Nazi Zombie Movie “Dead Snow” Trailer

Posted by John Campeaon 28. 05. 2009in News Chat

Zombies are bad… Zombie Strippers are worse… but when you’ve got a mountain of Nazi Zombie on your ass, well then my friends you’re in a world of hurt

“A ski vacation turns horrific for a group of medical students, as they find themselves confronted by an unimaginable menace: Nazi zombies.”

At long last (it’s actually been out there for a long time, but I’ve never gotten around to seeing it), here’s the Dead Snow trailer

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John Campea who has written 6785 posts on The Movie Blog

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21 Responses to “Nazi Zombie Movie “Dead Snow” Trailer”

  1. Will the GMan says:

    Zombies are the cool new thing now. I doubt this will get a big US release, but we have Kevin Smith’s “Red State” to look forward to. Plus, Brad Pitt has optioned “World War Z” by Max Brooks (Mel’s son)…THAT’S a zombie movie I want to see.

  2. saiful says:

    hi guy…..your blogs very fastastic

  3. Justin says:

    Is this the same movie that there was a trailer for awhile ago only it had a bunch of Nazi Zombies coming out of an ocean and onto a beach?

    • Justin says:

      Nope this aint it anyone know of the film I’m talking about?

    • Flyer2571 says:

      I believe the movie you are referring to is “Worst Case Scenario”

    • Justin says:

      That’s the one! Whatever happened to that movie? The trailers are still on Youtube but there’s no page that I kind find for it.

    • Justin says:

      Well I did some googling and it appears that the film company producing it ran out of money and it’s on hold for the foreseeable future. Really to bad it looked fucking awesome.

  4. Ross F says:

    I think this looks fantastic…it’s not some Oscar-worthy stuff, but it sure looks entertaining

  5. Antonio says:

    I wonder whatever happened to that movie about a secret Nazi base on the moon…

  6. Ryan says:

    I was psyched a little about this movie, I’m not a zombie film type. But while watching this trailer the NAZI Zombie gimmick got old quick.

  7. Yamo says:

    i will stay with the nazi zombies in COD5 WOW

  8. T-Vo says:

    This movie is pretty cool. Its got a Evil Dead feel to it. I can’t believe you are just posting this trailer up now. Twitch had this up a few months ago. Look for the DVD on Fleabay or Torrent if you want to watch it.

    • John says:

      Hey T-Vo

      Yeah, Youtube had the trailer up almost 6 months ago… but what can I say? Things have been sort of insane for me the last little while and a few things slipped under my radar… but I thought I’d post it anyway cause I got a kick out of it.

  9. matty says:

    Looks sweet. I’ve just finished reading WWZ though, and good God, if they get the film version of that even half right…..

    Anyway, will be checking this out. If nothing else the make-up effects are kick-ass

  10. matty says:

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  11. Johnson says:

    Just watched the trailer, this movie will go well with some beers :D

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