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Doug Jones Talks Guillermo del Toro’s Frankenstein

By John - June 22, 2009 - 13:54 America/Montreal

Aside from Samuel L Jackson (who seems to have a minimum quota of 78 movies per year) Guillermo del Toro is probably the hardest working man in Hollywood right now. The dude is attached to about a billion movies at the moment including the highly anticipated “The Hobbit” movies which will take us back to middle earth to explore the pre-story to Lord of the Rings.

However, one of the other project del Toro has on the go that I’m personally VERY interested in is Frankenstein. Seriously, how long has it been since we’ve had a decent Frankenstein movie? And please don’t say Van Helsing or I’ll have to shoot you and then piss in your corpses mouth.

Obviously, any monster movie that del Toro does is going to include Doug Jones in one form or another. Jones was del Toro’s Fauna n Pan’s Labyrinth, Abe Sapian in the Hellboy movies and was recently the Silver Surfer (for which they stupidly replaced his voice with Morpheous’). Recently Doug talked a bit about the upcoming Frankenstein project:

“[Guillermo's] got a four-picture deal with Universal, so once he’s done with The Hobbit, I think the first thing that’s up on the docket will be Frankenstein. And reinvention is going to be the name of it, because he’s going back to the Mary Shelley book and starting fresh with it.” So this new Frankenstein isn’t something we’ll see until at least 2012 once the second Hobbit movie hits? Then why start work so early? “We are going to do some tests just to see, because he has five years to play with this. He’s taking that luxury of time to make this absolutely perfect.”

“This is his dream. [Del Toro] was inspired by Frankenstein when he was a kid. It was the monster that made him want to make monsters. So because of that it’s been [a] lifelong [dream], and he wants to be perfect with him.”

Sounds great to me! (source: Firstshowing)


  1. Kiddo says:

    The book always put me to sleep in high school LOL I need read it again.
    This sounds like an interesting project.
    Guillermo+Monsters= PERFECTION. Just saw Hellboy II again this weekend on TV and that underground market scene with all the monsters is still pretty freaking awesome.

  2. Jeremy K. says:

    “This is his dream. [Del Toro] was inspired by Frankenstein when he was a kid. It was the monster that made him want to make monsters. So because of that it’s been [a] lifelong [dream], and he wants to be perfect with him.”

    I since a similarity in that statement to what was said about Peter Jackson and King Kong. King Kong was far from perfect and many hated it. I found it entertaining, some pretty sweet sets, but overall a bit disappointed after it was over. I’ve got some high hopes for Frankenstein, I just hope it does not go the way of Jackson’s Kong.

  3. 3R!C says:

    I’d like to see him take a stab at Frankenstein. I only really have Herman Munster in my mind when I think of Frankenstein, not so much the Elephant-man looking one from Van Helsing. Or the Robert De Niro Frankenstein.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Ya, I usually picture Frankenstein’s monster from The Monster Squad. He is very similar to Herman Munster, more so than the other two iteration you mentioned anyway. Will be interesting to see what Del Toro’s monster will look like.

    • Jim says:

      Read the book

  4. War-Journalist says:

    Del Toro? Frankentstein? I’m sold.

  5. Herby says:

    Frankenstein is one of my favorite books and I look forward to Del Toro’s take on it. If anyone is going to go back and read the book may I suggest the 1816 original version rather than the 1832 sanitized version (and the version most high schools use).

  6. Dragonslayer says:

    That’s good. I couldn’t think he’d do Frankenstien without Jones.

  7. Darren J Seeley says:

    To answer John’s question: 1985.

    (”When was the last time we had a decent Frankenstien movie”)
    The film was The Bride, as I mentioned a few days ago in a related subject.

  8. obi-wan kubrick says:

    I think Del Toro will make a great Frankenstein as would Peter Jackson.

  9. Jano says:

    Instead of Frankenstein she should start filming “At the mountains of madness” first

  10. Ryan W. says:

    I enjoyed the book .. and with GDT attached, i’m up for anything he does … has strikes magic with every stroke (enjoyed pan’s labyrinth)

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