Amelia Trailer

Posted by John Campeaon 26. 06. 2009in News Chat

I know I haven’t written very much about the development of the movie, but I’ve actually really been looking forward to “Amelia” (the new biopic about Amelia Earhart. It’s just so nice to see a biopic coming about someone other than a musician… about someone who actually had real significance.

Anyway, the new Amelia trailer has just come out and I think it looks amazing. A very talented cast (Hilary Swank and Richard Gere) and the look of the film is just breathtaking. Check it out:

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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25 Responses to “Amelia Trailer”

  1. tony says:

    Alright, another movie where Hillary Swank plays the woman underdog and faces many challenges. It was kinda cute in The Next Karate Kid, it was good in Boys Don’t Cry, and Million Dollar Baby was great but enough already. Hillary do something new.

  2. AARON says:

    Seriously, it’s still on my Best Pic Nom list, looks good, but idk if it looks “amazing”

  3. eric says:

    not my cup of tea i think i’ll skip this one.

  4. shark1200 says:

    really i dont love Hillary Swank

  5. kevin [ jonathancranehiscameo] says:

    Yes this sounds like a good movie to be nominated for some important oscar, but also Amy Adams voor her role as Amelia Earheart in Night at the museum 2.

  6. Bale says:

    i beg to differ john.

    many ppl love music the way you love movies…

    to imply that musicians cant or HAVENT “had any significance” is a wildy bold statement.and patently false….i too look forward to this story, and am interested in how it ends,but musicians arent the only folks that get biopics, just ppl who led above average, interesting lives….

  7. Schulzy says:

    I agree with Shark. I just don’t like Swank either.

  8. ultra-magnus says:

    i thought you liked musical bio-pics. the germs? what we do is secret.

    im only kidding bro. just messing around. the movie dose look intersting though

  9. Corey says:

    After seeing Night at the Museum 2 I think that Amy Adams would play a better Amelia. I’m still going to see this film though.

  10. Darek-T says:

    It looks like a great movie, just not one I want to see.
    And i kinda think Hilary Swank doesn’t really look feminine enough to me to play Amelia. But I’m sure she’ll do fine.

    • Dudimus Prime says:

      I don’t know if you’ve ever seen a photo of Amelia but she didn’t look to “girlish” either.

  11. EZELL says:

    That picture you have looks like Changeling .

  12. Vito says:

    God, Swank is boring as shit.

  13. Mark says:

    So music has had no real significance? Jon your ignorance never lets me down….

  14. lizardBBQ says:

    This film looks very interesting and will have a tremendous amount of heart!

    Can’t wait to see scenes that include the Vidals.

  15. film seyret says:

    I agree with Shark. I just don’t like Swank either.

  16. Crackle says:


    I like this kind of movies once in a while so I think I might have a look.
    I am not always in the mod for action films and thrillers.

    Thanks for a trailer.

  17. Charlene says:

    A truly great woman….I hope they do justice to her memory…Hilary does remind you of her….I will be looking forward to this one.

  18. Sixth Scale Figures says:

    I’ll admit I’m not a fan of Hillary Swank, (or Richard Gere), but this film looks like a winner to me. I’m a sucker for historical flicks.

  19. Casey says:

    As the one of the 2008 Amelia Aerheart Scholarship winners, I was given a medallion with her likeness and my name engraved into it….She started a group of women pilot called the 99s (after the original 99 founding members) which is still in existence today all over the world. I for on am excited to see this movie.

  20. Robert says:

    Lol John you are so arrogant.

    “It’s just so nice to see a biopic coming about someone other than a musician… about someone who actually had real significance.”

    I remember why I keep coming to this website now, it’s hilarious!

  21. videolar says:

    Thanks for sharing, It’s very useful for everyone who interests.

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