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New Transformers 2 Trailer In HD

By John - May 1, 2009 - 05:39 America/Montreal

We put this up the other day in lower quality, but now the new Transformers 2 trailer has “officially” hit the web and looks just as awesome as it did before. When I saw Wolverine last night and they showed this trailer you could audibly hear the audience buzzing. This movie is going to be so much fun!

For now, check out the new Transformers 2 trailer in HD:


  1. Alex says:

    hey John,

    I wrote u an Email with better quality links in 720p and 1080p :)
    why do you always post youtube links? :(

    The trailer is awesome!
    the VFX look so great!

    Good Job ILM!! They are the best

    greetings from bavaria


    • Johnny Boy says:

      it’s not just ILM… it’s also Digital Domain.

    • Alex says:

      yeah I know but the full Size Bots are all from ILM ;-) I read that DD did evironmental FX and matpainting stuff but the full size Transformers are all done by ILM, Modeled animated rendered and composed all by ILM

    • Rodney says:

      If you click through to the YouTube page, and click the HD button it is in perfect HD.

      Youtube doesn’t let you embed HD.

      We post youtube links because they are free and often have an HD option.

    • Alex says:

      hey ehm I know the HD button :D but if you compare it to the quicktime file from the link it is not as sharp and clear sry but the youtube flash “HD Codec” is… well… eh “crap” :-/
      sorry but you just cant compare that 15 MB “HD youtube thing” to a 150 MB true HD MP4 Ecoded file
      I Know those links are free it was just a suggestion I didnt want to offend anybody sry

    • MandarinOrange says:

      I can watch HD on the embed by clicking the HD button. I use Safari on a Mac, maybe that might make a difference.

    • bjon86 says:

      I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a million times if I have to: TRAILERADDICT.COM

  2. Gambler says:

    Hey John thanks for posting this it looks awesome,can’t wait.

    by the way what are your thoughts on Wolverine?

  3. Moe says:

    Hey John,

    Thanks for putting this up. The trailer looks great and Devastator looks awesome.

    One question (if anyone can answer): what are they going to call Devastator? The name was used in the first movie, and there aren’t any plans to bring it back.

    Personally, if they called him Bruticus, I’d be happy.

    • Jeff says:

      From what I understand they’re gonna call Devastator, Devastator. Michael Bay has gone on public record a number of times saying that the misprint in the first movie (calling Brawl Devastator) was a mistake that slipped through the cracks.

  4. L1A says:

    looks more like a reboot than sequel

    • Jake says:

      Nah, it’s a sequel. However, I was kinda hoping for more of an intriguing controlling idea than in the first, and it looks like that’s not going to happen. It’s just another excuse for tons of stuff to blow up. Or not. Guess I’ll have to see.

    • Matt K says:

      workds fine for me i love mindless explosions

  5. AARON says:

    Holy freaking crap! Even better in HD

  6. Kristina says:

    WHAT THE FUCK is that thing at the end?! Holy moly that looks crazy!

    Sure hope Optimus doesn’t die.

    • Rodney says:

      I hope he does! Rodimus Prime FTW!!! lol

    • HAZMAT says:

      OMG yeah if they do that it would be so awesome…that would be the coolest thing for the 3rd movie….rodimus prime

      As long as they dont do what they did on that animated movie….when they killed optimus and then they followed the show with optimus coming back all evil and the autobots had to kill him. that was SO LAME!!!

      It looked like a zombie version of Optimus Prime

  7. Moe says:

    Jeff - Thanks for clearing that up.

    I wonder how Devastator will combine? That is going to look freaky!

  8. Rodney says:

    As we were waiting for Wolverine to start John mentions that Transformers is “like Viagra” to him. It excites him that much.

    Exact words.

    John and I and a friend were in the theater last night and he was sitting between us. John gestures with his most sincere prayer circle hands and says we need to hold his hands while the new Trailer plays.

    I said “considering you get a chubby from Transformers, I don’t feel comfortable holding your hand during this trailer!”

    • Matt K says:


    • Kristina says:

      I can’t even joke on him for that. My friend and I were so excited when we first saw the Sweeney Todd trailer that we were holding hands and giggling like idiots.

      I would pay good money to watch Transformers 2 with John. He’d be more entertaining than any explosion onscreen.

  9. ProdSon@TheFilmNest says:

    I really fear this movie. That quick Bumblebee seeing at the beginning culminates in him crying and wiping the snot from his face as shown in the ShoWest footage. This a travesty. It’s shame the tone is being played out the way it is. I guess some people like it, but I can’t take it. I have feeling I wouldn’t be sucked in if it didn’t involve such a deep-seeded childhood love.

    • Rodney says:

      Yes, because the cartoon so deep seeded in your childhood was so graphic and serious.

      I don’t know how Bumblebee acting a little silly is such a deal breaker for you. If the whole movie was like that… then yes, I would have issues with the silliness. Its one scene. But really Bumblebee goofing around with his pal Sam hardly seems out of place for this franchise. Like you have never done anything silly while goofing off with buddies?

    • riggs says:

      also bumblebee is sams only friend really, and hes also the “young’n” of the group and who relates to sam more.

  10. 3R!C says:

    So the Decepticons revive Megatron and the giant robot at the end sucking up all the sand is a bunch of Transformers put together? Cool!

  11. Meli says:

    I liked the previous trailers better this one had too much dialouge. The story is so lame, not that I am surprised, but the robot action is sick. As long as the Transformers are cooler and kicking more ass in this movie I’ll be happy.

  12. Andy D says:

    Did anyone else notice that when Sam is saying to Optimus, “This isn’t my war!”, he’s in a cemetary dressed in all black?

    So someone close to him dies… Parents maybe? Agent Simmons? Ironhide finally blast the dog?

    • Kristina says:

      I heard a rumor that Megan Fox dies in this one, but that scene might not be a funeral scene. He might just be meeting Optimus in a place where there aren’t many people around so that they can chat. If someone close to him had just been killed, presumably by a Decepticon, I doubt he would be so calm and composed while talking to Optimus.

      Speaking of that, can Transformers talk while in car mode? Like, if Sam wanted to talk to Optimus but there’s a bunch of people around, could he just get into the truck and talk to him that way? Having to turn into a 20-foot robot just to chat is a surefire way of being discovered, isn’t it?

  13. Moe says:

    Hey Rodney,

    Thanks for the posts and opinions - much appreciated.

    A question: how groundbreaking would you consider the special effects of Transformers? I don’t remember ever being as awed as I was when I saw the first movie.

    If Jurassic Park, Titanic and Terminator 2 are important signposts in movie effect history, where would you rate/rank Transformers?


  14. Alex says:

    Please Rodney say that Transformers set a new standard to Visual Effects :D i mean consider Optimus 3D geometry, it is built up of about 10,000 pieces which had to be animated, the lighting and the ray traced renderings are just stunning!

  15. Krazie835 says:

    Goodness the music for Transformers is so bad. The Kraken theme simply re-worked. =/ Classic.

  16. Gt says:

    This looks awful. Really, really bad, dull explosions and crap humour.

  17. Dragonslayer says:

    I think I just had an orgasm.

  18. HAZMAT says:


    Im starting to think of something…..

    I dont think that the fallen will be on this movie AT ALL

    I think that “the fallen” is basically blackout, barricade, megatron (galvatron) and all those dead decepticons at the bottom of the sea

    I rejected this idea when people said it but now that i see that the fallen hasnt appeared in any trailers ill have to say…maybe thats not “the fallen” theyre talking about

  19. chris anderson says:

    Awesome trailer… Like how we still really don’t know who the “fallen” transformer is really gonna be as the first few trailers was us getting exicted about him and this trailer was clearly… oh “megatron is now out of the bag” so let’s blindly make it known. That was kinda sucky but you know clearly megatron has a vital role… got to admit wayyy more it seems to be about the tformers and yea agreed I think optimus may just die

  20. Darek-T says:

    I went to the Midnight showing of Wolverine as well and after this trailer played everyone in the theater applauded.

  21. Ultra Magnus says:

    i think im still speechless. im seeing wolverine tonight. this will probebly be the biggest moment for me though. god i…i just cant wait.

  22. Alex says:

    Yeah Megan Fox was really hard to do… It took ILM weeks to Model and animate her, oh by the way shes not real! ;-) noticed the way her hair moves? looks soooo real!!

  23. Alex says:

    Yeah Megan Fox was really hard to do… It took ILM weeks to Model and animate her, oh by the way shes not real! ;-) noticed the way her hair moves? looks soooo real!! She is visually absolutely comparable to Optimus Prime….. Oh come on I have enough of that Megan Fox Hotness talk!!! Cant read more!

  24. Kaneda979 says:

    My God that was amazing, best trailer all year. Optimus duel wielding heat blades is the shit. And…MEGS IS BACK, WOOOOTTT!!!

    Holy crap I can’t wait! >_<

  25. Rodney says:

    Mayne not everyone wants to download a 150mb file just so they can count the pixels in Prime’s eye.

    Its not a big deal.

  26. Rodney says:

    Not that I recall any specific moment of a Transformer talking while in vehicle mode in the movies, they do it all the time in every other version of Transformers, so I don’t see why not.

  27. Rodney says:

    And there will be an explosion… I just dont know that he would admit it.

  28. Moe says:

    Hey Rodney,

    Thanks for the posts and opinions - much appreciated.

    A question: how groundbreaking would you consider the special effects of Transformers? I don’t remember ever being as awed as I was when I saw the first movie.

    If Jurassic Park, Titanic and Terminator 2 are important signposts in movie effect history, where would you rate/rank Transformers?


  29. Alex says:

    Please Rodney say that Transformers set a new standard to Visual Effects :D i mean consider Optimus 3D geometry, it is built up of about 10,000 pieces which had to be animated, the lighting and the ray traced renderings are just stunning! Sex for your eyes! Im as hyped as John

  30. Justin says:

    No Megan Fox on that motorcycle= Sex for your eyes!

  31. Alex says:

    Yeah Megan Fox was really hard to do… It took ILM weeks to Model and animate her, oh by the way shes not real! ;-) noticed the way her hair moves? looks soooo real!! She is visually absolutely comparable to Optimus Prime….. Oh come on I have enough of that Megan Fox Hotness talk!!! Cant read more! Please! There are lots of High detailed beautiful robots, I really dont care about Megan in this Movie if u want hot chicks go and watch porn!

  32. Dragonslayer says:

    Hells yeah

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