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Eastwood Still has Muscle - Jason Not So Much

By John - June 24, 2009 - 16:56 America/Montreal

Gran Torino was a real treat of a movie last year with a few big holes that sadly prevented it from being seriously considered one of the top films of the year. Still, it certainly found its audience and it CONTINUES to find an audience on DVD as it stayed in the #1 spot for sales and rental for a second consecutive week ahead of a couple of major new releases (”Madea Goes to Jail” and the new Friday The Thirteenth”).

As a matte of fact, the new Jason movie failed to even crack the top 3 as movie goers weren’t in any rush to see it either again or for the first time. So much for word of mouth. (source: THR)


  1. Dragonslayer says:

    I disagree with you about Gran Torino. That was one of the best films of last year. It could be funny and serious at the same time.

  2. SlashBeast says:

    Loved Gran Torino and I’m glad that it’s had success. I’m just waiting to see what Dirty Harry has in his film repetoire this year.

    • David Lopan says:

      He’s supposed to be doing a bio pic on nelson mandella with morgan freeman. I am excited for that.

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    I liked the remake of ‘My Bloody Valentine’ a little more than the remake of ‘Friday The 13th’…but I think when it comes to video rentals and perhaps sales, a well made film like Gran Torino will appeal to both young and old, as opposed to a briefly pleased (and overestimated) demographic.

  4. 3R!C says:

    Agreed. That’s why I bought it on DVD cause I couldn’t find the time at the time it was in theaters to go see it. Truly a great movie.

  5. mikecan2 says:

    Aw man, poor Jason, he’s gonna be killin’ some execs…

  6. Sound Designer Dan says:

    You guys gotta agree through, those girls in the Friday the 13th remake had some AMAZING tits.

  7. bigsampson says:

    i didnt hate friday the 13th but i always thought the old one was super cheese…like wow these people are lame…well i would say this new one he is way more bad ass….

    As for gran torino….great movie….only problem is really dont care much about the hmong community as much as if it were more prevelent to what i see around me (san jose) either way his character was pure gold…character development n all.

    As for tyler perry….haha even the black community that considered to “keep it real” hate his work…i have heard it from the mouth of a good friend who is black “he is a uncle tom”
    i agree this is a stereotypical comment but then again we live in stereotypical times IMO
    i havent seen much other then his very bland tv show that is 100% hack n like maybe 1% of reality.

    ….. but from what i hear how McBay did with the “hood niggaz” in what is suppose to be a movie that captures the awe of 12+ is something that is sadder…even though its more reletive then the crap i see in tyler perry movies….now i dont know what sadder…

  8. Matticus says:

    I agree about the holes in Gran Torino. Great film, Eastwood is a master director, but I didn’t like th amateur actors he used. They really took you out of, and with a lesser story it would have been unwatchable. It was B movie acting in an Oscar worthy film.

  9. Viglin says:

    You cant blame Jason…Clint has been a badass for way longer. Compared to Clints resume of buttkicking, Jason is still in diapers.

    It will be a sad day when time finnaly catches upto him…not many of the great tough guys of old left.
    Was great seeing him get the “Brass Balls” on the Guys Choise award show on Spike over the weekend. Showed hes still got the humor of old too.

  10. Brandon Daviet says:

    I think the racially themed language knocked it out of consideration. Hollywood loves Eastwood otherwise. I was just having the discussion that it should have had a chance since “crash” set precedent for knocking down some barriers related to racy dialogue.

    Still, after finally seeing all toe considered flicks I’d of still gave it to Changeling, yes even over The Dark Knight.

    Feel free to disagree that what the moderators want :)

  11. GODFATHER says:

    Gran Torino is a very well put together movie, but I’m curios as to the “holes” everyone (and John) are saying it has? What specifically are you citing as a weak point in the story? Where are these missing/misinformed pieces you consider “holes”?

  12. chris...the real one (also a black guy) says:

    not surprised that people are digging gran torino, but i thought it was mediocre. the acting with the hmong kids was horrible, and i thought it got bad during the 3rd act.

  13. Film Reviews says:

    Gran Torino was pretty horrible. The acting was bad from just about everyone in it and the racial undertones just became annoying after a while imo.

  14. film seyret says:

    Feel free to disagree that what the moderators want :)

  15. sinema says:

    Gran Torino is a very well movie

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