Jonah Hill talks Jump Street

Posted by Rodneyon 27. 05. 2009in News Chat

Remember 21 Jump Street? For those who don’t, it was a TV show that starred Johnny Depp that featured a special team of young looking cops that would attend highschool and bust drug dealers.

Do you remember Jonah Hill. Yeah, he is in charge of making the big screen adaptation of this show titled only “Jump Street” and he is aiming to make it an “Insane R-Rated” version.

Get the Big Picture quotes Hill:

“Yeah, if you look at the opening episode of ‘21 Jump Street,’ you see a man looking at a picture of a cop holding a little boy’s hand, and you hear a crazy saxophone solo, and you pan up and it’s Johnny Depp looking at the picture playing the crazy saxophone solo. We’re not even spoofing the movie. It’s not strictly comedic, either. We’re doing a full-on action movie, blowing shit up.”

Now the show wasn’t so popular that this deviation of the light tv action to step up into a “full on action movie” but something feels off to me.

Oh yeah. Its being produced by Jonah Hill. Not that I think its a bad thing that he is getting into more behind the scenes work, but that a guy who mostly made his career playing roles of potheads and is now making an action film about cops that bust drug dealers.

Just feels weird to me.

I hope that his behind the scenes stuff is worth his presence. Its not that I don’t like Hill, but I am growing tired of him. He was awesome in Superbad, he was terrible in Sarah Marshall.

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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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8 Responses to “Jonah Hill talks Jump Street”

  1. leeloo says:

    johnny depp!

  2. alfie says:

    um aside from knocked up what other film has he been in where his character is a pothead?

    superbad? no
    forgetting sarah marshall? no

    • Varun says:

      Agreed…. I believe Rodney was trying to say is that he plays alot of slacker characters. (Not in the case of accepted, but I buy it in the other movies)

  3. Darren J Seeley says:

    New cops-characters. Hill couldn’t get Depp to cameo, but he could reach out to Richard Grecio to reprise his role as Booker, who will now be the liason/supervisor of the new narc squad.

    As for blowing stuff up, that’s an interesting way to go.
    Not a novel approach, but making an action film, maybe…

    …mybe Jonah should produce a CHiPsmovie instead. Now THAT was an action packed show. A car wreck or chase twice an episode quota.

  4. Kristina says:

    I hated Forgetting Sarah Marshall so fucking much.

    Just wanted to say that aloud.

  5. kevin says:

    Jonah Hill was awesome in Sarah Marshall. He’s very “type-cast”ed tho I agree.

  6. ProdSon@TheFilmNest says:

    I’ve never seen one second of “21 Jump Street,” but I’ve liked Hill since first noticing him in ‘Knocked Up.’ He’s a producer on ‘Bruno’ this summer and that’s definitely got to account for something.

  7. Mr. Smelly says:

    yeah 21 Jump Street is a good show and i doubt if Hill will be able to get anybody of the original cast to be in it.

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