Green Lantern Fan Trailer Online

Posted by Rodneyon 26. 05. 2009in News Chat

Let me first say that this is a FAN MADE trailer that has been making the rounds today.

They have yet to cast Green Lantern, and one of my personal top favs for the job would be Nathan Fillion (or David Boreanaz) so to see a mashup of other film clips edited to be Green Lantern is pretty awesome.

LOVE LOVE LOVE this! So well put together, and even shows some of the hokey Corp members. I hope that in the feature film we do get to see the other GL Corp characters if only for a cameo, but done up less cartoony. A realistic verson of these characters would be easier to swallow.

If the feature film gets me HALF as excited as this fan trailer did, I will be duely impressed.


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Rodney who has written 8626 posts on The Movie Blog

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15 Responses to “Green Lantern Fan Trailer Online”

  1. Gutpunch says:

    I’ve been re watching Firefly and Serenity and I was wondering why the hell nobody uses Nathan Fillion more. He’s such a great actor.

    One of the better fan trailers for sure, except that mumble speech near the end.

  2. RonSalon says:

    Nathan Fillion for Green Lantern!

  3. Paulo[ALT] says:

    indeed it’s a rly great fan made trailer
    i hadnt given much attention till then
    im already impressed

  4. swamp fox says:

    Great trailer. I would love to see Nathan Fillion as the green lanter he’s due for a big movie role

  5. entertainmenttodayandbeyond says:

    How about Patrick Wilson. I just watched Lakeview Terrace and Passengers over the weekend and really like his work.


  6. Matt Keith says:

    I never thought Nathan would be a good Green Lantern….until now.

  7. MandarinOrange says:

    What movie was that clip at the end from, the “it’s not a super power” “oh it sure sounds like one” part.

  8. TDot says:

    I “think” it was the sequel to White Noise if Im not mistaken.

    And Im guessing because I have seen everything Nathan has ever done…except that movie, and since I dont recognize the scene, Im guessing its from that.

  9. Hassleberry says:

    Damn I want David Boreanaz. He is a high quality actor, looks like Hal Jordan, and would be great as the green lantern. He has voiced him in an animated movie, and in one Bones episode, he was reading a green lantern comic. Plus I think if the movie was a success, it could lead him to a bigger and better career.

  10. Dertek1 says:

    That was Amazing.

  11. Dragon says:

    That was pretty GAWDAMN good -I would love to see that - Nathan - do that part - who would have thought!?

  12. ChickenFoot says:

    Shit! That was really well done! Ok dumb question…from the “trailer” it shows certain Green Lantern characters, were these scenes from a direct to DVD movie, or shitty TV movie of the week?

    Was the music score from Dark Knight?

  13. Alan says:

    Will Smith to play Green Lantern…. DO NOT PICK WILL SMITH TO PLAY CAPTAIN AMERICA! IT CANT HAPPEN! this would be fine tho, we’ve seen Will as a superhero role. and this would be the first black superhero and we all know that the Green Lantern has been black. He’s my pick!

    • Rodney says:

      Will Smith will not be Captain America. And it has already been said the film will be the Hal Jordan GL, not John Stewart. So he won’t be doing this either.

      Also, BLADE was the first black superhero film in the recent decade of films, but not the first in comics by a long shot.

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