The Last Airbender Teaser Poster and Trailer

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 06. 2009in News Chat

Today I came across the Last Airbender Teaser poster and realized I hadn’t posted the Teaser Trailer yet, so today you get both.

The poster is unimpressive, but its a teaser. I wonder if this means the Last Airbender went to Hogwarts? Anyways, much more impressive is the teaser trailer below.

Now THAT made me want to see this.


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48 Responses to “The Last Airbender Teaser Poster and Trailer”

  1. chuck86 says:

    considering this is based off of a nickalodean kids show, it looks pretty friggen awsome.

    • Darek-T says:

      well the show is pretty friggen awesome

    • Jake says:

      The show is good. It’s a shallow imitation of the awesomeness that is Japanese anime, but it’s still one of the best animated American cartoons in a while. Impressive, but still average.

      I mean, come on. “Fire Nation”? “Water Nation”? “Earth Nation”? That’s the best they could come up with? Even the premise is flawed: “All the nations lived together in harmony, until one day the Fire Nation attacked.” But if they lived in harmony, there wouldn’t be a “Fire Nation” or “Water Nation” or “Earth Nation”. Our nation may be called America, but there’s all kinds of races here. That’s what harmony is. Plus, we don’t all wear the same kinds of clothing, unlike the Fire Nation…

      Plus, the shows’ eastern Buddhist ideals are so tired in the TV and film industry. I mean, at least bring a new twist to the whole “everything is connected” and “believe in yourself” stuff. It’s really not a very subtle attempt to influence the minds of the new generation with New Age concepts. Heck, the show’s main character, Aang, is a New Ageist. He’s able to draw upon the power and wisdom of the people of his past lives.

      Also, if you’re just going to emulate what people have done in the past, do it properly. The Dragonball drew upon the belief of Chi, a sort of spiritual energy that you can use to pull off special moves. Naruto has a similar concept, only it’s Chakra, which in the show physically circulates throughout your body, like blood. In Bleach, it’s Reiatsu, which is more of an aura. Avatar goes back to the concept of Chi, but every member of the cast says it wrong; it’s actually pronounced “Ki (Kee)”. Every time someone said, “Chee,” I twitched. Anyone who’s watched anime knows that they’re saying it wrong! Didn’t they bother to do the research? Didn’t they care?

      Don’t get me wrong, it’s oftentimes a very fabulous show, but it’s not nearly as great as what similar shows have done in the past.

      Personally, I would much sooner they make a movie about Naruto, or especially Bleach. I mean, what sounds more intriguing? “A young boy that is the last of a people that can control wind sets out to kill the King of Fire,” or “A sixteen-year-old kid travels into the next dimension to do battle with immortal beings of power and save the one he loves”?

      Pop in a disc containing the later episodes of Bleach Season 2 and watch it uncut and in Japanese with English subtitles and you’ll see what I mean. Our cartoon TV writers are totally outmatched. When a single season of a show has like 50 detailed and very rich characters moving the story it makes the show’s world incredibly believable. The action itself is almost mere icing on the cake. That’s what awesome is.

    • Jake says:

      Don’t get me wrong; I LOVE American television. I love Teen Titans, I love Samurai Jack. And yes, I love Avatar. But it’s not the best.

  2. Dragonslayer says:

    I actually saw this last week and I thought it was fake. Guess not.

    I’m not excited to see this movie. Not just because it’s being directed by M Night Shyamalan. It just doesn’t do it for me.

  3. cloud720 says:

    With M Night Shyamalan on top of the title you would think this movie was an original idea.

  4. AARON says:

    Am I the only one who liked this teaser??

    Btw, doesn’t come out for the year and they already have those CGI shots.

    • Meli says:

      No, Aaron, I like the teaser too! I think it offers a touch of hope that this movie won’t be utterly awful. I am always skeptical when an animated show goes live action.

      I really don’t like the teaser poster at all. I hope in the next year they come up with some more creative artwork.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I liked the trailer as well. It did something that trailers for such movies as Dragonball and Legend of Chung Li could not do, get me interested in the movie. I’ve never seen the cartoon, but I am curious now; is all the negativity for the trailer that I have read spurned from those that watched the cartoon and are unwilling to accept the fact that it is OK they are not identical?

    • Meli says:

      I think a lot of people who don’t like the trailer were expecting something more and are already on the “We will hate this.” bandwagon cause M.Knight’s name is all over it and then there are the casting issues.
      There is no way the movie can be exactly like the cartoon, which is why it’s called an adaptation! These two will be similiar but different and I can accept that as long as they don’t stray far from the core of the story.

  5. Drew says:

    I am pumped for this movie. The show is freaking awesome and not as much of a “kid’s show” as some people think it is. It has a pretty complex story-line but some of the slapstick comedy in the show is what made it kid friendly. Like I said before, I am pumped for this and cannot wait.

    Also, I think they should find a real flying bison to play Appa. CGI just won’t do him justice. Just kidding of course.

  6. Matt Keith says:

    It looks OK.

  7. HAZMAT says:

    My little brothers watch this show like 20 times a day. EVERY day. Theyre fucking obsessed with this cartoon

    The 3 of us went to see TF2 and we saw this trailer and they started to flip out
    “We are SO watching that! When it comes out can you take us?! OH MY GOD!”

    Ive never seen one episode though, i mean what is it about? The show looks like pokemon IMO

    • Meli says:

      Hazmat give the show a try it’s not Pokemon. I’ve watched The Last Airbender with my girl for the last several years and enjoyed it a lot, in fact, I would have watched this show even if I hadn’t a kid to watch it with. Sure, sometimes it’s cheesy, but all in all it has a good story.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Wait- I LIKE pokemon (when i was 9)

      I mostly only watch Family Guy, South Park and Scrubs

      But since they watch this 24/7 i can pretty much sit down in my living room couch and check it out

      The kid thats playing pokko (pokka? pokku?) is being played by the dude that played Jasper

      A little trivia my brother told me today lol.

  8. Kiddo says:

    Never heard of the show, but it looks like a cool movie. Hope it’s not another Shyamalan disaster.

  9. Matt S says:

    Yeah, I dunno what to think of this. I hope it’s good, I really want M. Night to do something awesome and I think him doing something completely different is a good start. The trailer is simply okay, to me, it wasn’t bad until that kid took off his hood (I know that’s how he looks in the show, he looks bad in that too, in my opinion) it did have about every cliched, overused line that’s ever been in a trailer, all crammed into one, though (“he’s the last of his kind, some say he’s a myth, everyones after him” blah, blah, blah) but they’re just trying to sell their product and from who I’ve talked to it seems to be working (just not for me). I’ve never seen an anime I’ve been a fan of, especially the live action ones, but who knows.

    But yeah, I remember when “The Sixth Sense” came out people were saying M. Night could be the next Speilberg…. that didn’t happen, but “Airbender” should give us an idea if M. Night has Speilberg-like chops when it comes to directing adventure movies….. Unlikely, but would be awesome! Hope it’s good.

  10. Jeremy says:

    I’m sold! A perfect teaser trailer!

  11. Formless says:

    I always felt this show was just a sub-par attempt at anime, since it was always clearly heavily based off anime. Watched it a few times and never understood what the rage was. Even the title puts a bad taste in my mouth.

    Either way, teaser did nothing for me. Pass.

  12. spiderfreak182 says:

    Poster = FAKE

  13. mikecan2 says:

    That looks pretty epic. But looks is a word I’m sad to use.

  14. funk1020 says:

    But my only problem is that it’s a Shamhammer film. Anyone remember the village

    • Rodney says:

      Its also NOT written by Shamhammer.

      M Night put out a great string of incredible films and then a handful of stinkers. Amazing that people are just willing to write him off over a couple movies.

  15. Ken says:

    As a fan of the show i was scared when m.night decided to pick this up for a live action movie.But according to this teaser it has amazing potential to actually be a good movie.WOW I’m really shocked.I look forward to seeing the trailer with Prince Zuko.

    • Slumdog says:

      The only good thing Ive heard about this movie is that Jamal from Slumdog Millionaire is playing Zuko.

  16. bigsampson says:

    its a kid cartoon….and for those of u saying give it a chance….no dont cause in the end it still caters to kids….this movie on the other hand from the little bit of environment and the age of the kid…looks pretty dead on from the few random episodes i seen when bored…i just hope its a little more mixed age…probley not cause the fantasy part of this series is what makes it to childish for me…even with that the teaser deff got me intrested….the one thing i dont like is how all the older people stand by this series just cause its done off a asian lore and its a cartoon….oh i have to watch this cause its anime…h i got to love this cause its anime…sure love the genre but at the age of 25+ if u say that some of the stuff in the cartoon will not turn off the regular movie fan then your crazy cause it will.

    • bigsampson says:

      i ment the cartoon in the begining not the movie sorry for not clarifying it…but thats if u dont like childrens cartoons..if u are into them this would probly be a great show for u.

  17. Slumdog says:

    They played this trailer right in front of Transformers 2. As soon as he pulls the hood off his head revealing the arrow, everyone in the teather went absolutly NUTS! I wouldnt get too excited about it, the show is pretty ridiculous, remember Dragonball Evolution? Be warned

  18. ultra-magnus says:

    i LOVED the show. it was one of my favs while it was on. im hoping that this dosnt disapoint me. at least jessie mcartney isnt playing prince zuko like they wanted. instead they got the kid from slumdog millonaire

  19. Slumdog says:

    Whats the different between this movie and James Cameron’s Avatar coming later this year.

    • Matt S says:

      Too much to list, Slumdog. I suggest you make a visit to, sorry, I don’t feel like describing the vast ammount of differences at the moment.

    • Rodney says:

      Um…. EVERYTHING???

      Read up on the two. There was a reason they dropped Avatar from The Last Airbender title. They are not even remotely similar.

    • Slumdog says:

      Its confusing because i thought James Cameron’s Avatar was based off of the cartoon.

  20. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:


  21. Kaneda979 says:

    Wow, not bad for a teaser, most are pretty damn lame. Never seen the cartoon series, hard for my to get past the generic animation style.

    I still can’t believe M. Night Shyamalan is directing this. It’s so outside of his box. But I guess since he’s been stretching his creativity too much with his last 3 movies, he’s trying to be a more “commercial” director, or whatever you call it, now a days. Doing movie versions of other people’s creations.

    But ya Rodney, I can totally see this becoming the Kung Fu equivalent of Harry Potter, LOL!

  22. viny says:

    Frankly this has drawn no emotion from me. In this day and age, I expect the special effects to be good. What I am more interested in is the characters and portrayal of the story, after all that is what made the original so good.

  23. Mike Mai says:

    waiting for a twist

  24. BamKazaam says:

    nice i really like the teaser, it looks very much like the cartoon. especially the Fire Nation ships, that was really awesome, but it looks like its firing from a turret (which i hope its not), well i cant really tell, its just too far away, being a teaser and all, but really, the shots from the war ships got me pumped up, i hope to see more of the other nations, Earth Kingdom and Water Tribes, if thats what its called in this adaptation, nevertheless im looking forward to this.

    keep us posted Rodney :)

  25. OldDarth says:

    I liked it.

  26. bobsyeruncle says:

    Any movie with panflute in the soundtrack must be friggin’ awesome!

  27. Greg says:

    Avatar: The Last Airbender on Nickelodeon is one of the greatest stories, greatest television shows of all time. Anyone who disagrees has not watched it. It is an incredible, fascinating tale of love, war, honor, power, family, and so much more. I’m 28 years old and I started to watch it because of my son, who is now 6. It is not only my favorite cartoon, but my favorite television show ever. The last season was incredible, and won several animated awards including Best Series and Best Direction at the “Annies”, which is like the Oscars of animated television in America. I’ve seen some comments about how it’s not as good as Japanese animation-it’s not supposed to be Japanese animation. The show is based on Japanese, Aleut, and other Eastern cultures, but it’s not Japanese animation, it has its own style.
    I have really mixed feelings about the movie coming out. There is already a ton of controversy over the casting decisions, and I think that there is a potential to ruin the whole series, which was absolutely brilliant, perfect, and so special.

  28. Dagamewizard says:

    He started off destroying this movie by removing one of the main people Toph his earthbending teacher

  29. zorak99 says:

    Im a huge fan of the cartoon-the scripting/storyboards and in particular the writing were basically the best that Ive seen in years. Not really fair to call this anime even though its roots are certainly there. To the poster who thought the writing in Bleach was better I just dont understand where you are coming from. In about 30 episodes the characters in Avatar have a depth that Bleach never even hinted at in 200+ shows. I cant recall a single episode that wasnt well done and thoughtful. My biggest fear is that they will try to jam the whole series down our throats in one movie. From what Ive seen of the clips it looks like its limited to “Winter” or the first chapter, which is a very good idea.

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