Snyder talks 300 Sequel

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 06. 2009in News Chat

Zack Snyder has been attached to a proposed 300 sequel, and while speculation was all the news we had, he has finally broken the silence and chatted about it.

FirstShowing quotes Snyder:

“I think we would use the same technology… I don’t want it to look too Star Wars-ian… Just from what [Miller] told me, it would be bigger as far as landscape and terrain. We’re going to see Athens and the Aegean and other places. There would be an opportunity for bigger visions, though I’d hope for the same aesthetic. The tech we used for 300 was not a revolution. It’s basically what the weatherman has. Look, instead of Accuweather it’s Sparta… It’s going to be the same way, but on crazier steroids.”

I like Frank Miller doing comics far better than him pretending he can direct. He is an amazing storyteller and artist, but I don’t think that the director’s chair is a comfortable perch for him.

This is a promising look at 300 as a sequel. Clearly there is little else to say AFTER the movie, and there isn’t much of a premise for BEFORE the movie. SO why not make it IN the movie.

Then maybe one day we will get an edited 4.5 hour version of 300 that seamlessly stitches both stories together!

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Rodney who has written 8232 posts on The Movie Blog

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34 Responses to “Snyder talks 300 Sequel”

  1. Vito says:

    You know, I enjoyed 300, but there really is no reason to do a sequel (except money…). I don’t want one.

    • Rodney says:

      Its always about money.

      But its also a good story and if they can tell another good story then I have no problem with it.

    • EZELL says:

      This guy has not been on the movie blog at all this week. LOL no shit its about the money.

  2. SlashBeast says:

    I despised 300, I thought it was juvenile trash. But I still have hope for a sequel. With Watchmen, Snyder showed more maturity (although he’s still very immature as a director) and maybe he has learned more in time for a sequel.

    • Rodney says:

      Snyder’s gift is literal translation. Something he does very well visually. This made him a good fit for taking the very visual graphic novel of 300 and making it into a movie.

      This was the most common praise of 300. You know, the accurate adaptation of the very mature series collected as a graphic novel that won 3 Eisner Awards (The Oscars of comics)

    • SlashBeast says:

      The story was mature only in it’s graphic content. I won’t deny that Snyder can skillfully take comic book images onto the screen, that seems to be his strong point. But a common problem with his movies is that he thinks an “adult” movie means blood and nudity and that was one of my problems with Watchmen. The movie version of 300 may have been faithful but it was still just almost insultingly stupid. I’m still willing to give him a chance though as I feel he’s progressed more as a director.

    • Rodney says:

      There was nothing there that wasn’t already in the original source materials.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Then it’s faithfulness is it’s undoing.

    • EZELL says:

      Slash I got Bash on you man your not making any sense.

      Rodney won this.

    • SlashBeast says:

      How am I not making any sense? Faithfullness doesn’t improve a movie. If most of the juvenile material in 300 came from the graphic novel, then it is either Snyder’s fault for sticking too close or the graphic novel’s fault. Then again, if the intent was for the film to be taken serious then it is nothing short of hillarious.

    • Governor says:

      Yeah, Snyder seems to think blood, gore and sex make an “adult” movie. 300 was one of the most hillarious movies I’ve seen in a while. It actually tries to present itself seriously (Pit of Death???). The self-righteous narration and the homosexual Persian king with Spartans who wear absolutely NO chest armor (smart eh?). If the sequel is just as funny then it’s got my money.

  3. Matticus says:

    Great suggestion Rodney! I really couldn’t see what would be needed after 300, and a prequel would be strange. The idea of placing it in the movie is genius and would make for an amazing film.

    • Rodney says:

      I would love to take credit for it, but Miller’s plan is to have the new story take place during the original story expanding the character of Dilios, played by David Wenham

  4. Ken says:

    From “THIS IS SPARTA” to (THIS IS STUPID).Why do studios or directors feel the need to return to a mega hit that gave a lasting impression,an doesn’t need to be revisited.I was amazed at the first film,i had never seen any thing of the sort.but if what u guys suggested gets done it could be interesting.the new story between the first.

    • Rodney says:

      And you have never wanted to return to something that was great the first time.

      A meal? A place? Rewatch a movie? A song?

      I can totally see why it would be such a BAD thing to revisit something cool.

    • Ken says:

      When u put it that way.well yea i see the logic in returning to something cool.i just really was trying to say if they return i hope it goes well.because I’m a fan of the first 300.

  5. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m not really looking forward to it. I loved 300, but I don’t know how it could work. I guess I’ll wait until the trailers and ads start coming out before getting excited.

  6. Optimus Prime84 says:

    I heard a rumor that the new 300 movie centers on the spartans fighting they’re way through hell, against the devil and old foes. Any truth to it. I have no idea where i heard it from. But i like the idea

  7. obi-wan kubrick says:

    If they can pull off a Godfather PArt 2 then by all means proceed.

  8. Johnson says:

    I really like 300 for the fun visual trash it is and seeing more wouldn’t bother me so much what will disappoint me is the lack of Leonidas.

  9. Lars1235 says:

    Watchmen wasn’t all that… but 300 was awesome. Sure, story/plot wise it had nothing, but visually it was a masterpiece. And afterall that’s what movies are about (the visuals). Thank god there are at least still some left in Hollywood who know that.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Movies are about far more than visuals.

    • robbob says:

      I agree with you’re Watchmen take. I was really looking forward to that movie and it let me down big time. I don’t know if I had such high expectations for it or if it was just visual eye-candy without any real narrative power.
      However,300 was freakin awesome. It had a more appealing story than Watchmen and was just more exciting. A sequel that features more of the Greek culture will be interesting. As lobg as they use what worked with the first 300, I think the sequel will be a success.

  10. AB says:

    i really like 300 for what it did as a story and as movie but for a sequel… i dont know, what are they going to call it 300 part 2.

  11. mutuelle says:

    I like that movie,but sequel,i’m not sure.

  12. Jim says:

    “Movies are about far more than visuals.”

    Not 300.
    This movie did exactly what it was supposed to do, bring the Frank Miller comic to the screen, and it did so flawlessly.

    • SlashBeast says:

      First off, No movie is flawless.

      Secondly, 300, just like the more recent Transformers, rides mostly on it’s visuals. While 300 DID have some of the other stuff, AKA - Non-Visuals, it didn’t execute them at all well. The result is a pretty but shallow and transparent piece of entertainment.

      But if you like that, go crzy.

  13. vargas says:

    I loved 300 and yes, movies first and foremost are about visuals. Story telling is a very close second but visuals are key to a good movie. The very nature of the medium makes it so. Duh!! Those that don’t think so may want to turn off the dvd player and go read a book.

    That having been said, I am wary about Hollywood sequels because they often times don’t even try to come up with a good story. If they happen to make this sequel worthy of its predecessor then I’m all for it. I’m keeping my fingers crossed.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I wasn’t arguing that movies AREN’T about the visuals, I was saying that movies aren’t JUST about the visuals.

      Take for example, The Spirit. Definitely pretty to look at, but that’s about it. The rest of it was vapid and souless. The same goes largely for 300.

  14. mutuelle says:

    I love that movie,but sequel,i’m not sure.

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