The Box Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 06. 2009in News Chat

Cameron Diaz and James Marsden are starring in the psychological thriller called The Box.

Trailer Addict describes it as:

Norma and Arthur Lewis are a suburban couple with a young child who receive an anonymous gift bearing fatal and irrevocable consequences. A simple wooden box, it promises to deliver its owner $1 million with the press of a button. However, pressing this button will simultaneously cause the death of another human being somewhere in the world…someone they don’t know. With just 24 hours to have the box in their possession, Norma and Arthur find themselves in the crosshairs of a startling moral dilemma and face the true nature of their humanity.

This looks like it has something far deeper than the simple dillema of “would you?” to it. Looks promising.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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19 Responses to “The Box Trailer Online”

  1. Matticus says:

    I like Marsden. Shame they din’t use him more in X-Men. Cyclops was always my favorite. Oh and this looks interesting.

  2. Jeremy K. says:

    This does sound interesting; however, Richard Kelly at the helm makes me a little worried. I freaking loved Donnie Darko. I saw Darko prior to it becoming a cult hit and was a bit saddened seeing its wonderfulness smeared by Hot Topic and the likes. When I heard about Southland Tales I become excited for a new Kelly movie, but in the end when I finally saw it I felt a bit let down. So The Box is currently sitting at a 50/50 chance of me loving or hating it. Not my favorite odds, but here is hoping for the best.

  3. Ross F says:

    that looks awesome

  4. llbunbaoll says:

    does this trailer sounds like they have the same score as SAW?

  5. 1138 says:

    Like James Marsden and think he is a very underrated actor but man he and Diaz do not look like a couple…she could kinda be his mom…he just looks so much younger.

    As for the story looks interesting but might be a rental or a download.

  6. Jim says:

    Hasn’t this been done?

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      wasn’t there an episode of the twilight zone or outer limits that did something like this?

    • Rodney says:

      The movie is inspired by a classic Twilight Zone episode titled “Button Button” but only in that it shared the same dilemma.

      There appears to be something bigger going on here.

    • McBain says:

      Actually, the movie is based off of a short story by Richard Matheson (who wrote I Am Legend, Stir of Echoes, Incredible Shrinking Man, What Dreams May Come, etc.) called “Button, Button” that was ALSO made into an episode of “The New Twilight Zone.”

      Matheson apparently hated the Twilight Zone episode because they changed the ending.

      Also, the original story was only 6 pages long, so I’m not sure how much stretching was necessary to make an hour and a half long movie. I guess we’ll have to wait and see.

  7. John says:

    Damn that looked good

  8. Al says:

    Absolutely, I remember that episode of the twilight zone. It was awesome and had a great ending.

  9. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I was expecting to see Gwyneth inside the box. I like the simple premise of hitting the button. I can’t wait to see this.

  10. bla says:

    Nice! Iam realy looking forward to see this

  11. Nazz says:

    A friend of mine read the script and said it was good so I guess I’ll be checking it out then

  12. MandarinOrange says:

    When I saw this trailer I was thinking of this short.

  13. Dean says:

    I have been waiting for this moive for so long but i’m not sure at all nw after this trailer. What happened to their southern accents? I don’t think Diaz looked all that in it either. Half looked amazing and half looked poor.

  14. Ken says:

    AMAZING trailer.This is definitely going to be a great suspense movie.I wonder would i push a button for money knowing i would kill a random other?

  15. Carolyn says:

    The movie looks pretty awesome! But what is with Cameron’s accent??? Ugh I really dispise actors when they put on a fake thick southern accent.

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