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Rosario Dawson Joins Sure To Suck Movie: The Zookeeper

By John - May 21, 2009 - 01:27 America/Montreal

If I had to make a list of the top 10 female characters in movies that I would sever a limb for to have just 20 minutes alone with in the Playboy Mansion’s “What happens in here stays in here” room, Rosario Dawson’s character from Clerks 2 would be near the top. A woman so funny and cool and completely hot beyond all rational comprehension… it’s almost not fair.

Anyway, Dawson has been making some odd choices recently in her career. I never liked her choice to be in “Eagle Eye” instead of Zack and Miri Makr A Porno… and now she’s going to appear in a “sure to suck” movie called “The Zookeeper” along side Paul Blart Mall Cop’s Kevin James.

Our friends over at RamaScreen give us these details about the upcoming doomed production:

The story is about zoo animals trying to teach the keeper their methods of dating and mating to help him win back the woman of his dreams… I’m just waiting for the twist when the animals gang up on the dude and eat him whole.

Really? Rosario I think someone needs to do a career intervention on you and stop this insanity. The only way this project could sound worse is if Rob Schneider was attached to it. Count me out.


  1. bigsampson says:

    i like james he is funny imo, some one i root for.

  2. HDpunk says:

    Rosario Dawson is ok, i’d be in if she offered, but i wouldn’t work for it…

  3. riggs says:

    rosario dawson and the word suck = great.

  4. RAF says:

    For me I liked her a lot in 7 pounds. I would love to see her more dramas, as well as comedy. She needs to choose her roles more carefully. This movie sounds just stupid beyond imagination.

  5. Vidsub says:

    I love Kevin james. King of queens and his stand-up are awesome, but all of his movies except for Hitch have been pretty bad. This one doesent sound any better, but Ill give it a chance just cause its Kevin james.

  6. Darren J Seeley says:

    At first, I was going to say how does John know this film is sure to suck. Then I read the premise of the film.

    And then I thought abut Rosario Dawson.

    Animals teaching the zookeeper how to… ??
    What may be good for the geese may not always be great for a gander- but I just got this image in my brain, and I cannot repeat it here. Kids may be present.

    So much for the donkey in Clerks II.

  7. moneymouth77 says:

    I think that doesn’t sound too bad… and Rosario Dawson was awesome in Clerks II, so we have to hope she has good judgment… I mean, we haven’t seen a script for this animals thing for starters.

  8. Kristina says:

    She deserves to be a bigger name than she is. She’s actually a talented woman, but she has weird choices in film. I still can’t believe she turned down Zack and Miri Make a Porno to take a bit part in Eagle Eye. Most people forget that she’s even in that movie. EE made more money, but what did that do for her career? Not much, by the looks of it.

  9. Fernby says:

    And we all enjoyed her “performance” in Oliver Stones Alexander.

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