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Whatever Works Trailer Online

By Rodney - May 10, 2009 - 09:04 America/Montreal

Woody Allen movies don’t often appeal to me, but partly because I find Woody Allen himself to be pretty creepy, but this one, staring Larry David just strikes a chord with me.

I love David’s attitude in this trailer. And everyone else looks to play off his role so well. Despite Larry David saying this wasn’t a “feelgood movie” I am guessing it is.



  1. chuck86 says:

    i’ve never enjoyed Woody Allen movies, but Larry David is briliant when it comes to this kind of comedy. I’m definitely going to see this one.

  2. David Lopan says:

    This looks like his Annie Hall style material from the 70’s. I’m definitely into this!! Can’t wait.

  3. Zach says:

    I thought Annie Hall was great. Manhattan was pretty good and I enjoyed Match Point quite a bit. This team up with Larry David and Woody Allen has potential to be really good!

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