Remembering Ed McMahon - Hilarious Video

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 06. 2009in News Chat

Most of you have heard the news by now that late night god Ed McMahon has passed away. For years Ed McMahon helped make “The Tonight Show” what it was. Yes we all remember and think about Johnny Carson when we think of the pioneers of late night talk shows (and well we should) but Ed McMahon is often far too overlooked. He served as the ultimate straight man to Carson. Never looking for the spotlight, never looking to steal the thunder… he served to do nothing but set up Johnny and he did it extremely well. He was awesome.

My friend Kris over at InContention found this BRILLIANT and hilarious video of Johnny and Ed that I just had to share with you. Check it out:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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10 Responses to “Remembering Ed McMahon - Hilarious Video”

  1. bigsampson says:

    i heard through the grapevine that he was a asshole and that he thought hollywood owed him more.

    • cltmikey says:

      The body isnt even cold and you are spitting on the man that you didnt know? I think we all know who the asshole is now…

  2. 3R!C says:

    Now who’s going to be on my mail telling me to enter the sweepstakes to win a million?

  3. ramsey says:

    that was funny. how timeless…

  4. alonewolf1 says:

    first leno left the show

    second conan the idiot took over

    third ed passed on

    now were left with letterman,fallon,etc.
    truly late night talk shows are dead

    rip eddie boy

  5. evy says:

    McMahon was a wonderful person. Don’t pay attention to that first comment. The real guy can be sen in the feature documentary film “Pitch People.”

  6. Matt Keith says:

    Rest In Peace.

  7. bigsampson says:

    ok ok look that first comment was my asshole roomate trying to be funny….i swear i didnt put that crap…i dont know ed mcmahon at all….i am usually at my desk all day on the cpu and i left the monitor on and he typed that …sorry if it offended any one…least he didnt get nasty .

  8. Movie Trivia Game says:

    RIP Ed McMahon. The Tonight Show with Johnny Carson and Ed McMahon is timeless Americana. Let us also not forget that Ed McMahon was the host of the Star Search game show, which was really the original American Idol if you think about it.

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