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Viggo Mortensen’s “The Road” Gets Release Date

By John - May 2, 2009 - 12:54 America/Montreal

Last year a lot of us were buzzing about the newest Viggo Mortensen flick “The Road“. There was even a bunch of early Oscar talk about the project. But then something funny happened… the film got bumped from 2008 to a “later date” that was never determined.

The film is based on the book of the same name that won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the James Tait Black Memorial Prize for Fiction in 2006. The story is a grim tale of survival and search for hope. Wikipedia describes the story as: “The Road follows a man and a boy, father and son, journeying together for many months across a desolate, post-apocalyptic landscape, some years – the period of time almost the same as the age of the boy – after a great, unexplained cataclysm. Civilization has been destroyed, and most species have become extinct. The sun is obscured by deep, dark clouds, and the climate has been altered radically. Plants do not grow. Humanity consists largely of bands of cannibals, their food-source captives, and refugee-travelers who scavenge for food. Remnants of corpses are seldom seen.”

Well the good news is the project has finally been given a release date. October 16th 2009.

I’ve been dying to see this movie and I was worried it was going to just disappear. This is good news. (Source: /film)


  1. Ian says:

    I hope this movie will be a good adaptation of the novel. One scene I hope they acknowledged “SPOILERS” when the father and son open the basement to see the chained people with their limbs slowly being harvested.

  2. alfie says:

    the book is amazing. so glad it is coming out

  3. cloud720 says:

    How often does a movie that is pushed back turn out to be good?

    As i wrote that, I thought about Harry Potter and Wanted. Movies pushed back so they would become summer blockbusters. So yea sometimes it is just for better timing and not cause the movie is crap.

    With Oct 16th i don’t know what to think. If it was early in the year or late summer i would automatically assume it was crap. Is there any news or rumors why it was pushed back?

    • cloud720 says:

      Clicked the link. I hope it is really because of visual effects. You wouldn’t put more money into a movie you thought was bad.

      Unless I am reading that wrong and the issues with visual effects were that they would cost too much.

  4. Eric says:

    this was such an awesome book that i too can’t wait for the movie to come out! thanks john!

  5. Kevin says:

    I really enjoyed this book and cant wait to see the movie


    i heard that Guy Pierce will be the guy at they meet at the end of the book. i wonder if they will expand this character or else he will be on screen for about 5 minutes

  6. cory says:

    I always thought they pushed it back because it’s depressing as hell. No one wanted to see a movie about a two people starving to death when the economy had just hit the shiter and everyone was losing their jobs.

  7. Steve says:

    Can’t wait to see this movie.

  8. 46and2 says:

    JUST DON’T POST SPOILERS. I don’t care how much you capitalize and asterisk it, if you’re skimming you read it before it’s too late. I’m tired of lamers ruining my movies trying to sound cool. “Look at me, I can prove I read it”. F*** you!

    Kristina, with all due respect, I’m also still steaming about that ROTF “rumor” you posted the other day. If that turns out to be true, I will seriously pissed I read it here.

    • easyAS123baby says:

      I agree, quit spoiling it for those that haven’t read it. And you can’t just say “don’t read it” because it just doesn’t work that way. No one cares of your knowledge about the book.

  9. Andy says:

    This IS good news. I loved this book and if the movie is done right, which from concept art and images looks to be true, I can’t imagine how it doesn’t get Oscar buzz.

  10. Brian says:

    I’m glad this is coming out. I heard about it a year ago and then just thought it fizzled out or came out and I never saw it. I never read the book but it sounds like a good movie. I’m a sucker for post-apocalypse movies.

  11. Zach says:

    the book was amazing…the one thing they need to get right is the chemistry between the father and son.

  12. genesiskelsghost says:

    One of my top three favorite books of all time. Fantastic! Hope the movie comes anywhere close.

  13. Kaneda979 says:

    LOL, this sounds like an awesome movie and almost too good to be true. I can’t wait. Plus this gives Viggo Mortensen another chance for him to pull off another great role, like his portrayal of Aragorn in Lord of the Rings. I can’t say much for his movies after the LotR trilogy, but I’m hoping this is finally another big one for him.

  14. probitionate says:

    I was in New York City last week. About to enter an AMC multiplex. This guy with a clipboard called out to me and my friend, asked us if we wanted to see a test screening of a movie the next night.

    “What’s the flick?” I asked.

    He held out the clipboard so I could see: ‘The Road’.

    “Yes, please.”

    “Good. I just have to make sure you can answer three questions correctly. Between the ages of 29 and 54?”




    “Sorry; you don’t fit the demographic.”

    Damn. Otherwise, I’d be telling you all about it. Oh, well. (Next time I answer ‘plumber’.)

    • Brandon says:

      That’s awful!

      They wouldn’t let you watch it because you are a writer?


      I wonder what the 3rd question was?

      “What are your feelings on canibalism?”

    • Rodney says:

      By saying “Writer” he might have speculated that he would write a review about the movie and reveal stuff they don’t want out. This wasn’t an advanced screening, it was a test screening.

      And the third question might have been “Do you agree to sign this non-disclosure contract?”

    • Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      i said student one time, they asked what my major was, i said english, they said to use something else, like history. the movie in question was bad boys 2. wow. go figure.

  15. Iknewthiswouldhappen says:

    ehh, the book was okay, i am interested in seeing how they translate it, but this is a movie I would love them to take some liberties with…

  16. David Lopan says:

    The book is amazing and I was looking forward to this more than anything else last year. With news of a release date, I’m sure this means a trailer will be up very soon. Part of it being pushed back was because nick cave wasn’t finished with the music. My brother saw him live in new york and that was a few days after the supposed nov release of the film. Rumor had it, he turned in the music just before his US tour. The pushing back of the film was probably just because they wanted to finish it right. Check hillcoat’s the proposition, that will answer your questions as to whether this film will be good or not. Hillcoat is a great up and coming director.

  17. Thos says:

    Just starting reading the book yesterday. Pretty good so far.

  18. Thos says:


    Darth Vader is Luke Skywalker’s father… oh, and the chick’s really a dude in the “Crying Game”…

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