Transformers Revenge of the Fallen IMAX Poster Online

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 05. 2009in News Chat

The Imax Poster for Transformers Revenge of the Fallen is online

The poster looks to have a much roughed up Bumblebee against the sunny backdrop of the Egyptian desert. Very gritty.

One of the ongoing things in the Transformers comic book was how many times Bumblebee gets blown to bits (once by Cobra in a GIJoe crossover). He is always rebuilt, as he is a fan favourite and in later books he was known as Goldbug instead. With Jazz getting torn in half and then returning in this film (devaluing Prime’s touching epilogue in the first movie as he touchingly remembers Jazz as a loyal soldier) I am surprised they don’t kill off Bumblebee a few times too.

Still, the poster looks cool. I don’t think its possible for me to be MORE excited about this.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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17 Responses to “Transformers Revenge of the Fallen IMAX Poster Online”

  1. Slushie Man says:

    “With Jazz getting torn in half and then returning in this film”

    Jazz DOES NOT return. Please stop spreading that rumor.

    • Calviin says:

      I think Jazz’s voice actor returns, which is how this rumor got started.

    • Bill says:

      IMDB is not 100% accurate, even though they list him being in it, as that is updated by fans. I think “IF” Jazz is in it, it will be flashback scenes and nothing else, as there is no toy planned, and Hasbro has gone as far as to repaint the Jazz mold into a new character, Smokescreen

    • Rodney says:

      IMDB is not updated by fans.

      Ask John the creditation he had to show when getting his film listed there. They needed proof on everything before they would consider it.

      It is updated by people though, people who are reading press releases and people can make mistakes. Especially when Bay was deliberately attempting to mislead people with public statements.

    • Slushie Man says:

      Doesn’t change the fact that Jazz isn’t in it.

    • HAZMAT says:

      Soundwave and some other decepticons go to revive Megatron and blackout, while doing this, one sacrifices his spark to give them life….while doing this, they see Jazz’s body close by and they go over and squash it

    • HAZMAT says:

      So technically…he IS in the movie…but only his corpse….and only to get crushed by soundwaves humongous robot foot

    • Jose says:

      Wrong. Hazmat you should not be spreading rumors considering Soundwave never leaves Earth’s orbit in the entire movie. So how does he “squish” Jazz’s body? Also taking to account that Jazz’s body is inside a trailer.

  2. Jeremy K. says:

    The theater that has become my regular just opened their imax screen, so looks like Transformers 2 may be my first imax movie in over a decade.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I lied, some how I managed to forget that Up! is out this coming weekend. If that is playing in the IMAX screen, and it damn well better be, then that will be my first in a decade. :x How did I forget about Up!?!?

  3. Johnson says:

    Looks alright, loving the battle damage scratches and dents just wish they would have used the face/battle mask instead of BB’s wide eyed gimpy looking face, with the mask down you’d get a sense of danger and would go nicely with the smoking gun barrel imo.

  4. GQ says:

    Maybe Jazz doesn’tcome back but Megatron does, devaluing the notion of death in a movie that’s meant to be about a war.

    • Slushie Man says:

      Nobody ever thought for a second that Megatron wasn’t coming back. Except for Rodney of course :D

  5. Calviin says:

    “The poster looks to have a much roughed up Bumblebee against the sunny backdrop of the Egyptian desert. Very gritty.”

    And yet when he transforms, he will still have that showroom-new look. On of my minor complaints for the first movie was the way in which they went from banged-up paint shipping to perfect polish and back again when they transformed. Broke a bit of continuity for me.

    • AARON says:

      I See where you are coming from, but he looks awesome when he looks shiny and all that stuff, and the grittiness rules

  6. 3R!C says:

    Good ole Bumblebee! I wonder how many people are gonna ditch work/school for the opening day or even go to the midnight showing.

  7. Matt Keith says:

    The poster is OK, but definitely can’t wait to see this film in theatres.

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