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First Dorian Gray Poster

By John - June 19, 2009 - 13:23 America/Montreal

Sadly, my first real introduction to the tale of Dorian Gray (although I had HEARD of the story before, just never read it or seen it in any of its various incarnations) was through the horrible movie “League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (the Sean Connery version). In League, Oscar Wilde’s virtually immortal character whose painted portrait ages while he stays the same age was played by Stuart Townsend pretty well, but the film was so bad the performance and the character himself was wasted.

Now there is a stand alone Dorian Gray film coming our way… this time the title character will be portrayed by Ben Barnes (who most recently played the title character in The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian) and he’ll be joined by Colin Firth.

There is a Dorian Gray poster online now, and I like the general look of it. Very much looking forward to this one.


  1. AARON says:

    It looks cool. Good plot too

  2. lagirl says:

    The original that came out back in the day was very interesting. You don’t get to see the actual picture till the end of the movie. It is scary! I’d like to see what they would do with this movie now.

  3. Kristina says:

    I’d hit it harder than Thor’s hammer!

  4. King Jonny says:

    It’s okay looking…Looks fan-made, though. I’m not saying it is, but it looks it.

  5. Jason says:

    Not sure I like the poster looks very ’straight to dvd’ but very interested to see the film as I know its a pretty interesting story.

  6. MJS says:

    Oscar Wilde’s story is very relevent today, particularly in its condemnation of greed and vanity, but I’m not digging this poster. It looks like they’re trying to turn this into another Twilight style teen heartthrob thing. I have a lot of the same woes about this that I do of Guy Richie’s Sherlock Holmes, it seems they’re trying to inject a classic with too much modern ‘tude.

    • chris...the real one says:

      i def agree with everything in ur post

    • bigsampson says:

      yes i agree 100% one of the main reasons why these great stories gets ruined by the fact that 13-17 year old girls rule the spending! ruin it for us 30+

  7. Greg says:

    Great piece of classic literature. Shame it’ll probably be dumbed down and ruined when it hits the screen.

  8. Brendan says:

    Err? Since when is Dorian Gray a child? Eternal youth, yeah- but he’s not supposed to be 15.

    It kinda looks like a child version of Neo from the Matrix went back in time and decided to buy a red scarf and grow his hair out.

    • bigsampson says:

      well i wouldnt say he looks 15….more along the lines of 18-21

    • John says:

      You do realize he’s 28 years old right?

    • Brendan says:

      Yeah he might be 28, but the photoshop job on his face makes him look a lot younger that. Jesus his chin is the only part of his face that has definition.

    • Greg says:

      There’s a bit near the end of the book where someone says something along the lines of “this boy is no more than 18″. So really he should look 18 (although I think the character might be a little older).

  9. leeloo says:

    i hope thats not the painted portrait from the movie.
    doesnt look like turn of the century british portraiture.

  10. km says:

    he is a fine actor with more empathy that any other actor would envy! bringing this classic to life is a very difficult project but i am sure he did his best!

  11. Meli says:

    The poster doesn’t excite me; why is his complexion wash out?? I’ve been curious about this project since it was announced. I hope it turns out well.

  12. Darren J Seeley says:

    Oh look- it’s David Copperfield!

  13. Antonio says:

    Dorian Gay, IMHO.

  14. Beyonder says:

    This will probably suck and have little to do with the actual story by Wilde. The actual story is a story of homosexuality mainly. Dorian is very much into most kinds of fetishes and kinks and all forms of sexual perversion. I doubt we’ll see any of this on screen.

  15. tmbun says:

    Ben’s a good looking guy, so that’s a plus if they’re planning to sell this to the Twilight crowd.

  16. AddictedtoFilms says:

    A version of this poster came out last November…but without the “coming to cinemas” bit and with the tagline Eternally Beautiful Eternally Damned.

    There was also another one with Dorian sitting in a throne like chair with women and men? reaching and touching him. It also had topless women lounging in the background, so I doubt they’re selling this to the Twilight crowd

  17. Mladen says:

    My girlfriend loves this guy. Curse his boyish goodlooks!

  18. Brittany says:

    He’s damn fine. I’d bone him all day if I could.

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