Michael Jackson dies at 50

Posted by Rodneyon 25. 06. 2009in News Chat

It appears that The King of Pop, Michael Jackson has died today as the result of a cardiac arrest. He was 50.

MSNBC is reporting:

The Los Angeles Times reports that Michael Jackson has died at age 50 after being rushed to UCLA Medical Center.

Los Angeles Fire Department Capt. Steve Ruda told the newspaper that Jackson was not breathing when paramedics arrived at his home and CPR was performed.

The very strange and unique life of Michael Jackson defies description. A child star, a musical talent and innovative dancer, Jackson has always been on both sides of the critics favour.

His lifestyle and personal choices in life often made him the subject of ridicule, but his musical talent is rarely challenged.

Michael Jackson even had a limited movie career appearing in The Wiz (1978), a hip adaptation of the Wizard of Oz where he played the Scarecrow. More recently Michael even did self mocking humour posing as himself in Men in Black 2 as the hopeful Agent M.

Shocking news. As odd as he was, 50 is too early for anyone to leave this world. He was just about to embark on his “comeback tour”.

I give to you the possibly inappropriate Zombie Jackson in Thriller:

Rest in peace Michael, your life was rarely peaceful.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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75 Responses to “Michael Jackson dies at 50”

  1. Dragonslayer says:

    Yeah, I just heard about it. That’s sad.

    “Rest in Peace Michael, your life was rarely peaceful” I cried a little bit after reading that.

  2. Astrocreep says:

    I just heard about it on TMZ and then saw it on the news.

    Very sad news, may he R.I.P.

    this has not been a good week, Ed McMahon died, Farrah Fawcett died today and now Michael Jackson has died

  3. robertwolf says:

    Triller was always my fav vid. Scared the shit out of me.

    R.I.P MJ

  4. iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    First ed mcmahon, then farrah fawcett now Michael Jackson….wow. anything to get out of that tour with his family. you know whats coming next in the autopsy….what drugs were in his system. what a real shame.

  5. SlashBeast says:

    I can not put it into words how much this sucks.

    Michael Jackson made some of the most memorable and acclaimed music in history and did so much to break racial music barriers. I’m listening to Beat It right now.

    Michael jackson, may he forever rest in peace, we have truly lost a king today.

  6. chris says:

    This is another absolute shock to the world. Very sad. Here in Canadaa the wether is almost exactly with the mood; stormy and dreadful. RIP Micheal it was a short and amazing trip.

  7. Darek-T says:

    That kinda sucks actually.
    especially since he was about to do his comeback

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      I know that this is out there, but what if he wants to do what everyone wished that Elvis did? Fake his own death. just a thought.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I really wish he was faking his death. His loss is just too great.

    • Darek-T says:

      I was really interested to hear some new songs from him. I hope that whatever he was gunna preform during his comeback tour has already been recorded. at least 1 song.

  8. Dragonslayer says:

    I’m not one for saying how sad it is when famous people die, but I gotta say, this is very sad. I give my most condolences to his family, friends, and fans, because it’s not us who’ll be affected when we die, it’s those who we leave behind.

  9. alfie says:

    I know what you mean dragonslayer. Sometimes it seems people jump on the mourning bandwagon to anyone vaguely famous who dies but this is something else.

    One of the most famous if not the most famous people on the planet just died. very sad.

  10. JohnIan says:

    To be honest I’m disappointed.

    When I heard that he checked out I was expecting something to cap this life. Something so fracking outrageous or found dead inside his oxygen chamber - sealed in; like Heston from the start of first Apes movie. Waiting to be reawaken in a future where Bubbles and his ilk rule the planet.

    Or something out of Final Destionation, a bizarre chain of events invovling his single glove. He was using a Bedazzler on his glove, fixing it and gets electrocuted from a faulty wire. THERE.

    Heart attack seems just so mundane.

  11. Chris says:

    Ya this sucks. He never got to rebuild his career.

    • Darek-T says:

      that’s what disappoints me the most. This wouldn’t have been as sad if he had gotten to do his comeback so he could die on top.

  12. melbye says:

    Really sad now, there was no bigger musician

  13. Meli says:

    It’s a crazy day and this was most unexpected. The recent pictures of him he looked rather unhealty, more so than usual. I feel for his family and children; I hope he has a guardian already in place for them. RIP Michael

  14. Darren J Seeley says:


    It’s sad that this has happened, in spite of his drama from the past fifteen years, and in spite of my personal disdain for such drama. No, on second thought, I’m not shedding one tear. The real Jackson was dead long ago, replaced by a freak show.

    Back when I was in the hospital in late ’95 and breathing on one lung, 13 Days in ICU, I lost ALL respect for the man 100% when I saw on the TV that Jackson had some kind of “cold” and was rushed to a LA hospital. What did “his people” (=entourage=) do? Cleared out the two floors of that hospital! Sick and dying, wheeled out and put elsewhere. The next day, it turned out to be ‘nothing’. It came off like a publicity stunt. I may have been in a different hospital on the other end of the coast at the time..but if I was in that hospital, I would have gave them hell.

    To this very day, I lose respect for any celeb who abuses their fame. But that story pales in comparison to…look, if he wanted a monkey and a giraffe in Neverland Ranch, that was fine by me. When he had facelifts and plastic surgery, becoming china doll white and messed up his nose, y’know, he’s an eccentric celeb, fine. When he started to inviting little children into his room? When he’s into kiddie porn?

    No, folks…not one tear.
    I want to remember Micheal Jackson as he was in the 80′s. Groundbreaking. Talented. Black. Not a self made self centered freak.

    I expect a ton of responses calling me all sorts of things.
    But Michael Jackson ceased to exist, at least in my view, years ago.

  15. David Lopan says:

    So does this mean that Paul McCartney will get the rights back?

    • Rodney says:

      Everything Jackson owns is still a property of his estate. Whoever he left his estate to would own it.

      The rights don’t revert. He bought the Beatles Library outright.

  16. Kiddo says:

    Really sad :( I still had hopes to see him live in concert one day.
    He really was the king of pop, nobody can compare.

  17. alfie says:

    funny thing is I guessed darren would post something like that hahahahaha

  18. T-Vo says:

    not just his music,but for his humanitarian efforts and philanthropy. He help start the We Are the World Foundation and he and Lady DI did a lot for the world. For us that are 30 and over, we remember the Jackson 5, Off the wall and Thriller albums. He start the Pepsi Generation that so many people reference and he made fucking Thriller. Thriller. Most young people only know the “Eccentric” Mike. BeforeBritney, Justin and Usher, Mike paved the fucking way and moon walked all up and down that bitch. RIP MJ

  19. joe says:


    • Rodney says:

      Yes, Joe. Since you have been under a rock, Jackson had a scheduled comeback tour to support his new album that he was working on.

      A lot of money and effort was being spent to ensure that once again he was a household name. Now we will just get infantile webtrolls calling him a pedophile and people wondering if his career was ever going to bounce back as big as it was before.

  20. Alex says:

    Their goes the only pop musician I will ever respect!

  21. bigsampson says:

    man ya know as a human and a atheist i hope for something more then this for the end of MJ….i mean who doesnt love the awesome music he was part of…just plain awesome…sad thing is it was IMO is wacked out parents that made him what he was….and as much as i would love to rant on about the good…there is just way to much negative and wierd shit that he was apart of…just like the fact that he said he sleeps with kids…is just crazy..almost as crazy as the parents of these kids most likely allowing it for $$…in the end micheal dies a sad man because his legacy has been damage to the point where even he came out with such an awesome album and was hailed as the greatest of all time…people will still have the notion he is a pedophile….murdering and rape are fucking bad…but pedophilia is FUCKED UP just that extra 1% to make it more fucked up.

  22. RansomBetty says:

    RIP MJ!

  23. Garrett says:

    This is sad, but also Harrison Ford is reported missing!

  24. Jim says:

    Hey, respect to anyone who loved his music, I love plenty of his music. He was AMAZING, which makes me even more angry that he had to ‘stray’ the way he did. Let’s not put our heads in the sand, the guy had some issues.

    My comment is awaiting moderation.

    • Alex says:

      dude, every time I read your commment it changes :?

      Is their some secret way to edit comments on here or do you just keep getting modded, lol.

    • Rodney says:

      Jim, you confuse his unique way of looking at the world with “issues” because it doesn’t fit your own way of looking at the world.

      The guy never grew up. He lived on a property he called “Neverland Ranch” which had an amusement park on it. He had a pet monkey.

      He is exactly like any 12 year old who suddenly had to take care of themselves and never had to take on “real” responsibilities would have acted.

      Your assumption that because he lived his crazy life in his secluded part of the world is “issues” are really just your own issues.

      If I had more money than the vatican I would probably live like a loon too.

      People fear what they don’t understand.

  25. Jim says:

    Rodney doesn’t want me speaking to this on here, so I’m shutting up. Rodney is a good guy and I don’t want to piss him off.

    • Rodney says:

      No, I don’t want you making stuff up that has no basis in reality. It doesn’t serve the conversation nor is it in any way on topic.

  26. Jim says:

    Rodney I get all that, I get his dysfunctional childhood and believe me, I give him A LOT of latitude because of it. I think all of those kids got messed up to one degree or another. I haven’t jumped to any conclusions. As I said in my email, I believe the way I do because of his behind the scenes pay offs and the testimony of at least one of the parents.

    • Rodney says:

      You jump to the conclusion that if he settles out of court that it means he is guilty.

      Give the guy the respect he deserves. He was a right crazy bastard, but everyone who knew him stood up for him without getting paid. Poor middle class opportunists make shit up. Read into that.

  27. partymarty says:

    I was going to go to his concert next month. Such a horrible irony of timing, that he was denied this final performance. Hard to believe. RIP

  28. Matt Keith says:

    Rest In Peace.

  29. Mladen says:

    I’m going to watch ‘Moonwalker’ in tribute tonight.

  30. nbakid2000 says:

    Yeah, this is kinda sad. I heard about the news literally twice in less than ten seconds…from two separate sources, completely independent of each other.

    Wondering what else is going to go on this week.

  31. Kristina says:

    My mother is absolutely devastated. She grew up loving this guy.

  32. Rare Addict says:

    I still can’t believe this. Rest in peace, Michael.

  33. AndyS says:

    MJ sure loved his boys young but man could he sing!

    Hey Rodney :)

  34. Nick says:

    R.I.P MJ you will allways be in my heart

  35. TechCrown says:

    R.I.P King of Pop Michael Jackson
    May he rest in peace.
    We all are going to miss him.
    He’ll live in our hearts forever.

  36. Dennis says:

    Rest in peace Micheal, Love your songs and will keep loving them until the day I leave earth myself.

    such a pity

  37. Watch Movies says:

    I heard the news when i was on the way to office.
    My Girl Friend told me that Michael is no more.

    Really it is very sad. But what can we do??

    He is a dazzling star in the world of POP.


  38. Charles says:

    He may have been great in his time, but he turned out to be a horrible horrible person! Why do people forget all that when someones dies? How can you honor a pedophile??? Thank god he’s dead… It’s about time.

    • DJ Machismo says:

      I never once believed he was a pedophile, as many others have stated, him settling out of court does not constitute him being guilty of anything. If I had as much money as he did I’m sure people would make up some outrageous things about me too.

      RIP Micheal. You will be missed.

  39. Oliver says:

    Well it was all sold out so you wouldn’t have be able to anyway… Just trying to ease some regret. I got to see him perform in 1996, it was the only opportunity I’ve ever had and I’m so glad I took it.

  40. robbob says:

    Its hard to believe that the King of Pop is dead. He’s lead a tough life and its terrible to see him go like this ,50 is way too young. This is proof that fame isn’t everything and that sometimes the pressure could kill you. R.I.P

  41. Film Reviews says:

    Rest in peace MJ. I grew up listening to your music and attempting your amazing dance moves. Hope you are at peace.

  42. Chris-movieplace.blogspot says:

    Did you know that tomorrow “Time” releases an Exclusive about Michael Jackson. The last time they did that was after the 11th September.

    I’m not from the US, i just heard that and i found it interesting since “Time” is a consernative magazine.

  43. film seyret says:

    I know that this is out there, but what if he wants to do what everyone wished that Elvis did? Fake his own death. just a thought.

  44. vargas says:

    Well this completes the trifecta - McMahon, Fawcett and now Jackson. May thay all rest in peace.

  45. Crackle says:

    Such a sad news. I have never been a great fan of his but I really respect what he has done.

    Sad, really sad that he is no longer among us.

    R.I.P Michael - The King of Pop

  46. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    They also said Jeff Goldblum and Harrison Ford died ???? Not True because they play together in a movie called Morning Glory. Goldblum was also at the Colbert Report 3 times.

    • Rodney says:

      We know its not true, but those are the rumours that were flying around when MJ and Farrah both passed on the same day.

  47. Body Detox Diets says:

    I will surely miss Michael Jackson, he is really worthy of the name King of Pop and he is certainly one of the greatest musicians of all time.

  48. Darren J Seeley says:

    not Mormon. Jehovah’s Witness.
    There is difference in the two, Bigsam.

    While I may have some issues with the way Jackson used his ‘King Of Pop’ Fame which I think went to- and over- his head, issues of a religious background isn’t one of them.

    Yes, Jackson did a lot of good things and he did have talent.
    But some of the things he did to get attention and publicity-both true (dangling baby over balcony, ) and untrue (monkey uses his bathroom) were just plain airheaded. It is true that Jackson was the target of various media sensationalism; it is also true he helped create it.

    So when he comes out and tells the ‘truth’, the masses are convinced he did not bring harm to children. Some, like you and, to a lesser extent, myself, remain skeptical, and with reason.
    There is that infamous documentary Living with Michael Jackson which Jackson said things which may have been taken out of context. But why did he say those things at all, then? Why keep engaging in this behavior? In my view, it at the very least opened the door for lawsuits, attempted extortions, and public view both good and bad.

    But when an adult (non-parent) admits to “sharing a bed” with young children, (or as later said ‘sharing a room’) there is plenty of room for speculation. If it wasn’t Jackson, but Joe Nobody doing stuff like that the man might find himself running from the vigilante mob…such a person would be investigated by police searched, interviewed etc. all procedure.(for they are doing a job, nothing more)

    A judge dismissed the charges, I’m accepting of such judgments.

    But I had a problem with how he handled the media and how the media handled him. I had a problem with him inviting trouble by “sleepovers”. I had a problem when he blasted authorities for doing a job. I had a problem with Michael Jackson misdirecting his anger (“They Don’t Care About Us”).

    But there was no evidence that he got kids drunk with the infamous Jesus Juice, and the charges against him were inconclusive.

    I believe that he abused his fame, and that he used the media; the media used him.

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