R2-D2 in Star Trek is Found!

Remember when it was announced that R2-D2 made a cameo appearance in Star Trek and they even made a contest around it. People speculated that R2 was in a pillar design in the launch bay, or that he was in the machinery in the engineering deck. It wasn’t him. Well now the cat is out of the bag, and we have found R2.

Ok, we didn’t find him, but we found an article that definitively answers the question.

Gizmodo reports:

During the Drill Machine sequence as the Enterprise comes out of its barrel role amidst destruction of the other Federation ships above Vulcan, we cut to an interior Enterprise bridge over the shoulder of Kirk that is looking out through the front viewscreen. In space, R2-D2 is floating in the debris from about the top middle of the screen to the bottom right.

And now, we are starting to hear rumours that R2-D2 also has a cameo appearance in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen too!

Has anyone found out if this is true? Have you seen him?

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36 Responses to “R2-D2 in Star Trek is Found!”

  1. Jake says:

    It’d be great if this became a running joke and he was in every big summer blockbuster.

    I want to see him in Toy Story 3!

  2. AARON says:

    Hahaha that’s awesome!

  3. Shane Razey says:

    Now that R2 has put both franchises in the same universe, John must now love Trek as he loves Star Wars!

  4. joe says:

    im going to go see transformers again soon so now i will have to see if i can spot him lol

  5. leeloo says:

    poor r2. : (

  6. Jack says:

    R2 should cameo in EVERY movie

  7. John says:

    that’s awesome

  8. Brandon Daviet says:

    It’s just disrespectful to be treating R2 like trash though, I mean he’s only wrong “from time to time”

    Good thing R2’s not a female droid or there would be “Hell to Pay”

  9. GODFATHER says:

    Seen TF’s twice… Didn’t notice R2. But then, I did see Trek 3 times, and missed him all 3 times there, so….

    BTW, where was he in POTC?

  10. Nacho says:

    Where was R2-D2 in There Will Be Blood??

  11. someeone says:

    That doesn’t look like R2-D2 to me. It looks like a blob. But I guess if you want to see something enough…

    • Rodney says:

      Except that there was a contest for it and thats PRECISELY where the effects artist said it was.

      But I guess if you really want to be cynical, you can disbelieve everything.

    • methos says:

      like tzaylor said, it’s probably easier to spot on screen. But I agree, you can’t make out anything distinguishable in this photo. I would’ve guessed it was a dented soda can floating around. Even knowing it’s supposed to be R2D2 I don’t see it. lol

  12. Chris says:

    I wonder why they keep sticking R2-D2 in scenes.

  13. Michael says:

    Gizmodo updated that post saying they spoke with ILM and ILM said that that’s not R2-D2, but that’s the right scene.

  14. Dennis says:

    Here’s an article which speaks of an R2D2 Cameo in the transformers 2 movie.


  15. someeone says:

    Amusing how posts remarking that it isn’t R2-D2 get deleted even when the linked text says “Bottom Right” and has a picture of something in the Bottom Left.

    Further amusing because the link its self has been updated to say that the picture you’re linking isn’t R2-D2.

    I guess someone just doesn’t like being “wrong.” Childish.

  16. hecticstairs says:

    its just a spec of a cylinder, not r2d2.

    it’s nice outside, go and enjoy the weather, nerds.

  17. Steven says:

    sad realy that George Lucas has to keep adding his “creation” (R2D2) in movies just so we can spot them…I mean come on…let it die already, Star Wars had it’s time in the spotlight, made it’s money enough is enough already I’m beginning to dread going to see movie fearing that some Star Wars character will show it’s face…hey George how about putting C3PO in Iron Man 3!!!!!

  18. Shock says:

    This is wrong that’s not R2-D2.

  19. mikecan2 says:

    Man I loved R2D2’s cameo in Star Wars, it was subtle yet affective and drew me into the film a lot more.

  20. dizi izle says:

    If memory serves, R2-D2 has more than a cameo in the Star Wars movies.

    • bobsyeruncle says:

      Excellent point, you and methos both. I guess it would do no good to attempt to gently explain sarcasm.

  21. Seth says:

    Without being told exactly what he is looking at no audience member is gong to see that as an R2D2

  22. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    I think i saw R2-D2 in the Mikeala shop when she is trying to chat with Witdicky. Its a garage, so i think thats the place.

  23. the_dude says:


  24. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Perhaps will see it again in 2012.

  25. YAN says:

    its not R2 on the pict, its a shuttlecraft…

  26. tzaylor says:

    yeah kind of hard to convince myself that’s R2 in the picture. If that’s all it takes then I think R2 is making a cameo in my kitchen, all this time I just thought it was a round trash can.

    Maybe it’s easier to see in the actual movie

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