Sean William Scott and Adam Brody are a Couple of Dicks

Posted by Rodneyon 28. 05. 2009in News Chat

Kevin Smith’s first film he will direct that he didn’t write has a title that makes you think he did. A Couple of Dicks will feature a pair of cops (Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan) investigating a stolen rare baseball card.

Now we learn that Sean William Scott and Adam Brody will be joining the film.

THR says:

Scott plays a thief known as the Shit Bandit for the souvenirs he leaves at his robberies. Brody is an abrasive detective not happy to be working with Willis and Morgan.

Ok, I have a love/hate thing for Sean Stiffler Scott, as he is always the same guy. But this role sounds like it would work with him being that guy, so I don’t mind so much. We get a dose of his character every now and then so his repeat offending doesn’t drive me crazy (yet).

And Brody as the reluctant tag-along could work too, but I have to see it. Sounds like “A couple of dicks” should be a trio of dicks from the description, so there must be a reason for having him around. I hope.

Bruce can do no wrong in my eyes, but Tracy Morgan is the only thing stopping me from getting on board here. He was always nails on the SNL blackboard for me.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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11 Responses to “Sean William Scott and Adam Brody are a Couple of Dicks”

  1. robertwolf says:

    I love this join to the cast. Brody is a funny guy.

  2. Matt S says:

    Rodney, I agree, Tracy Morgan has never been funny on SNL, so I’m kinda leery, but I think he is absolutely HILARIOUS in 30 Rock! Have you seen it? Or, do you not like him in that either?

    • Rodney says:

      I don’t watch 30 Rock, but I wasn’t previously inclined to watch it either. Morgan would be one reason. Tina Fey would be my only draw there.

    • haole says:

      Tiny Fay AND Alec Baldwin. I was hesitent to watch it too, but it really won me over qhickly.

  3. DirkAnger23 says:

    I could have cared less about Tracy Morgan before he made it onto 30 Rock but that show is downright hysterical at times and his crazy ass character is a pretty big part of it, so I’m more inclined to give this movie a chance. Now if Martin Lawrence had been cast…………ugh.

  4. Kristina says:

    Seann William Scott is cursed to play Stifler for the rest of his life.

    • Dan says:

      Umm … don’t know if anyone remembers his role/cameo in Jay and Silent Bob Strikes Back … he wasn’t Stifler, and he was hilarious.

    • Sacx from says:

      Sean William is a very very good comedy actor and for sure can play another good roles. Sincerely I believe he can have serious roles also, but until now I didn’t see a bad comedy with Sean.

  5. Frank says:


    Had to laugh a little at your reasoning for disliking Stiffler and then saying Willis can do no wrong in your eyes. I like Bruce Willis too but talk about a guy who plays the same character in every movie(with maybe 2-3 exceptions) And Tracey Morgan!!?? You have to watch the Brian Fellows and Domincan Lou skits again. The guy is pure genius.

    • Rodney says:

      I have seen ever bit he does on SNL, and I find them all to be irritating. I just don’t like his humour (at least on that show - I have been urged more than once today to watch 30Rock)

      And Bruce is not the same in every movie. Sean Stiffler Scott is.

  6. Technology Slice says:

    Sean William Scott doesn’t know how to do any other characters I don’t think. I’ve already grown tired of it after the American Pie series.

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