The Avengers Writer Gives Update

Posted by John Campeaon 24. 06. 2009in News Chat

One of the best benefits of Marvel taking control of their own properties (well… most of them anyway) is that they’re able to start connecting all the worlds into one that all the heroes inhabit together, much like the actual comics. The grand chapter of this convergence will be the merging of Iron Man, Captain America, Hulk and Thor into “The Avengers” movie they’ve already announced.

Recently at the LA Film Festival, “The Avengers” writer, Zack Penn (X2, Elektra, X-Men: The Last Stand, The Incredible Hulk) gave a run down on how the development of The Avengers movie is progressing:

“They’re doing Captain American and Thor first, and then Avengers is coming out,” Penn said. “They want to see that they’re all connected. I’m taking a meeting next week with the Thor and Captain America people, and we are all going to get together, and I will see what is going to happen. I’ll see where they are leaving the characters; it’s pretty complicated.”

He continued: “There’s a board that is tracking what is happening. [We'll see] how this movie overlaps in that movie. Marvel is autonomous now. It is night and day: Everyone has read every comic. They know how to make a cool movie.”

I very much like how they’re not getting ahead of themselves or handcuffing the writers of the other movies. They seem to be letting those other writers make their stories, and THEN figure out how to properly bring them all together. Very nice call. (source: WorstPreviews)

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “The Avengers Writer Gives Update”

  1. R1ZE says:

    I didn’t know there was a black Captain America

    • Jeremy says:

      Yeah, there was a storyline a few years ago that revealed that the first Super Soldier test subjects were black.

    • Rodney says:

      Actually that image was from an Avengers post I wrote a short while ago that talked about the wild speculation that Will Smith would be up for the role of Captain America.

      I edited that image to make Steve Rogers black.

      No one noticed it then, so I just laugh that they noticed it now.


  2. Jeremy says:

    This is why Marvel taking over their own properties is brilliant - they’ve been doing crossovers and massive storylines for years, and before moving forward on a story arc, they have a writers conference where they map everything out together.

    This is a brilliant way for them to have a continuity of sorts, and just like in the comics, I’m sure each writing/directing team will bring their own style or flavor to each film. I’m looking forward to seeing what they do.

  3. 3R!C says:

    But who’s going to play Captain America?

  4. HAZMAT says:

    DC should be taking notes.

  5. eat my buns says:

    are they gonna include in spider man into the avengers?

    • John says:

      No… spider-man still is under lisence to Sony

    • HAZMAT says:

      Which is why they need to merge so they can include Spidey and Wolverine in the sequels (New Avengers?)


      If Sony merges with Marvel studios…would that make Hellboy Marvel? Holy shit!

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      No Haz, it won’t.

      Sony passed on the Hellboy sequel; Revolution shopped it to other studios; Universal picked it up.

    • cloud720 says:

      Marvel is making the movies, Paramount is distributing. If Paramount and Sony go through the merger, do you think that would be good enough to get Spider-man into the Avenger movie?

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      which characters does paramount own the rights to?

    • cloud720 says:

      From my understanding Marvel maintains all rights but makes a deal with Paramount to distribute. Paramount distributes Iron Man and will distribute Thor, Captain America, and the Avengers movies. Paramount and Marvel have an agreement already. If Sony merged with Paramount then Sony and Marvel would have an agreement. If they did merge, I imagine it would be much easier to come to an agreement that would allow Spider-man to appear in the Avengers movie.

  6. tony says:

    Is Will Smith still Captain America? I hope not. I haven’t liked a movie of his since Men in Black. If Captain America is African American, that is fine but I would prefer it if they got someone like Denzel to play him. What about Ed Norton? Is he still Hulk?

  7. JohnZDelorean says:

    This would be good news if a writer other than Zak Penn was attached to the project.

    • riggs says:

      co-sign, even though he doesnt take the majority of the blame most of the comic book movies he’s penned have been awful.

  8. tripp van easille says:

    Exactly on the notes to DC-pay attention guys or you’ll be left sucking the dry dusty air of disapointing returns! Marvel is taking a smart and pragmatic journey on their props. Looking forward to what comes down the pike!

  9. larry says:

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  10. larry says:

    my hope is that the villian for theavengers movie is either the skrulls, or ultron, how bad ass would that be? add in the real bad-ass galactus or even thanos, and they’d give the avenges a run for their money”.of course the avengers would get their asses whooped at first, until the recruited new team members such as wasp, ant-man, giant-man, and hawk-eye and mocking-bird to the mix.and for good measure, throw in vision and scarlet films end, after the smoke clears from their battle, baron zemo emerges from the shadows to unleash his plot to control the world with the help of his newly formed team out to cause total chaos.but, the real threat looms in the distance,the villian red skull whom has risen from the deadwith the help of the sorceress the enchantress and the wicked loki”.

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