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Couples Retreat Trailer

By John - June 30, 2009 - 16:06 America/Montreal

There are some people in the movies that I may not think are the most hyper talented in the world, but I love them nonetheless. People like Jon Favreau, Vince Vaughn, Jason Bateman, Kristen Bell, Jean Reno and Ken Joeong (the naken guy in the trunk from “The Hangover”). Put all of them in a film together, and I’m instantly pumped to see it.

The new Couples Retreat trailer is out and I laughed myself silly watching it. This movie is on my must see list for sure. Check it out:


  1. iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    I’m sold. $6.00 dollar saturday here I come.

  2. Rodney says:

    Kristen Bell? Jason Bateman? Jon Favreau? Vince Vaughn? Ken Joeong (also a riot in Knocked up and Role Models)

    Does this need a plot?

    I am already sold.

  3. ethan says:

    wow this was a great trailer, I am most definatley going to see this one!

  4. someeone says:

    I was sceptical but the trailer sold me. I will watch this when it comes out on DVD.

    It looks a little cookie cutter but might be a nice 7/10 movie to keep me entertained for a couple of hours.

  5. Slumdog says:

    Ken Jeong was great in Role Models and the funniest thing in the Hangover

  6. Vito says:

    The cast definitely makes this worthwhile. Awesome.

  7. Billy Hunt says:

    Did we all watch the same trailer? I didn’t find a bit of it funny.

    • mturzilli says:

      I feel like its going to be like I Love You Man, I didn’t find the trailer for that too funny, but the movie was great.

  8. DirkAnger23 says:

    Looked ok; loved the cast, yet a rental it will be nonethelesss.

  9. bjon86 says:

    “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” and “Why Did I Get Married” put together but more so a rip off of “Why Did I Get Married” which is a Tyler Perry movie.

    But it looks funny. I really wanna see Vince Vaughn do a good movie.

  10. Soul Bro Ryu says:

    Peter Serafinowicz (@ 1:03 - 1:08) was already enough to get me to see this, not to mention how awesome the majority of the cast in this movie is. Can’t wait to see it!

    BTW, for those who don’t know who Peter Serafinowicz is, check this link for a skit from his comedy series.


    His impressions are phenomenal and hilarious. Give this guy more work ^_^

  11. David Lopan says:

    I will automatically go see this, just because of Kristen Bell. I’m with you though John, this actually looks like it has no brainer laughs which I enjoy from time to time.

  12. KevinTheMP says:

    Holy crap theres no way im missing this one

  13. GODFATHER says:

    Except for VV, I think this movie looks fantastic! Sure, there seems to be some “cookie cutter” formulation, but so what? Sometimes it’s good to know you’re getting something decent. There’s too much crap in the world as it is.

  14. Dan says:

    Yep - I’m in.

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