Robert Pattinson Confirms Fourth Twilight Movie

Posted by John Campeaon 20. 05. 2009in News Chat

Not that this is going to be a surprise to anyone, but Robert Pattinson (Who plays Edward in Twilight) has confirmed that they are going to be shooting a fourth Twilight film that follows the final book in the series.

The one hold up is that Robert Pattinson has become a very hot commodity and has signed on to a lot of film projects, so fitting the shooting of the final Twilight movie into his schedule is going to be something of a challenge. He’s already doing Twilight 2 and 3 and has no less than 3 other projects set to start filming as well. So how long do they wait to shoot it?

They seem to want to do the Harry Potter things and have one out each year, but hat might not be possible for Twilight 4. They may have to wait a little bit. The Hollywood Reporter gives us this:

Robert Pattinson, who shot to stardom in “Twilight” and is now filming the second and third movies in the franchise, confirmed Tuesday in Cannes that there will be a fourth installment of the vampire franchise based on the book “Breaking Dawn.”

Pattinson told The Hollywood Reporter that he is committed to starring in the final outing to date but doesn’t know when backers Summit Entertainment will begin production because of the actor’s jam-packed shooting schedule. Fans have been hoping for a movie version of the fourth novel from Stephenie Meyer’s best-sellers, so Pattinson’s commitment is the biggest fillip yet. The fourth book (caution — spoiler alert) centers on Bella and Edward’s marriage and her subsequent pregnancy.

Dropping in on the Croisette on the way to shooting the final four days of “New Moon” in Italy on Friday, Pattinson said he is heading back to Vancouver in October to finish up “Twilight: Eclipse,” the third installment. In between, the British actor, who turned 23 last week, plans to star in “Remember Me,” which Summit also is producing.

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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6 Responses to “Robert Pattinson Confirms Fourth Twilight Movie”

  1. Jeremy K. says:

    Not to be a stickler, but I am guessing the fourth movie will be based on the final book of the series. There is four books, not three. Though, a lot of people that liked the series did not like this fourth book. I didn’t have to many problems with it, but totally understand why people would.

    • John says:

      Hey Jeremy,

      I think you misread what I wrote… it FOLLOWS the fourth book… as in it’s BASED on the fourth book. Follows the story of the fourth book. Not “follows” as in “comes after”.

      easy mistake.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      That I did, that I did… good lookin’ out! :D

  2. spiderfreak182 says:

    so that spoiler is true then… some stupid bitch blurted out all these spoilers to me, and im slowly reading on book 3.
    so now its all ruined, tho many can say it was ruined from the beginning…
    i never try deffending twilight, cause i dont think i even can. i just know it entertains me, thats all i need.

  3. prahanormal says:

    Now is this really a surprise to anyone?

  4. BAAM says:

    Do u think that the new twlight movie will be bad, because I herd they fired the first dictor who did the first twlight and replaced him with one of the Amerca Pie dictors?

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