New international G.I. Joe Poster

Posted by John Campeaon 27. 05. 2009in News Chat

Even though I didn’t mind the G.I Joe trailer that’s out there, I have never hid that fact that I think this movie is going to be flat out terrible. I’m hoping I’m very very wrong because I’d love nothing more than to love a G.I. Joe movie, but I just can’t convince myself that there’s much hope. Who knows right?

Anyway, the good folks over at Empire Magazine have put out a new International G.I. Joe movie poster and I dig it… except why does the Baroness look like her face was hit with the Ugly truck?

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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22 Responses to “New international G.I. Joe Poster”

  1. Matt Keith says:


  2. riggs says:

    my god is the baroness sexy as hell….

  3. robertwolf says:

    Why is Duke sleeping?

  4. Kristina says:

    Bwahahahahaaaaaaa holy shit this is going to be terrible:)

  5. The Film Yap says:

    I’m bracing myself for a catastrophe, and only holding out hope that the Snake Eyes-Storm Shadow fight is good, because nothing else I see seems to indicate this is going to be anything more than a train wreck.

  6. AARON says:

    Freaking great poster, preferably the top half.

  7. Thos says:

    Gotta love all of these photoshop composite collage posters the studios are producing as of late. Yes, the Baroness is hot, but this movie is going to suck.

  8. 3R!C says:

    Tatum is channeling his pro model poses.

  9. Roguepirate says:

    Without seeing the movie, i’m going to say i can probably live without their “special” suits.

  10. HAZMAT says:

    Ive been wanting to BE Snake Eyes since I was a baby.

  11. Phil Gee says:

    There is always one catastrophic bomb every summer and I think we’re looking right at it.

    On the plus side, they’re bringing out the cartoon on DVD and I’ll be snapping that up.

  12. travis says:

    cobra commander! finally

    • Grave says:

      which one is that? the one in the full mask or the one on the far right that looks like a Mortal Kombat ninja?

  13. ClownPrinceOfCrime says:

    yeah which one is cobra commander if its the one on the far right which i think it is this movie will def suck if its the second to the right then it wont be to bad but i was really hoping for the hooded mask not the visor version

    • Johnson says:

      Cobra Commander is at the top far right, i believe this is our first look at him besides the toy images that came out a few months ago.

  14. Lawrence says:

    Rachel Nichols = gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous

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  16. BaKiNeC says:

    Хм… Достаточно спорно, поспорил бы с автором…

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