Official MTV New Moon Teaser Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 31. 05. 2009in News Chat

Tonight during the fashion show, commercial and popularity contest known as the MTV Movie Awards, a first look at New Moon has come around and they sure know how to hit it with the fans.

If you read anything about the fans wanting to see something in the trailer it was probably answered right here:

So we get a taste of Edward being all broody and soft on Bella, we see Bella pining for Edward and then we see poor little Bella get threatened by a Vampire (bitter he didnt get a bite last movie) and then boom. We see Lautner showing off what drinking milk, puberty and a little gym time can do for your body. Oh, and did I mention he wolfs out into a giant badass canine looking for a scooby snack?

Great teaser.


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42 Responses to “Official MTV New Moon Teaser Trailer Online”

  1. Seth Rex says:

    Alright, that was….awesome. I love the wolfing out. It’s so quick yet so fluid at the same time.

    • Rodney says:

      My wife is quite taken with the series and I am in the process of reading it (originally under duress, now enjoying it) and she says that is precisely how that scene is described in the book as well.

      Him leaping in the air, transforming and his clothes shredding in the process.

      However she did mention that the two scenes of Bella being confronted by the Vampire and the wolf scenes were from different parts and are not connected despite the trailer editing them to appear as one scene.

  2. Linda says:

    lol, when Lautner turned into a wolfm he looked more like a dog, either way from the looks of the trailer, it looks like the movie a HUGE upgrade, but then again thats just a trailer n hopefully the rest of the movie is upgraded as well =]]

    • Rodney says:

      You do realize that wolves do look like dogs?

    • Jano says:

      I think, Rodney, that Linda realizes that (we all know that). But in HER opinion that wolfman/werewolf looks more like a dog than HER idea of a wolf.

    • iknewthiswouldhappen says:

      Haven’t read the books, but from what I have been told by friends who have,from the discriptions they give of the wolves, this was a let down to them,seeing that wolf, not the trailer. From what they tell me I pictured the creature from the Never ending story, a big giant hulking wolf, But this does look cool.

    • Linda says:

      Haha yes Rodney Im aware of that,.. I meant what Jano said, and parts of iknewthiswouldhappen said. Thats all

  3. Linda says:

    Love the trailer nonetheless!!! =]]

  4. brandonjcreek says:

    I just heard the sound of a million teenage girls squeal with glee. Rodney, I totally agree with your comment on the MTV Movie Awards being nothing but a popularity contest. When Twilight beats The Dark Knight for best movie of the year, you know that somethings up. Of coarse, when over a million girls and women hail Twilight as the best thing since toilet paper, it shouldn’t surprise anyone.

    • prahanormal says:

      It shouldn’t surprise anyone that Twilight won everything. The only people who vote for that thing are 13 year old girls.

  5. Bryan says:

    I am sorry but the wolf version Jacob is a horrible representative of the written version of the animal. It doesn’t even look massive at all, it just seemed to be the perspective of the camera. Oh well we shall see what happens many months of tweaking to come.

  6. HDpunk says:

    couldnt they get a trained a wolf, did they really have to make a CG one? lazy, lazy, lazy…

    • nerrojj says:

      Wolves are not domesticated, therefore it would easier and cheaper to create a wolf in a movie.

    • HDpunk says:

      i dont think its impossible, but if it is too much work, then they could have at least used better CG.
      that wolf looks like something out of a straight to dvd movie.

      seriously, how good did the lion in the narnia films look?

    • Rodney says:

      Its not lazy to use CGI. A trained wolf? Are you nuts? You do realize that this wolf is 8 feet long right? This isn’t a normal casual wolf, or a Disney flick where they just need the wolf to sit there while they CGI a moving mouth.

    • Jeremy K. says:

      There really isn’t anything lazy about CG. I’m working on getting into the field of CG, currently using 3D Studio Max. I’m personally more into modeling than animation, both can be quite time consuming. Between modeling the character out in many different forms, texturing the models, creating the bones system and skinning it, weighting the verteces, keyframing the animation, tweaking the tweens between key frames, setting up lighting so it matches real world lighting and the scenes it will be used in… there is absolutely nothing lazy about it. So easy to quickly judge a movie for using CG and overlook the work that people dedicated so much time into creating. Sad really. I think the CG looks pretty decent. Could it be better? Probably, but that doesn’t mean it looks bad either.

    • HDpunk says:


      1. that wolf could have looked better


      2. using CG where it is possible to bring in the real thing is inexcusable (e.g. CGI helicopters)

    • Jeremy K. says:

      I already stated it could look better, but I have yet to see anything that I did not think could have looked better. To judge something for such things is folly.

      “To use CG where it is possible to bring in the real thing is inexcusable.” Could not disagree with you more. To use what is available is triumphant. To use real wolves is so unbelievably unrealistic, to even think they would is a fault. A helicopter is one thing, but to drag an untamed animal out of the wild and attempt to train it to play a part in a movie like this is just crazy. Why put people at risk and the animal at risk when a safer alternative is available? To make a few audience people happy that would otherwise complain about it, and if they had their way would thus find something else to complain about anyway?

      I think they made a wise decision in the route they took.

    • HDpunk says:

      ok, maybe for this movie it would be better to use a CG wolf, but there is such a thing as trained wolves. also, im pretty sure that people have used real or hybrid wolves in movies before, but i see your point, the wolves in new moon are probably going to have to do stuff that would be too dangerous to do with real ones.

    • HDpunk says:

      i did some research & found out that the lion in the narnia movies was full CGI, & that 10 real wolves were used in it.

    • Rodney says:

      They used real wolves in shots where they just had to be wolves standing there. And because they LOOKED like real wolves.

      The werewolves in Twilight are MASSIVE. Not at all like a normal wolf. There is NO WAY they could have used a normal trained wolf to play this part.

      And training an animal to do exactly what you want it to do, let alone fighting with a vampire would take literally THOUSANDS of takes instead of using a CGI which might take a dozen to get just right.

  7. Kiddo says:

    Nice, looks much better than the first film. In the first one all the scenes looked liked they had been filmed with a blue filter, it was really annoying. Glad they changed directors.
    The wolf scene looks awesome.

    • Rodney says:

      They didn’t film with “a blue filter”. The town was almost always rainy, and those shots looked gloomy and rainy. Indoor shots and the few days it was sunny were not at all gloomy.

    • Kiddo says:

      For me it just looked like really gloomy and unnecessarily dark. I mean just because its a rainy town doesn’t mean it needs to be gloomy, and the shots did look blue. She could have avoided that, she must have done it intentionally because in this trailer it doesn’t look at all “icy blue” like the previous. but this film looks much better, for me, visually.

  8. AARON says:

    That was an awesome teaser! And rather long for a teaser too, but the downside is the acting could be better…AGAIN

  9. Jake says:

    Okay. This looks cool.

  10. prahanormal says:

    Worst… werewolf transformation… ever.

  11. Meli says:

    I was pleased with the trailer, it makes excited for Nov 20th, but sorry, that wolf is no go for me. The transformation part is spot on, but the end product, bleh. I hope the finish product is less cartoony.

  12. Kristina says:


  13. Meli says:

    Dude, Twilight and True Blood are two different audiences, comparing them is stupid.

  14. Nifty says:

    I’m VERY much looking forward to the New Moon movie. I thought this trailer was “okay” as a teaser to whet the appetites of the masses and keep them salivating. The wolf CG effects seemed a little cheesy (too cartoony), but I also think that things don’t always play well when taken out of context. I have a feeling that when the movie is released, I’ll be willing and happy to overlook a bit of cheese. (Certainly that’s the case now, with the first movie, which I paid to see in the theatre, bought on DVD, and have watched numerous times.)

  15. NoName says:

    This movie is dull and boring; also story not original.

  16. spence says:

    Vampire Bill would kick Edwards ass….

  17. HAZMAT says:

    Well this is fucking stupid.

    Jacob looks like a god damn dog in this…

    I knew they’d fuck up the wolves. It was way too much to ask for them to get real werewolves that had arms and could stand up straight.

    But no its cool have them morph into Huskies instead

  18. karlaaa says:

    I love how all the people leaving the rude comments about the wolves are probably people who didn’t read the series of books. this is stephanies vision of the werewolves. basically oversized dogs. they want it to fit what she saw as she wrote the novel, i’m sure they showed it to her before they made the trailer. you people are all complaining but i’m sure your still going to see the movie. so shut it (: personally, i cannot wait until the movie comes out!

    • HAZMAT says:


      She said they had arms and could stand up straight

      And I read the books, which is why I know that they dont look like this

  19. brandonjcreek says:

    You forgot the main vampire looking like he’s about to cry in every scene, and the Dragonball Z hairdos. If you want real/badass vampires, watch Trueblood on HBO. It’s fucking awesome!

  20. Gareth says:

    True Blood owns Twilight by a mile.

  21. Jeremy K. says:

    Though I am a fan of True Blood, I’d like to point out to things wrong with your statement.

    1. Vampires are not real. Therefore the ones in True Blood are just as not real as the ones in Twilight.

    2. The vampires in True Blood are far from badass. If anything they are quite satirical.

  22. Kiddo says:

    Hell yes!
    Bill+Sookie are way better than emo Edward+Bella

  23. Kiddo says:

    That comment refers to Gareth’s post… ups

  24. Linda says:

    heck yess, i so agree!

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