Leonardo DiCaprio To Star In Online Poker Movie

When I come down to Los Angeles last year I had never really played a game of poker. I learned here… and got totally hooked on it. Now I play several times a week and even played in a real World Series of Poker tournament in San Diego a few months ago finishing just out of the top 100. It was a load of fun and I’m thinking about actually trying to qualify for the upcoming World Series of Poker main even in Las Vegas. But I digress.

With my new love of poker, I clearly got interested immediately in this news that Leonardo DiCaprio appears to be set to star in a movie about online poker for Paramount. The folks over at The Hollywood Reporter give us this:

Paramount has picked up an untitled pitch from Brian Koppelman and David Levien that takes place in the world of Costa Rica-based online casinos. Leonardo DiCaprio is attached to star, and his Appian Way cohort Jennifer Davisson Killoran is producing. Koppelman and Levien, who wrote “Ocean’s Thirteen,” covered similar ground with their debut script for “Rounders,” which starred Edward Norton and Matt Damon as high-stakes players in the underground poker scene.

Woot! Yeah I admit I play some online poker too (you can find me at Full Tilt). I generally like just about anything Leo does these days and the topic is hot right now… so sign me up!

(By the way… that picture I used is from about a month ago when I was home in Canada. I still wanted to play in our weekly poker game in LA, so my friends set up a web cam for me to play. I was the floating head on the computer screen playing the game… and yes… I won. They all hated me for about a week.)

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6 thoughts on “Leonardo DiCaprio To Star In Online Poker Movie

  1. The only thing less intriguing than online poker as far as I’m concerned is a movie about it. That’s just me though, I understand that some people love poker…I just don’t get it.

  2. Poker is fun, me and my roommates and friends will play on a friday night every few weeks. Cool to hear that more poker movies are coming out. Now if they can just get some more movies about pool going…

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