UP Still Holding 100%

Posted by John Campeaon 27. 05. 2009in News Chat

Is anyone surprised? The last two years in a row the #1 critically rated films of the year have been Pixar movies (Ratatouille and Wall-E)… so why would we have expected their new film to be any different?

Following the huge buzz UP got from its screening at Cannes, the ratings for the film have held solid. Over at RottenTomates the movie is firmly holding a 100% rating.

Aside from Transformers 2 there is no other movie I’ve been looking forward too more this year and it looks like I won’t be disappointed. I sadly can’t make the press screening in Toronto tonight, so I’ll just catch the midnight screening tomorrow. I can’t wait!

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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55 Responses to “UP Still Holding 100%”

  1. Vito says:

    Great. Here comes another year of John’s massive hard-on for Pixar.

    • John says:

      And once again… totally correct, totally vindicated and totally justified

    • Vito says:

      Hey, you know that’s fine. Pixar’s great. It just gets to be a little much how much you shove it down our throats.

    • John says:

      my blog where I talk about movies. You are free to skip any post you don’t want to read. You choose to read it, you’re shoving it down your own throat man. I’m just putting it on the table. :)

    • Jeremy K. says:

      Well, some commenter’s feel the same way that John does in regard to Pixar. I am one of those. Pixar has done pretty much nothing but impress me. So take that as some more cramming down your throat I guess. I’m pretty sure there are others that feel the same way on here and enjoy any news or insight into Pixar.

  2. Kristina says:


    Can’t wait to see this in 3-D. Heard it’s a real tearjerker at points.

    • Andrew James says:

      If there’s ONLY 3D available, I’ll be skipping this film. It’s simply a ploy from the studios to help curb pirating and charge more for admission.

  3. Slushie Man says:

    Liked Wall-E but found it horribly overrated. Hopefully this won’t be like that.

    • Jake says:

      Funny, I found it to be horribly underrated. Everyone I know says it’s one of the worst movies of 2008. How screwed up is that?

      Still, I do think it’s one the best American cartoons out there. By that, I mean that I would hesitate before comparing it to many of Miyazaki’s works and such.

    • SlashBeast says:

      I think a lot of people didn’t like it because they have never been exposed to silent cinema. For instance, my father hated WALL-E because he thought it was boring but my mother loved it because she used to watch Charlie Chaplin when she was a kid and thus had a greater appreciation of the silent film leanings of WALL-E.

    • Jake says:

      I hadn’t considered it that way before. Fascinating.

  4. mixmastajb says:

    Will there be a review tomorrow john?

  5. Meli says:

    I seriously cannot wait for this movie every time a TV spot pops up I giggle.

    Oh damn, I see that friggin Armond White, hater of all things happy, just gave UP its first rotten review over at RT. Bah! I knew he’d be the one spoil sport.

  6. RAF says:

    I am really looking forward to UP! I have loved all of the past Pixar films and this one looks like it wont be disappointing. Now that Pixar has gone to making 3D movies I hope they go to IMAX soon. I think it would have been insanely cool if UP! was going to be release in IMAX.

  7. Alain says:

    I’m looking forward to seeing where this Pixar revolution is gonna take cinema. With video games and interactive story-telling, cinema is gonna likely be an entirely new experience in the coming decades.

  8. AARON says:

    Wow…100 percent still, Best Picture nom anyone?

    • SlashBeast says:

      It would be awesome if it got nominated, but I’m banking that it won’t considering the Academy.

    • Governor says:

      Well, if it stays at 100% on Rotten Tomatoes (unlikely considering the existence of Armond White) then there may be a possibility of a nomination.

  9. Jack says:

    I completely agree with John. I get railed by my friends for obsessing over pixar but I too feel its absolutly justified. Name one BAD pixar movie. Name one OK pixar movie. You cant can you. EVERY SINGLE ONE IS FANTASITC. Voice acting superb. Animation beautiful, Plot great. Every single one. Name another company that has done that.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Cars was just OK.

    • Matt S says:

      I can honestly say that the only PIXAR film that I think is downright great, is the first Toy Story. The rest I just think are good or okay, none are bad. I absolutely wish I thought they all are as great as SO many people seem to, that would be phenomenal, but I honestly do not……. Something must be wrong with my brain.

    • SlashBeast says:

      Indeed, something must be.

    • alfie says:

      one bad? monsters inc.
      one o.k.? I will give you two ratatouille and wall e.

      There ya go.

    • Governor says:

      Only in your opinion.

  10. HAZMAT says:

    Russel looks so fucking adorable

    And the whole Snipe shit is hilarious

    I seriously wish my kids end up being like Russel one day

    The chocolate snipe bait scene is the best lol

  11. g8tor says:

    the only pixar movies that i’ve enjoyed were toy story 1 and 2, finding nemo, the incredibles and monsters inc. i’ll probably wait till its available thru redbox.

  12. Hassleberry says:

    I can’t wait to see it. John, I like Pixar too! Pixar Pride!

  13. SlashBeast says:

    Wow, on Rotten Tomatoes it already has a consensus at 100%!

  14. Rare Addict says:

    Fantastic to see that it’s still goin’ strong on RT. Up is certainly looking to be one of Pixar’s best, and is easily my most anticipated film of the year.

  15. Phil Gee says:

    UK release date - October 16th. AAAAAAAAAAARGH!

    I’ll keep yelling this until somebody hugs me. It’s my no.1 most anticipated film of the year (even more than Avatar) and I can’t see it for the longest time.

  16. Brandon Creek says:

    This movie is going to be fun, awesome, entertaining, and GORGEOUS IN 3D!!!

  17. Evan says:

    Wall E may be one of the best movies I have every seen…ever. If Up tops that then I am a happy camper.

  18. Krazie835 says:

    Even if John, does have a massive erection for Pixar films, I don’t mind. I have get one too whenever they release a movie (odd statements) but I don’t agree with John that their last two films should have been nominated for Best Picture.

    We’ll see with “Up” though, I hope it’s great.

    However you must remember that the perfect rating can be deceiving, just because it has 100% doesn’t mean all the critics are saying it’s great ; they could just be saying it’s very good.

    Although judging from reading some of them, most consider it great. =) Which is grrrreat!!! lol

  19. Thos says:

    Pixar rules!

  20. Kristina says:

    Who is this Armond White person and why does he get off on being the first to hate a film?

    • Matt S says:

      Oh GOD, he is absolutely, beyond the shadow of a doubt, the worst film critic working today (only my opinion of course… Many would argue Ben Lyons is worse, but at least very few people take Ben seriously. Armond is the real threat, he’s actually won some awards, uggh). Just read some of his articles on film or a few of his reviews, you’ll see what I mean. He uses big words to mask the fact that his arguements rarely involve any logic whatsoever. If I remember right he said that Transporter 3 reinvented the action film and elevated it to high art, or something along those lines. Also, he said that Jason Statham is by far the most consistantly great actor working today….. I like Statham, but WHAT THE FUCK?!?!

    • SlashBeast says:

      It is in my opinion that Armond White is actually a caricature of a film critic. He is designed to parody critics much like how Stephen Colbert parodies republicans. In this sense, he is only pretending to be a film critic.

    • Governor says:

      Armond White is a proffesional troll.

  21. Chris says:

    Armond’s review is so funny. He slams Up! and Wall-E saying every critic and viewer who likes it only likes it because it’s pixar and how it’s an unoriginal story ripping off other stories, not unique and boring.

    then says great animation like “Chicken Little” and “Teachers Pet” which I thought were both average at best animated movies.

    the review seems like more an of anti-pixar/anti Wall-E rant piece then an actual review of Up! itself.

  22. Beejag says:

    Well I am impressed to say the least, I honestly thought this would be their first to totally miss it. From all of the trailers and commercials so far, the movie has looked to be their weakest by far (in my opinion anyways).

    I guess I’ll have to check it out over the weekend and see, maybe I still will end up disliking it, I am after all apparently one of the few who ranks “Cars” a lot higher on the Pixar film lists than most, which I still think is somewhat strange. I just can’t see what people don’t like about the film.

  23. Tucker Ford says:

    96% now…Wall Street Journal gave it a negative review.

  24. Josh says:

    Saw it last night John, it was great. Not Pixar’s best work but even the worst Pixar movie beats any other animated movie out there.

  25. alfie says:

    I do find it funny that so many people are defending a film they haven’t actually seen against a review by someone who has, y’know, seen the movie.

    For the record I have seen it and its great.

  26. algoresnuts says:

    The only reason these movies hold 100% is because they have simple premises and they are for children. These are animated movies for kids. They’re cute, funny - this is why they get no bad reviews.

    Other live action films invite far more scrutiny.

    • John says:

      Hey Algoresnuts,

      Nonsense. If your theory was correct, all animated films would get great reviews. And that doesn’t happen.

  27. MandarinOrange says:

    I do this every time with pixar (except for The Incredibles) I see the trailer, I see the TV spots, I see a lot of the stuff they put out and I say to my self “this looks like it is going to be a DreamWorks level animation” and then I say “but it is Pixar so it will be good”. Finally when I go to the movies it ends up being spectacular, better than I ever though possible. I watched all the clips and stuff but I still don’t see how this is going to be on the level of their other movies, I can’t wait for Saturday. (yes, I am cheap and do the saturday matinee, sue me)

  28. T-Vo says:

    Giving a negative review for a Pixer Film is like raping a Unicorn with a Doplin fin while eating a nuns corpse.
    But I digress, Whats more impressive, IMO, is that “Drag Me To Hell” is at 93%!

  29. Zach says:

    Who’s going to be reviewing this movie on here?

  30. ProdSon@TheFilmNest says:

    It now has two negative reviews on the tomatometer. i haven’t seen it yet, but it must be fun to be the dissenting a-hole.

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