Iron Man 2 Teaser Poster?

Posted by John Campeaon 23. 06. 2009in News Chat

This is so plain that I’m not even sure why I’m posting about this. My friend Rama put this up today though and thought you might be interested in it. It’s a possible teaser poster for Iron Man 2. Rama says this: spotted what may seem to be a teaser poster for IRON MAN 2 that was on display at the Cinema Expo in Amsterdam. But does the font style look the same to you as the one from first movie’s poster? Is this official or fan-made?

I’ll say this… if it’s real, it’s the most dull teaser poster I’ve ever seen. If it’s fan made, it’s the most dull fan made poster I’ve ever seen. Either way it’s dull.

Still, it’s just a poster and don’t actually say anything about the quality of the movie itself.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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31 Responses to “Iron Man 2 Teaser Poster?”

  1. methos says:

    yeah, not very impressive, is it? lol

  2. Dragonslayer says:


  3. Film Fan says:

    Maybe fan made but I like it. It says all it needs to and does what it is supposed to; tease.

  4. Alex says:

    Come on the movie is almost a year away what do you want at this point? they are in the middle of shooting right? I dont really know much about the production. Who of you reads Favreaus twitter page?? :D however I kinda like the Poster yea its simple but its ok :)

  5. Billy Hunt says:

    “Iron Man 2″

    That’s what they’re calling it? I’m completely flabbergasted.

    Even if it’s a fan-made poster, what was the point of any of this, making, blogging it, all of us commenting about it.

    I feel infinitely more stupid now.

  6. Jim says:

    “This is so plain that I’m not even sure why I’m posting about this”

    Going forward, trust your intuition! :P

  7. AARON says:

    *Cough* Photoshop *Cough*

  8. John says:

    Hmm… I don’t quite get what it’s trying to say.

  9. Shock says:

    WOW what a poster!NOT,why?

  10. DON says:

    It is a poster for cinema expo in amsterdam. They just want to show the distributors that IRON MAN 2 is coming out so better book your fucking theatres.

    But ya the official teaser poster will probably come out in November.

  11. alfie says:


  12. Jim says:

    Anyone who was worried that the next Iron Man wouldn’t be as good as the first, this poster should assuage your fears.

  13. leeloo says:

    omg is this legal?

  14. Darren J Seeley says:

    It is supposed to be generic for the expo. It is not fan-made, but it is tossed together in ten minutes or less.

    Someone got paid to do it, too. Depressing. Not that they took a quick check, but if they said no, someone else would do the same darned thing.

    Poster size requires InDesign, folks.

    It’s not impressive, it’s more like an announcement.
    We’ll get something better down the road.

    • Jim says:

      I can do it in InDesign, but I can use PhotoShop if I feel like it.
      It’s certainly more than a 10 minute job, and hardly a piece crap.

    • Darren J Seeley says:

      Well, yeah, it’s fine for just BIG letters w/the “Iron Man” font.
      Not much thought went into it, unless there actually *was* discussion “should we or should we not have” an Iron Man image on there somewhere?

      Remember, someone hired someone to do that. Basic and boring

  15. Jim says:

    I agree as far as Iron Man posters go…yet it intrigued John on some level…John?

  16. Brandon says:

    Now some sort of subtitle would have been a suprise…

  17. Nick says:

    glad that there is a new iron man 2 coming out… but wheres the action photos? theres just a plain picture saying IRON MAN 2 no blurb no information and no pictures, maybe you will need to add more to the cover. Dissapointing.

    • Jim says:

      In all seriousness, you’re getting as much info with this poster as you do any other movie poster. We already know what Iron Man looks like.

    • Louisgamers says:

      well jim there are a lot of kids out there that come across this poster and think nothing of it BUT if it has just a pic of iron man holding a huge gun or flying or something the movie going public will become more intrested…….

      Oh hey nick (:

  18. ariel balbo says:

    i think is brilliant. you have been saying ‘it is more than a 10 minute job, and hardly a piece crap’, and look how much it has gone in your head…

  19. BamKazaam says:


  20. Lana Lang says:

    omg!!!!!!! I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!!! AND TONY STARK!!

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