in Omega Supreme, Metroplex and Tripticon. Maybe even the Dinobots, more combiners and maybe show more Cybertron.
    If your wondering what Cybertron will look like, we can use ROTF as reference, which gave us the Decpticon war ship Nemesis, which in the movie seemed sorta half organic and half Cybertronian, sorta like the Cylon ships on Battlestar Galactica or the machine world in the Matrix.

  37. Justin says:

    Everyone knows that Transformers 3 will be like Pirates Of The Caribbean 3 everyone will hate the singing Transformers at the beginning except for me.

  38. Andrew says:

    So John, will you buy Transformers 2 on DVD when it first comes out, or will you wait for it in a bargain bin? And how about a downloadable commentary, like you did with the first one?

  39. Kristina says:

    Transformers 2 was nearly as bad as Spiderman 3 to me. Thank God I didn’t pay to watch it. I don’t have much hope for the sequel, unfortunately. The robot designs are still going to be too busy, Megan Fox will have had even more plastic surgery, and we’ll have even more irritating comic relief.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Transformers 2 was nearly as good as Spiderman 3 to me.

    • Louisgamers says:

      WTF nearly ? transformers 2 wasnt to great but it was nothing compared to the venom cotherd SHIT STORM that was spiderman 3 !!!!!!

    • Todd W in NC says:

      And, for a totally different fourth opinion…

      I thought T2 was complete garbage. I give it a D-. While Spider-Man 3 had problems and was not nearly as good as the first two, I didn’t consider it bad at all. I think I gave it a B or B+.

    • bjon86 says:


      well then your opinion thus forth about any movie doesn’t mean shit. Spiderman 3 was a total piece of shit. It was comic book movies’ Battle Field Earth. Worse than garbage.

    • Matt Keith says:

      ” It was comic book movies’ Battle Field Earth”

      That would be “Batman and Robin” or “Catwoman”.

  40. Joel in Sweden says:

    Here John, is why any blockbuster summer hit will be turned into a trilogy:

    1. The first movie is good and make a ton of money. Therefore it gets a sequel.

    2. The second movie is bad but people really liked the first one so they ignore the critics and go and see it anyway. It makes another ton of money and therefore we get a third film.

    3. The third movie is really bad and by now people have caught up and therefore it will not make enough money to get a sequel.

    A franchise can, if the second and third movie are good, be longer than three movies, but never shorter. All it needs is a good first movie.

    /Joel in Sweden

  41. David says:


    I usually agree with your and Rodneys views on movies, however I generally think you rate some movies waaaay too low. In this case, I think you are dead wrong and seem like you almost have a grudge against the film.

    Everyone I know that has seen the film has thouroughly enjoyed it. It’s everything a summer movie should be. Is it a great film? of course not, but did you have fun watching it? Was it entertaining? Hell Yes!! You movie critics need to remember movies are first and formost suppose to entertain and in this I think it succeeds very well…

  42. Roman727 says:

    I got your script, Megatron was F’d up at the end of the flick and the gov wants the bots gone, so the bots make a moon base and Sam is the leaison to them.
    While Megatron is in space he finds Unicron but its not a giant planet its just a grander Prime that no on knows about and he makes Megatron into Galvatron.
    Do some flashing forward some years and show Ultra Magnus emerge as the chief second and Prime decides to pass the matrix of leadership to him while he goes off into space to search for more of his people.
    Galvatron strikes kills Ultra Magnus and attempts to attack Earths sun from the moon. The battles spill from space to earth and all in between until Optimus comes back but still can’t get the job done and another steps forward to stop Galvatron and Unicron. Man am i bored at work.

  43. Ricky says:

    Transformers 2 Review :2

    Transformers yes did not have the best story.
    But look at it in the big run, their job was to make sure you stay in the theater for all 144 mins. And attract you to the theater.

    MOVIE HATERS: All of you write the movie was bad, anybody can say that. Why was it so bad ,tell the world.

  44. Jonn says:

    It didn’t take itself seriously…a huge blockbuster on the kind of scale I expected, and it didn’t offend me like Wolverine or Terminator Salvation.

  45. hecticstairs says:


    Let’s see Optimus duke it out with Soundwave in space/Venus

    Maybe the Moon could be revealed to be a Transformer, a la Beast Wars?

    And Megatron should never bow to anyone ever again. EVER.

  46. Ricky says:

    check out our review for t2 about 10 blogs up

  47. takata says:

    transformer 2=megan fox

    all that good material and visual,but is so empty that just dont feel nothing,except for some initial bonner.

    • 1-7 says:

      You actually paid money see a hot chick with her clothes ON?

      There’s a wonderful tool called the internet.

  48. Zach says:

    Wait…they’re actually making a third one after this? Tell me this is a joke! This movie scored an average of 20% on rotten tomatoes..where are they going to go from there? More action and worse story/dialogue..maybe a 10% average on Rotten Tomatoes?!?!?! This could turn out to be one of the worst trilogies in recent memory. As said on here many times, film is subjective…but jesus christ!

  49. Jay says:

    The second Transformers movie is heaps better than than the first one. The visual effects are awesome and I can’t wait for the third instalment.Overall rating, on my behalf, 4 out of 5 stars.

  50. Bring in the dinobots or better yet bring in all the origanal g1 characters for the 3rd film. The quintesson were the creators of cybertron and the transformers

  51. David Lopan says:

    I would be optimistic at the news of no transformers 3 honestly. Yes the effects are good but sometime it can be a little too much and it’s hard to figure out what’s even going on sometimes. Bay hasn’t really brought any sort of substance or style to these movies. The stories are terrible, the dialogue sucks, and aside from Megan Fox being great to look at…even the good actors in this franchise (like John Tuturro) just do lousy jobs. I know some of you guys are really into these movies and that’s totally cool, I just don’t get it.

  52. T-Vo says:

    BAY, please add more color to the Transformers when they are in robot form so we can see better seperation of the combatants during fight scenes.

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