New Moon: Mike Newton and Jacob Black Date Scene

Posted by Rodneyon 29. 06. 2009in News Chat

Ok, the title of the article I found over at Horror Yearbook used a title that implies that Jacob Black and Mike Newton go on a date in Twilight Saga’s New Moon.

But that just isn’t the case, but its still funny to see the title and the confusion it might cause.

Anyways, in the article they are quoting Michael Welch (who plays Mike Newton, a co-worker and friend of Bella’s who has a crush on her - who doesn’t in these books?) where he talks about a scene were his character and Jacob inadvertently ends up going on a “date” with Bella after a group outing to the theater turns into Bella’s two biggest fans accompanying her. He talks about the fictional movie within the movie:

The film is called ‘Face Punch. It’s an action film. We started out with a few other comical names, but it turned out those were actual films so we couldn’t use those titles. I forget the first few titles, but it was like ‘Crazy Explosion’ — and it turns out, there actually was a ‘Crazy Explosion.’ Chris came up with the title. And apparently there is no ‘Face Punch’ that we know of.

Welsh speculates that a fake trailer for the movie they see which in the book is called “Crosshairs” and is the second film that Bella sees in the book, the first being a Zombie flick called “Dead End”.

Maybe Weitz will come up with some trailers for them and we might get a peek at what is going on “on screen” in these movies. Would just be fun to see.

More fun than watching Jacob and Mike on a date.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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9 Responses to “New Moon: Mike Newton and Jacob Black Date Scene”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    Oh, that’s um…interesting.

  2. Jen says:

    Mike Newton is a classmate of Bella’s, not a co-worker. These kids don’t work! They’re too busy swooning over each other! :)

    Yay Twilight!

    • Meli says:

      Well, if you want to get really technical they are co-workers too! Remember Bella got a job at his family’s sporting goods store. SO …they are classmates, friends and co-workers. :)

    • Jeremy K. says:

      This would be a correct statement if the books did not mention Bella getting a job. And if I remember correctly, the store is owned by Mike’s parents from which Mike also works at.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Damn, Meli, beat me to the punch line!

    • Rodney says:

      Jen, as mentioned above you are incorrect.

      Bella worked with Mike at his parents sporting goods store. And she does have time to work.

    • Meli says:

      LoL - damn, poor Jen got ganged up on!

  3. Dragonslayer says:

    They’re too busy getting ready for next year’s MTV awards.

  4. HAZMAT says:

    HAhahaha he pukes in this scene


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